
Barron's Latest Picks And Pans: Bitcoin ETFs, Chesapeake Energy, HP, WeWork And More

Barron's Latest Picks And Pans: Bitcoin ETFs, Chesapeake Energy, HP, WeWork And More

巴倫的最新選擇和看點:比特幣ETF、切薩皮克能源(Chesapeake Energy)、惠普(HP)、WeWork等
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/10/23 15:56

  • This weekend's Barron's cover story examines why investors should be wary of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds.
  • Other featured articles discuss how to find opportunities in preferred stocks and which utilities now look undervalued.
  • Also, see the prospects for a natural gas play, an improbable IPO, and an unexpectedly successful tech company.
  • 本週末Barron的封面故事探討了為什麼投資者應該對比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF)保持警惕。
  • 其他專題文章討論瞭如何在優先股中尋找機會,以及哪些公用事業公司現在看起來被低估了。
  • 此外,還可以看到天然氣業務、不太可能的首次公開募股(IPO)和出人意料的成功科技公司的前景。

"Bitcoin ETFs Are Changing the Game for Cryptos. But Investors Should Be Wary" by Daren Fonda and Avi Salzman discusses why the debut of exchange-traded funds based on Bitcoin futures, such as ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (NYSE:BITO), could help cryptocurrencies break into the mainstream. Yet, says Barron's, what's good for Wall Street isn't always good for investors.

達倫·方達(Daren Fonda)和阿維·薩爾茨曼(Avi Salzman)合著的“比特幣ETF正在改變加密的遊戲。但投資者應該保持警惕”討論了基於比特幣期貨的交易所交易基金(ETF)首次亮相的原因,例如ProShares比特幣策略ETF(NYSE:BITO),可能有助於加密貨幣打入主流。然而,Barron‘s表示,對華爾街有利的事情並不總是對投資者有利。

In "Natural Gas Isn't Gone Yet. Here's a Stock to Play Its Long Phaseout," Nicholas Jasinski suggests that Chesapeake Energy (NASDAQ:CHK), once the poster child of the U.S. shale revolution, now has a shareholder-first approach and is a cheap stock. See what Barron's believes has changed for this Oklahoma City-based energy company.

尼古拉斯·賈辛斯基(Nicholas Jasinski)在“天然氣還沒有消失。這裏有一隻股票可以發揮其長期淘汰作用”一書中建議切薩皮克能源(納斯達克股票代碼:CHK),曾經是美國頁巖革命的典範,現在採取股東至上的方式,是一隻廉價的股票。看看Barron‘s認為這家總部位於俄克拉何馬城的能源公司發生了什麼變化。

Andrew Bary's "Looking for Yield? Preferred Stock Still Offers Opportunities" discusses how new preferred stock issues from the likes of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM) and Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE:WFC) offer better income than Treasury bonds and are still attractive, particularly for individual investors. However, says the article, these stocks do come with risks.


Just two years after nearly going broke, WeWork Inc. (NYSE:WE) is now a public company, with a valuation of about $9 billion. So says "WeWork Goes Public, Defying Great Odds" by Eric J. Savitz. See what Barron's says investors need to know about how the shared workspace provider got where it is.

就在瀕臨破產的兩年後,WeWork Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:WE)現在是一家上市公司,估值約為90億美元。埃裏克·J·薩維茨(Eric J.Savitz)的“WeWork上市,不畏艱難險阻”如是説。看看Barron‘s表示,投資者需要了解這家共享工作空間提供商是如何取得今天的成就的。

See also: Benzinga's Bulls And Bears Of The Past Week: Disney, Facebook, Ford, Tesla And More


In Lawrence C. Strauss's "Utilities Are Paying Juicy Yields—and They Look Undervalued," the suggestion is made that too many investors are overlooking utility stocks with solid fundamentals, appealing valuations and durable dividends. The article offers four names to consider, including NextEra Energy Inc (NYSE:NEE).

在勞倫斯·C·施特勞斯(Lawrence C.Strauss)的“公用事業公司正在支付豐厚的收益--它們看起來被低估了”(Utilities Are Payer Juoy Year-And They Look Value)一書中,有人暗示,太多投資者忽視了基本面穩固、估值誘人、這篇文章提供了四個要考慮的名字,包括新紀元能源(紐約證券交易所市場代碼:NEE)。

"HP Has Become an Unexpected Success Story in the World of Tech" by Eric J. Savitz explores why, with an improving growth story, shareholder-friendly policies and one of the cheapest stocks in its sector, HP Inc (NYSE:JPQ) looks like a "screaming buy." Discover where Barron's thinks this PC and printer maker could be headed, at a time when other tech stocks are struggling.

埃裏克·J·薩維茨(Eric J.Savitz)所著的“惠普已成為科技界意想不到的成功故事”(HP Have That By Underful Success Story In The World Of Tech)探討了為什麼惠普的增長故事不斷改善、對股東友好的政策以及該行業最便宜惠普公司(紐約證券交易所股票代碼:JPQ)看起來像是“尖叫買入”。在其他科技股舉步維艱之際,看看Barron‘s認為這家個人電腦和打印機制造商可能會走向何方。

Also in this week's Barron's:


  • A stock market comparison: 1920s vs. 2020s
  • How boomers can retire early with no regrets
  • Why to be wary of China's stock market recovery
  • Takeaways from the Milken Conference
  • Why falling consumer confidence is ominous for stocks
  • Whether stagflation is making a comeback
  • How to invest in (and find) the metaverse
  • Cryptocurrencies and emerging markets
  • Whether a new regulation can plug cybersecurity leaks
  • How drought is affecting food prices
  • Retirement planning with special needs children
  • 股市比較:1920年代與2020年代
  • 嬰兒潮一代如何無怨無悔地提早退休
  • 為什麼要警惕中國股市的復甦
  • 米爾肯會議的啟示
  • 為什麼消費者信心下降對股市來説是不祥之兆
  • 滯脹是否捲土重來
  • 如何投資(和發現)虛擬世界
  • 加密貨幣和新興市場
  • 新法規能否堵住網絡安全漏洞
  • 乾旱是如何影響糧食價格的?
  • 有特殊需要兒童的退休計劃

At the time of this writing, the author had no position in the mentioned equities.


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