
Renforth exposes 130m of continuous visible nickel and zinc mineralization on surface at Surimeau to date in stripping program

Renforth exposes 130m of continuous visible nickel and zinc mineralization on surface at Surimeau to date in stripping program

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/10/19 08:25

TheNewswire - October 14, 2021 - Renforth Resources Inc. (CNSX:RFR.CN) (OTC:RFHRF) (FSE:9RR) ("Renforth" or the "Company") is pleased to update shareholder on the ongoing stripping program on the ~5km long Victoria West target of Renforth's wholly owned 260km2 Surimeau property, located in the Pontiac sediments, contiguous to the Canadian Malartic Mine, near Malartic Quebec.

新聞通訊社-2021年10月14日-Renforth Resources Inc.(CNSX:RFR.氯化萘)(場外交易:RFHRF)(證券交易所:9RR)(“雷福斯”或“公司”)很高興向股東通報正在進行的關於雷福斯全資擁有的260公里長約5公里的維多利亞西目標的剝離計劃的最新情況。2Surimeau地產位於龐蒂亞克沉積物中,毗鄰加拿大馬拉蒂克礦山,靠近馬拉蒂克魁北克。


The program, targeting an area between two of the holes drilled in the 2.2km long drill program earlier this year, is currently paused for a 10-day period to allow local hunters use of the land unimpeded by the stripping operation which has successfully exposed 130m of sulphide bearing bedrock, approximately 40% of the strike expected to be exposed.



Almost all the newly exposed bedrock in the stripped area is ultramafic, hosting low grade nickel and zinc mineralization along the entire strike, with the width of the stripped area averaging 35m in width but reaching up to a maximum of 42m, without exposing the contact of the ultramafic and the sedimentary Pontiac unit. It is anticipated that the north and south crosscuts, once stripped, will expose this contact zone. The mineralized zone, comprised of a central deformational structure bound to the north and the south by ultramafics, is oriented east-west and encompasses, in the western half of the planned stripping area, two small historic trenches which expose the deformation zone and ultramafics. Mineralization has been observed in numerous places within the stripped area visually, confirmed with the use of a handheld XRF.  The strongest and most impressive mineralization, at least visually, is along and within the central deformation structure with frequent clots and stringers of chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and occasionally sphalerite and bornite. To date, the first two channels have been cut and sampled and numerous grab samples have been taken. All samples taken before the 10-day break have been delivered to a lab for analysis.



Geological Description


The deformation zone, oriented approximately east-west and found within the larger ultramafic mass to the north and south and appears on surface with widths that vary from a half-meter to several meters, is often albitized, occasionally with bands of calc-silicate alteration with bright green cr-diopside crystals. Moving north from the deformation zone the rock becomes finer grained and more mafic in composition. The bedrock to the south, also ultramafic in composition, is massive and seems to be much less deformed than the bedrock to the north. There are occasional small-scale faults and shear bands in the bedrock south of the main structure.



There is a secondary structure that appears to be a splay or deflection of the main deformation zone, possibly caused by a large ultramafic mass forming a tall ridge in the rough center of the stripped area. This is north of the main structure and is a wide deformation zone where the bedrock is frequently blocky with occasional bands of strong shearing and albitization within this zone. These bands are very similar in appearance to what has been observed in the main deformation zone but are not as strongly mineralized. The strike of this wide deformation zone is 100 degrees, but it gradually changes to roughly east west as it meets the main structure towards the eastern end of the current work area.



There is an alteration halo (mainly albite, maybe some carbonate alteration as well) that seems to be only present within the main structure and in the wall rock to the north – the alteration halo appears to be about 3-5m thick at its widest point. The intensity of the albitization decreases to the north, but there are occasional bands of strong shearing and albitization within the wide deformation zone north of the main structure. The strongest and most impressive mineralization, at least visually, is along and within the central deformation structure with frequent clots and stringers of chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and occasionally sphalerite and bornite. Pentlandite has not yet been observed within the main structure, only within the bedrock north of the central deformation structure, within the alteration halo. Alteration in the bedrock south of the main structure is much less intense and mineralization is patchy with rare clots of sulfide-mineralization, mainly pyrrhotite.



There is no graphitic shale exposed in the trenching to date, this is where a significant amount of sphalerite has been identified in drill core. The graphitic shale is observed on surface in other locations on the property but may not be present within the confines of the permitted area.



Once stripping is completed in the east, work will move towards the west end to begin expanding the two historic trenches which we have visited in the past and continue to work west from there. Additionally, the eastern and western north-south oriented crosscuts also need to be stripped where we may expose the contacts of the ultramafics with the sediments or possibly mafic volcanics if present.



Stripped Area to Date, Looking East


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The central deformation zone is stained orange (oxidized), to the right is the ultramafics in the south, to the left is the altered ultramafics to the north.



Main Structure, strongly oxidized and weathered. Looking North


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Zinc Oxidation in Stripped Area after 4 Days of Exposure


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Mineralized Fine Sulphide Stringers in Grab Sample


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The stripping program, along with channel sampling, will resume next week at Surimeau and is anticipated to continue until early November.



Technical disclosure in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Francis R. Newton P.Geo (OGQ#2129), a "qualified person" pursuant to NI 43-101

本新聞稿中的技術披露已由弗朗西斯·R·牛頓P.Geo(OGQ#2129),符合NI 43-101的“合格人員”


For further information please contact:


Renforth Resources Inc.


Nicole Brewster


President and Chief Executive Officer






#269 – 1099 Kingston Road, Pickering ON L1V 1B5

#269-1099金斯頓路,L1V 1B5上的皮克林


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About Renforth


Renforth holds the Parbec open pit constrained gold deposit in Malartic Quebec, contiguous to the Canadian Malartic mine, with a 2020 resource estimate of 104,000 indicated ounces of gold at a grade of 1.78 g/t Au and 177,000 inferred ounces of gold at a grade of 1.78 g/t Au. This resource estimate is now considered by Renforth to be out of date due to the results received in a 15,569m drill program which has been recently completed. This program was planned to twin, infill and undercut existing drill holes at Parbec, to support a rebuild of the geological model and a resource estimate restatement. In addition to this Renforth wholly owns the 260 km2 Surimeau District Property with several areas of historically identified polymetallic and gold mineralization.  This includes the Victoria West occurrence, Renforth's current focus, interpreted to be a nickel-containing ultramafic unit,  juxtaposed with VMS-style copper-zinc mineralization which occurs over ~5km of strike in the western end of the 20km central anomaly at Surimeau. Renforth also holds the Malartic West property, the site of a copper/silver discovery, and Nixon-Bartleman, west of Timmins Ontario, with gold present on surface over a strike length of ~500m.  Renforth is well funded, with ~$5 million in cash and securities on hand (*as at 05/14/21), in addition to the gold contained in our gold deposit.

Renforth擁有與加拿大Malartic礦毗鄰的魁北克Malartic礦的Parbec露天受限金礦,2020年資源估計為104,000指示盎司黃金,品位為1.78克/噸Au,推斷黃金為177,000盎司,品位為1.78 g/t Au。由於最近完成的15569米鑽探計劃收到的結果,Renforth現在認為這一資源估計已經過時。該項目計劃對帕貝克現有的鑽孔進行翻轉、填塞和挖方,以支持地質模型的重建和資源估算的重述。除此之外,Renforth全資擁有260公里2蘇里莫地區擁有幾個歷史上已確定的多金屬礦化和金礦化區域。這包括雷福斯目前的焦點維多利亞西礦體,解釋為含鎳超鎂鐵質單元,與VMS式銅鋅礦化並列在蘇里莫20公里中心異常西端超過5公里的走向上。Renforth還擁有馬拉蒂克西部(Malartic West)和尼克松-巴特爾曼(Nixon-Bartleman),馬拉蒂克西部是發現銅/銀的地點,尼克松-巴特爾曼位於安大略省蒂明斯以西,地表金礦的走向長度超過500米。瑞福斯公司資金雄厚,除了我們的黃金儲備外,手頭還有大約500萬美元的現金和證券(*截至5月14日)。


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Forward Looking Statements



This news release contains forward-looking statements and information under applicable securities laws.  All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward looking. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as ‘may', ‘will', ‘plan', ‘expect', ‘believe', ‘anticipate', ‘estimate', ‘intend' and similar words referring to future events and results. Such statements and information are based on the current opinions and expectations of management. All forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, the risks of obtaining necessary approvals, licenses and permits and the availability of financing, as described in more detail in the Company's securities filings available at Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements and the reader is cautioned against placing undue reliance thereon. Forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which it is provided and the Company assumes no obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law.



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