
AcuScreen(TM), Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE Winner, Can Help Address Global Crisis of 3 Million Undiagnosed Tuberculosis Cases

AcuScreen(TM), Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE Winner, Can Help Address Global Crisis of 3 Million Undiagnosed Tuberculosis Cases

高通Tricorder XPRIZE獲得者AcuScreen(TM)可以幫助解決全球300萬未確診結核病病例的危機
Accesswire ·  2021/11/03 08:20

Using AI analysis of patient cough recordings, AcuScreen is a discreet, feasible, and accurate screening tool.


WATERLOO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / November 3, 2021 / Cloud DX (TSXV:CDX) (OTCQB:CDXFF). A study in Mozambique using AI to analyze smartphone audio recordings of patient coughs shows promising outcome for screening and diagnosis of active tuberculosis. The trial, led by Celso Khosa M.D. at the Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS), sought to determine the feasibility of front-line tuberculosis triage using AcuScreen™, the smartphone component of Cloud DX's winning Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE technology, Vitaliti™. The research team recently presented preliminary results at the 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health.

滑鐵盧,ON/ACCESSWIRE/2021年11月3日/Cloud DX(TSXV:CDX)(OTCQB:CDXFF)。莫桑比克的一項研究使用人工智能分析患者咳嗽的智能手機音頻記錄,顯示出在篩查和診斷活動性結核病方面有希望的結果。這項試驗由南非國立研究院(INS)的Celso Khosa醫學博士領導,旨在確定使用AcuScreen™(Cloud DX獲獎高通Tricorder XPRIZE技術的智能手機組件Vitaliti™)進行一線結核病分診的可行性。該研究小組最近在第52屆聯盟肺健康世界會議上公佈了初步結果。

The cause of 1.4 million deaths annually, tuberculosis (TB) is the world's deadliest respiratory infection (after COVID), yet it is an entirely treatable and preventable disease. As infection and deaths climb this year and are projected to grow again in 2022, the need for innovation in TB diagnosis, treatment, and care is ever-pressing. AcuScreen or similar mobile tools to support public health facilitate systematic and discreet screening in mobile clinics and other in-field uses. In line with the encouraging results, Dr. Khosa says "Our data shows that acoustic cough analysis and symptom detection exceed the World Health Organization requirements for a community-based triage system. Such a tool is essential for low resource and high burden areas. I look forward to expanding AcuScreen's use."

結核病每年導致140萬人死亡,是世界上最致命的呼吸道感染(僅次於COVID),但它是一種完全可以治療和預防的疾病。隨着今年的感染和死亡人數攀升,預計2022年將再次增長,結核病診斷、治療和護理方面的創新需求日益迫切。AcuScreen或類似的移動工具支持公共衞生,便於在移動診所和其他現場使用中進行系統和謹慎的篩查。與令人鼓舞的結果一致,科薩博士説:“我們的數據顯示,聲學咳嗽分析和症狀檢測超過了世界衞生組織(World Health Organization)對基於社區的分診系統的要求。這樣的工具對於低資源和高負擔地區是必不可少的。我期待着擴大AcuScreen的使用範圍。”

"AcuScreen is an important initiative. The team has developed a mobile and digital health technology that countries with challenges in their health care delivery and disease prevention desperately need," says Anousheh Ansari, XPRIZE CEO. "This project embodies Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE's mission; tackling tuberculosis with an affordable mobile screening tool is what we would consider a breakthrough for humanity."

XPRIZE首席執行官阿努謝·安薩裏(Anousheh Ansari)表示:“AcuScreen是一項重要的舉措。該團隊已經開發出一種移動和數字醫療技術,這些國家在醫療保健提供和疾病預防方面面臨挑戰,亟需這種技術。”這個項目體現了高通Tricorder XPRIZE的使命;我們認為用負擔得起的移動檢測工具來治療結核病是人類的一個突破。“

"AcuScreen's success is a milestone event for technology, healthcare, and society," says Robert Kaul, CEO of Cloud DX. "This is the first Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE-winning technology to be validated in the field, showing the path forward for our innovations from concept to commercialization. More importantly, AcuScreen can help combat the spiraling global tuberculosis crisis. AcuScreen is more accessible and accurate, and less expensive, than x-ray screening. With a stigmatized illness such as TB, it's important that any solution be handheld, like AcuScreen, for discretion and privacy. This is technology that virtually every public health or medical clinic can use in front-line triage to test an estimated 3 million undiagnosed TB patients, and to expedite confirmation tests such as GeneXpert®.

Cloud DX首席執行官羅伯特·考爾(Robert Kaul)表示:“AcuScreen的成功是科技、醫療保健和社會的里程碑事件。”“這是高通Tricorder XPRIZE獲獎的第一項在該領域得到驗證的技術,為我們的創新從概念到商業化指明瞭前進的道路。更重要的是,AcuScreen可以幫助對抗螺旋式上升的全球結核病危機。AcuScreen比X射線篩查更容易獲得、更準確,而且成本更低。對於結核病這樣的恥辱性疾病,任何解決方案都必須像AcuScreen一樣手持,以確保謹慎和隱私。這項技術幾乎是所有公共衞生或醫療機構都可以使用的,而且成本更低。對於結核病這樣的恥辱性疾病,重要的是任何解決方案都要像AcuScreen一樣手持,以確保謹慎和隱私。這項技術幾乎是所有公共衞生或醫療機構都可以使用的

"Cloud DX and the Roddenberry Foundation have taken the next great step in using smart phone based health technology for medicine", says Erik Viirre M.D. Ph.D., Professor in the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego and Medical Director of the AcuScreen project and of the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE. "The device that you hold in your hand will now be useful for screening for a global health scourge. With a world-wide program with socially appropriate outreach, we will help people get screened and routed to care at practically no cost to them."

加州大學聖地亞哥分校醫學院教授、AcuScreen項目和高通Tricorder XPRIZE醫療總監Erik Viirre醫學博士博士説:“Cloud DX和Roddenberry基金會在將基於智能手機的醫療技術用於醫學方面邁出了重要的一步。“你手中的設備現在將有助於篩查一種全球健康禍害。有了一個具有社會適當性的全球計劃,我們將幫助人們接受篩查,並將其送往醫療中心,而他們幾乎是免費的。”

The trial, named 'Acoustic analysis of cough as a novel technology for the screening and diagnosis of active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB)' was funded by the Qualcomm Foundation and the Roddenberry Foundation with the support of University of California, San Diego, and the Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS). The research team included Dr. Celso Khosa, Dr. Erik Viirre, Dr. Sonny Kohli, Bindiya Meggi, Ilesh Jani, Yara Voss De Lima, Lamiaa Amzil, Isthi Paul, Sara Ross-Howe, and António Machiana.

這場審判被命名為“咳嗽聲學分析作為活動性肺結核篩查和診斷的新技術該項目由高通基金會和羅登貝利基金會資助,加州大學聖地亞哥分校和薩蘇德國家研究所(INS)提供支持。研究小組成員包括Celso Khosa博士、Erik Viirre博士、Sonny Kohli博士、Bindya Meggi博士、Ilesh Jani博士、Yara Voss de Lima博士、Lamiaa Amzil博士、Isthi Paul博士、Sara Ross-Howe博士和António Mchiana博士。

* "Tuberculosis screening costs and cost-effectiveness in high-risk groups: a systematic review", BCM, Sept 8, 2021.


About Instituto Nacional de Saúde

關於薩烏德國家學院(Instituto Nacional de Saúde)

Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS) is an autonomous government institution under the tutelage of the Minister of Health. Its mission is to generate and promote the incorporation of scientific and technologic solutions for the main health conditions and problems in Mozambique. The INS conducts research, training and implements public health activities.


The Polana Caniço Health Research and Training Center (CISPOC) is a research center affiliated to the INS. The center was established in 2011 and is experienced in conducting bio-medical research, cohort studies, surveillance and program evaluation.




XPRIZE is a global future-positive movement of over 1M people and rising, delivering truly radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. XPRIZE inspires and empowers a global community of problem-solvers to positively impact our world by crowdsourcing solutions through large-scale competitions, tackling the world's grandest challenges in exploration, environment and human equity. Active competitions include the $100 Million XPRIZE Carbon Removal with Elon Musk, $15 Million XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion, $10 Million XPRIZE Rainforest, $10 Million ANA Avatar XPRIZE, $5 Million XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling and $1 Million Digital Learning Challenge. Donate, sign up or join a team at

X大獎是一項面向未來的全球性運動,有100多萬人參與,而且還在不斷上升,為人類的利益帶來了真正的根本性突破。XPrize通過大型競賽眾包解決方案,激勵和推動全球問題解決者羣體積極影響我們的世界,解決世界上在探索、環境和人類公平方面面臨的最重大挑戰。活躍的比賽包括與埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)合作的1億美元的XPRIZE碳去除活動、1500萬美元的XPRIZE Feed Next 10億、1000萬美元的XPRIZE RainForest、1000萬美元的全日空阿凡達XPRIZE、500萬美元的XPRIZE快速重殺和100萬美元的數字學習挑戰賽。在xprize.org上捐款、註冊或加入團隊。

About University of California, San Diego (UCSD)


The University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego or, colloquially, UCSD) is a public land-grant research university in San Diego, California. Established in 1960 near the pre-existing Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego is the southernmost of the ten campuses of the University of California, and offers over 200 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, enrolling 33,343 undergraduate and 9,533 graduate students. UC San Diego is ranked among the best universities in the world by major college and university ranking.

這個加州大學聖地亞哥分校 (加州大學聖地亞哥分校或者,通俗地説,加州大學聖迭戈分校)是一所位於加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥的公立土地贈與研究型大學。加州大學聖地亞哥分校成立於1960年,靠近原有的斯克裏普斯海洋研究所,是加州大學十個校區中最南端的一個,提供200多個本科生和研究生學位課程,招收33,343名本科生和9,533名研究生。加州大學聖地亞哥分校是世界上最好的大學之一,主要學院和大學排名。

The University of California San Diego School of Medicine is the graduate medical school of the University of California, San Diego. It was the third medical school in the University of California system, after those established at UCSF and UCLA, and is the only medical school in the San Diego metropolitan area


About Cloud DX

關於Cloud DX

Accelerating virtual healthcare, Cloud DX is on a mission to make healthcare better for everyone. Our Connected Health TM remote patient monitoring platform is used by healthcare enterprises and care teams across North America to virtually manage chronic disease, enable aging in place, and deliver hospital-quality post-surgical care in the home. Our partners achieve better healthcare and patient outcomes, reduce the need for hospitalization or re-admission, and reduce healthcare delivery costs through more efficient use of resources. Cloud DX is the co-winner of the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, a 2021 Edison Award winner, a Fast Company "World Changing Idea" finalist, and one of "Canada's Ten Most Prominent Telehealth Providers."

加速虛擬醫療,雲DX肩負着讓每個人的醫療保健變得更好的使命。我們的互聯健康TM北美各地的醫療保健企業和護理團隊使用遠程患者監控平臺虛擬管理慢性病,實現就地老齡化,並在家中提供醫院質量的術後護理。我們的合作伙伴實現了更好的醫療保健和患者結果,減少了住院或重新入院的需求,並通過更有效地利用資源來降低醫療保健提供成本。Cloud DX是高通Tricorder XPRIZE的聯合獲獎者,是2021年愛迪生獎獲得者,是Fast Company“World Change Idea”的決賽選手,也是“加拿大十大最傑出的遠程醫療服務提供商”之一。

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