
FTSE Falls as NatWest Drops After Quarterly Results

FTSE Falls as NatWest Drops After Quarterly Results

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/29 04:10

FTSE 100 Falls as NatWest Drops After Quarterly Results


The FTSE 100 drops 0.3% to 7229 points with NatWest the biggest faller even after the U.K. bank posted third-quarter profit ahead of forecasts. "NatWest share price has been a notable outperformer so far this year, its shares up over 35%, and at 20-month highs, so the bar was quite high for today's Q3 numbers," CMC Markets analyst Michael Hewson says. Profits attributable to shareholders were well ahead of last year but were almost half the second quarter's level, while the net interest margin--a key measure of profitability--fell compared to the previous quarter, he says. NatWest shares fall 5.3%.

富時100指數下跌0.3%,至7229點,其中跌幅最大的是NatWest,儘管這家英國銀行公佈了高於預期的第三季度利潤。CMC Markets分析師邁克爾·休森(Michael Hewson)表示:“到目前為止,NatWest的股價今年以來一直表現突出,漲幅超過35%,創下20個月來的新高,因此對於今天公佈的第三季度數據來説,門檻相當高。”他説,股東應占利潤遠高於去年,但幾乎是第二季度水平的一半,而淨息差(衡量盈利能力的關鍵指標)與上一季度相比有所下降。NatWest股價下跌5.3%。

Companies News: 

Lamprell Raised $30.1 Mln via Discounted Share Placing


Lamprell PLC said Friday that it has raised $30.1 million via an oversubscribed discounted share placing.

Lamprell PLC上週五表示,該公司已通過超額認購折價配售股票籌集了3,010萬美元。



ConvaTec Group 3Q Revenue Rose at Slower Pace Than 2Q; Sees Further FY Growth

ConvaTec Group第三季度收入增長速度慢於第二季度;預計本財年將進一步增長

ConvaTec Group PLC said Friday that revenue grew at a slower pace in the third quarter when compared with the previous quarter, and said that it now expects organic revenue growth to be toward the upper end of its guidance.

ConvaTec Group PLC週五表示,與上一季度相比,第三季度營收增長速度有所放緩,並表示目前預計有機營收增長將接近其指引的上限。



Harwood Capital Says It Is No Longer Considering Takeover for GYG

Harwood Capital表示不再考慮收購GYG

Harwood Capital LLP said Friday that it is no longer considering an offer for yacht-maintenance company GYG PLC and that talks between the two parties have now ended.

Harwood Capital LLP上週五説,該公司不再考慮對遊艇維修公司GYG PLC的收購要約,雙方的談判現在已經結束。



Computacenter 3Q Slightly Beat Management Views; Backs 2021 Guidance

Computacenter 3Q略勝管理層觀點;支持2021年指導

Computacenter PLC said Friday that its third quarter finished slightly above its expectations, and it backed its full-year guidance for record revenue, profits and earnings per share.

Computacenter PLC週五表示,第三季度的收盤價略高於預期,並支持創紀錄的收入、利潤和每股收益的全年指引。



NatWest 3Q Pretax Profit More Than Tripled, Beating Market Views -- Update


NatWest Group PLC on Friday reported a more-than-tripled pretax profit for the third quarter, which came in ahead of market views, and said that its guidance for 2021 remains unchanged.

NatWest Group PLC週五公佈,第三季度税前利潤增長了兩倍多,超出了市場預期,並表示其對2021年的指引保持不變。



Condor Gold Raised GBP4.1 Mln in Placing for Feasibility Study, New Mill


Condor Gold PLC said Friday that it has raised 4.1 million pounds ($5.7 million) through a private placement of shares, to pay for a feasibility study and the balance of a new mill.

禿鷹黃金公司(Condor Gold PLC)週五表示,已通過私募股票籌集了410萬英鎊(約合570萬美元),用於可行性研究和新鋼廠的餘額。



Plus500 Board Approves Additional Buyback of Shares


Plus500 Ltd. said Friday that it will acquire an additional $12.6 million of its own issued share capital as part of its share buyback program.

Plus500 Ltd.上週五説,作為股票回購計劃的一部分,該公司將額外收購1,260萬美元的自有已發行股本。



SysGroup Expects 1H 2022 Revenue, Adjusted Ebitda Fall


SysGroup PLC said Friday that it expects revenue and adjusted Ebitda to fall for the first half of fiscal 2022, and that the long-term outlook for the business and its market remains very positive.

SysGroup PLC週五表示,預計2022財年上半年收入和調整後的EBITDA將下降,業務和市場的長期前景仍然非常樂觀。



Panthera Resources to Acquire Indian JV Partner for $1.4 Mln

Panthera Resources將以140萬美元收購印度合資夥伴

Panthera Resources PLC said Friday that it will acquire its Indian joint-venture partner, Metal Mining India Private Ltd., or MMI, for 1.8 million Australian dollars ($1.4 million).

Panthera Resources PLC週五表示,將以180萬澳元(合140萬美元)收購其印度合資夥伴Metal Mining India Private Ltd.(簡稱MMI)。



Serica Energy Downgrades FY Net Production on Delay of Columbus Field Production

Serica Energy因哥倫布油田生產延遲下調財年淨產量

Serica Energy PLC said Friday that its full-year net production is expected to be slightly lower than guided due to delays affecting its Columbus field, located in the U.K.'s North Sea.

Serica Energy PLC週五表示,由於延遲影響其位於英國北海的哥倫布油田,預計全年淨產量將略低於指導水平。



Scancell FY 2021 Pretax Loss Widened on Increased Expenses

Sancell FY 2021財年税前虧損因費用增加而擴大

Scancell Holdings PLC said Friday its fiscal 2021 pretax loss widened significantly on increased administrative and development expenses, higher interest and finance expenses.

Sancell Holdings PLC週五表示,由於行政和開發費用增加,利息和財務費用增加,其2021財年税前虧損大幅擴大。



Nostrum Oil & Gas 9-Month Revenue Rose; Shares Rise


Nostrum Oil & Gas PLC shares rose Friday after it said that it expects revenue for the first nine months of 2021 to be higher on year, despite a fall in production.

Nostrum石油天然氣公司(Nostrum Oil&Gas PLC)股價週五上漲,此前該公司表示,儘管產量下降,但預計2021年前九個月的收入將高於去年同期。



Limitless Earth Reports Widened 1H Net Loss


Limitless Earth PLC on Friday reported a widened net loss for the first half of the fiscal year.

無限地球公司(Limitless Earth PLC)週五公佈,本財年上半年淨虧損擴大。

Market Talk: 

NatWest's 3Q Contracted Net Interest Margin Likely to Get Investors' Attention


0752 GMT - Investors' focus in relation to NatWest Group's third-quarter results will likely be its on-quarter net interest margin contraction, Jefferies says. The FTSE 100-listed bank is a rate-sensitive lender, with a common equity Tier 1 ratio--a key measure of balance-sheet strength--of 18.7%, Jefferies says, noting that the bank has an endowment problem of having too much capital. "The investment case therefore relies on repatriating this capital and the bank realizing higher net interest income via rates," Jefferies says. Shares are down 5.4% at 219.00 pence.

0752GMT-傑富瑞(Jefferies)表示,投資者對NatWest Group第三季度業績的關注焦點可能是其季度淨息差收縮。傑富瑞説,這家富時100指數(FTSE 100)成分股銀行是一家對利率敏感的銀行,普通股一級資本充足率(衡量資產負債表實力的關鍵指標)為18.7%。傑富瑞指出,該行存在資本金過多的稟賦問題。傑富瑞表示:“因此,投資案例依賴於將這些資本匯回國內,銀行通過利率實現更高的淨利息收入。”該公司股價下跌5.4%,至219.00便士。



NatWest's Share Price Falls Despite Stronger-Than-Expected Profits


0747 GMT - The market reaction to NatWest's results for 3Q has been a little underwhelming, with the shares dropping to the bottom of the FTSE 100 index, Michael Hewson, chief market analyst at CMC Markets UK, says. The lender's pretax profit, net profit and revenue came in ahead of market expectations, but net profit was still almost half the level it reached in 2Q, Hewson says. "Having seen decent numbers from Lloyds and Barclays, expectations were high for NatWest Group's third-quarter numbers today," Hewson says. The fact that the bank booked a charge of GBP294 million after pleading guilty to money-laundering charges didn't help to boost sentiment, he says. Shares are down 5.4% at 219.00 pence.

0747GMT-CMC Markets UK首席市場分析師邁克爾·休森(Michael Hewson)表示,市場對NatWest第三季度業績的反應有點平淡無奇,該公司股價跌至富時100指數(FTSE 100 Index)的底部。休森説,該銀行的税前利潤、淨利潤和營收都超出了市場預期,但淨利潤仍接近第二季度水平的一半。休森説:“在看到勞埃德銀行和巴克萊銀行不錯的業績後,人們對NatWest集團今天公佈的第三季度業績抱有很高的期望。”他説,該行在承認洗錢指控後計入2.94億英鎊的費用,這一事實無助於提振市場人氣。該公司股價下跌5.4%,至219.00便士。



Glencore's 2021 Marketing Guidance Upgrade Was Expected by the Market


0700 GMT - Glencore said it expects adjusted EBIT from its marketing business to exceed the top end of the $2.2 billion-$3.2 billion long-term guidance range in 2021. This is positive, but also expected following a strong performance in the first half and as commodity markets remained tight in the second half, RBC Capital Markets says. The market consensus for Glencore's 2021 marketing EBIT is $3.5 billion, RBC notes. As for production, third-quarter figures were slightly weaker, but annual guidance ranges have been reaffirmed, the bank says. The most notable miss was nickel, which was 18% below RBC's forecasts. "We continue to see Glencore in a favorable position versus peers."

0700GMT-嘉能可表示,預計2021年其營銷業務的調整後息税前利潤(EBIT)將超過22億-32億美元長期指導區間的高端。加拿大皇家銀行資本市場(RBC Capital Markets)表示,這是積極的,但在上半年表現強勁以及大宗商品市場在下半年仍然吃緊之後,這也是意料之中的。加拿大皇家銀行(RBC)指出,市場對嘉能可2021年營銷息税前利潤(EBIT)的共識是35億美元。至於產量,世行表示,第三季度的數據略顯疲軟,但年度指導區間已得到重申。最值得注意的是鎳,比加拿大皇家銀行的預測低18%。“我們繼續看到嘉能可相對於同行處於有利地位。”

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