
EMEA Morning Briefing: Stocks to Fall as Covid-19 Surges Across Europe

EMEA Morning Briefing: Stocks to Fall as Covid-19 Surges Across Europe

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/09 00:30



Watch For:


Germany ZEW Indicator; Germany, France Foreign Trade; OECD Harmonised Unemployment Rates; NIESR's quarterly UK and global forecasts; ECOFIN meeting of EU finance ministers; updates from Swiss Life, Bayer, Munich Re, Schaeffler, Porsche, Salvatore Ferragamo, Mediaset, Rubis, Fraport, Associated British Foods, DCC, Sberbank, Persimmon, Direct Line, Meggitt, SEB, Ericsson

德國ZEW指標;德國、法國對外貿易;OECD協調失業率;NIESR的英國和全球季度預測;歐盟財長ECOFIN會議;瑞士人壽、拜耳、慕尼黑再保險、舍弗勒、保時捷、塞爾瓦託·菲拉格慕、Mediaset、Rubis、法蘭克福機場服務全球公司、聯合英國食品公司、DCC、Sberbank、柿子、Direct Line、Meggitt、SEB、愛立信

Opening Call:


The rising Covid-19 tally in Europe will likely knock investor sentiment early Tuesday. In Asia, stocks were mostly lower, along the dollar, Treasury yields and oil. Gold was steady after hitting a more-than-2-month high on Monday.




Worries over rising Covid-19 cases in Europe will likely drag on the region's stock markets Tuesday, while some lingering concerns about inflation and the Federal Reserve's policy shifts could add to the cautious outlook.


"Germany's ZEW Index will be of marginal interest, with more concern in Europe likely focused on surging virus cases and possible restrictions returning, thanks to stalled vaccination programmes across the continent, " Jeffrey Halley, Senior Market Analyst, Asia Pacific, OANDA.

OANDA亞太區高級市場分析師傑弗裏·哈雷(Jeffrey Hley)表示:“由於整個歐洲大陸的疫苗接種計劃停滯不前,德國的ZEW指數將受到輕微關注,歐洲的更多擔憂可能集中在激增的病毒病例和可能的限制措施上。”

Major U.S. stock benchmarks all book record closes on Monday, as investors bought materials, energy, and technology shares on apparent optimism for the outlook for the economy.


Meanwhile, Fed officials indicated that the central bank could raise U.S. interest rates by the end of 2022 based on the rapid recovery of the economy and an extended bout of high inflation.


Fed Vice Chairman Richard Clarida repeated his view that the criteria for a rate hike could be met before the end of 2022. St. Louis Fed President James Bullard told Fox Business that he foresees the central bank raising interest rates twice next year, and that a more rapid pace of interest-rate increases could be adopted if inflation runs hotter than expected.

美聯儲副主席理查德·克拉裏達(Richard Clarida)重申了他的觀點,即加息的標準可能在2022年底之前達到。聖路易斯聯邦儲備銀行(St.Louis Fed)行長詹姆斯·布拉德(James Bullard)對福克斯商業頻道(Fox Business)表示,他預計央行明年將加息兩次,如果通脹超出預期,可能會採取更快的加息步伐。



The dollar continued to fall in Asia, on optimism the infrastructure bill will drive new spending into the U.S. economy, boosting economically sensitive sectors, said IG.


IG added that while markets are leaning toward taking on more risks, there appears to be a lingering sense of caution ahead of U.S. CPI data due Wednesday.


JPMorgan said central-bank policy divergence remains a tradable theme for FX markets, adding it maintained its "high-conviction short in EUR/USD, reflecting the different cyclical states for these two central banks."


The bank said: "Last week revealed (1) a Fed that is more open minded, data dependent, and accepting of market pricing, (2) an ECB that aggressively pushed back, (3) a BOE that is facing unusually trying macro circumstances, and (4) an RBA that has split the difference, retaining some degree of forward guidance but jettisoning its best tool to enforce it."


Rabobank said U.K. government threats to suspend a pact governing trade in Northern Ireland following the U.K.'s EU exit could hit sterling.


London reportedly may trigger Article 16 of the Northern Ireland protocol over dissatisfaction with the pact, which U.K. ministers approved as part of the Brexit trade deal between the U.K. and EU. Still, Brussels may abandon the entire deal if London suspends the protocol, according to reports.


"Headlines that the U.K. government may be close to triggering Article 16 of the protocol have the potential to open a fresh set of worms for GBP. The worsening in [U.K.-EU relations] and the continued difficulties in finding workable solutions for Northern Ireland are clearly not bullish factors for the pound."


Rabobank also said the outlook for sterling will be guided by expectations on the pace of monetary policy tightening by the Bank of England vis-a-vis other major central banks, including the Fed and European Central Bank.

荷蘭合作銀行還表示,英鎊前景將受到英國央行(Bank Of England)相對於美聯儲(Fed)和歐洲央行(European Central Bank)等其他主要央行收緊貨幣政策步伐的預期指引。

While the BOE could raise interest rates soon, a "fair degree of caution could color the policy decisions by the Monetary Policy Committee in December and beyond," said Rabobank forex strategist Jane Foley.

荷蘭合作銀行(Rabobank)外匯策略師簡·福利(Jane Foley)表示,儘管英國央行可能很快加息,但“相當程度的謹慎可能會影響貨幣政策委員會(Monetary Policy Committee)在12月及以後的政策決定。”

How much support the pound would receive from a potential rate rise will also depend, to some extent, on whether such action is seen as warranted. The currency initially failed to benefit from rate rise bets last month due to concerns about a policy mistake amid headwinds to economic growth, Foley said.




Treasury yields eased back in Asia after they rose across the board on Monday, with the benchmark 10-year and 2-year rates climbing by the most in a day since late October, as investors began positioning for global reopening trades and digested approval of the infrastructure package.


Investors are looking for indications of where monetary policy is heading as the Fed tries to balance inflation and employment. Cornerstone looks at employment diffusion and labor force participation, and sees signs of more labor supply coming online soon.


"More labor supply means less wage pressure. That, along with rising productivity, will dampen unit labor costs, keeping core inflation down, adding runway to this expansion."


In other news, the biggest selloff that China's international junk-bond market has ever seen has wiped out around a third of bondholders' wealth in just six months.


The steep and rapid decline shows how regulatory curbs on borrowing, extremely dislocated credit markets, and slowing home sales have combined to pressure more Chinese property developers, which account for most of China's high-yield issuance.


Read the full article here.




Oil prices dipped in Asia, although losses were contained on expectations of supply tightness.


Goldman Sachs said the market is cyclically tight "with risks to our year-end Brent target of $90/bbl skewed to the upside. The bank added that the U.S. crude oil market looks more balanced than Brent due to rising U.S. production and seasonally weak demand and expects the WTI-Brent spread to widen as a result.


Louise Dickson, senior oil markets analyst at Rystad said oil demand is likely to grow in the wake of the $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed by Congress late Friday. "This U.S. infrastructure bill screams bullish for oil," Dickson wrote.

Rystad資深石油市場分析師Louise Dickson表示,在美國國會週五晚間通過1萬億美元的基礎設施法案後,石油需求可能會增長。迪克森寫道:“這項美國基礎設施法案看漲石油。”



Gold futures eased back from a more-than-2-month high after a third straight gain on Monday.


However, Goldman Sachs said bullion will likely find support from physical demand in emerging-market economies such as India and China, which remain strong due to rising inflation and a rebound in consumer purchasing power.

不過,高盛(Goldman Sachs)表示,金價可能會從印度和中國等新興市場經濟體的實物需求中獲得支撐,由於通脹上升和消費者購買力反彈,這些經濟體的需求依然強勁。

Central banks could also add to demand, with the Russian central bank beginning gold purchases again, said Goldman Sachs.

高盛(Goldman Sachs)表示,隨着俄羅斯央行再次開始購買黃金,各國央行也可能增加需求。

Aluminum was around 0.7% lower but could rebound, supported by signs of low inventories.


In China, both primary aluminium and billet inventories have declined, which could be signs of producers of semi-finished aluminum products returning to the market for purchases after power reductions moderate, said ING.


Elsewhere, Goldman Sachs said the recent declines in crude oil and base metal prices may not last, as it reiterates its bullish commodity call.

此外,高盛(Goldman Sachs)表示,最近原油和賤金屬價格的下跌可能不會持續下去,因為它重申了其看漲大宗商品的呼籲。

"We do not believe the underlying supply constraints have eased for spot prices, and view the recent bout of weakness in oil, aluminum and other base metals as a great entry point for strategic long positions, although we expect further volatility."




Fed Officials Flag High Inflation and Some Warn of Rate Rises if Pressure Persists


Several regional Federal Reserve Bank presidents said Monday they expect today's high levels of inflation to cool, but some added that if they don't, the central bank might need to raise rates to help bring price pressures back in line.

幾位地區聯邦儲備銀行(Federal Reserve Bank)行長週一表示,他們預計今天的高通脹將降温,但一些人補充説,如果他們不降温,美聯儲可能需要加息,以幫助控制物價壓力。

"I expect that the currently elevated inflation readings from supply-side pressures will eventually fade," Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans said in a virtual appearance. "That said, I had expected to see more progress by now, and there are some indications that inflationary pressures may be building more broadly."

芝加哥聯邦儲備銀行(Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago)總裁查爾斯·埃文斯(Charles Evans)在一次虛擬露面中表示:“我預計,目前來自供應面壓力的高通脹讀數最終將消退。”“這就是説,我原本預計現在會看到更多進展,而且有一些跡象表明,通脹壓力可能正在更廣泛地積聚。”

Fed Says U.S. Public Health Among Biggest Near-Term Risks to Financial System


WASHINGTON-The potential for U.S. public health to worsen as the Covid-19 pandemic continues is one of the greatest near-term risks to the financial system, the Federal Reserve said, while noting that asset prices are susceptible to large declines should investor sentiment shift.

華盛頓--美聯儲(Federal Reserve)表示,隨着新冠肺炎疫情的持續,美國公共衞生狀況可能會惡化,這是金融體系面臨的最大短期風險之一。美聯儲同時指出,如果投資者情緒發生轉變,資產價格可能會大幅下跌。

Any deterioration in the public-health situation could slow the recent economic recovery, particularly if widespread business closures returned and supply chains were further disrupted, the Fed said. The number of new Covid-19 cases has fallen in recent months, but a resurgence this summer, tied to the Delta variant, coincided with a slowdown in hiring and economic growth.


Fed's Randal Quarles to Resign at End of Year


Federal Reserve governor Randal Quarles said Monday he would resign his position around the end of this year, giving President Biden as many as four seats to fill on the central bank's seven-member board in the coming months as he weighs how to fill the top job of Fed chairman.


Mr. Quarles was appointed to a four-year term in October 2017 by then-President Trump as the Fed's vice chairman for bank supervision, a position created by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial-regulatory overhaul. The resignation this year was largely expected because Mr. Quarles's term as vice chairman had lapsed last month and because his term leading a separate international regulatory body, the Financial Stability Board, expires next month.

誇爾斯於2017年10月被時任總統特朗普任命為美聯儲銀行監管副主席,任期四年,這一職位是2010年多德-弗蘭克(Dodd-Frank)金融監管改革設立的。今年的辭職在很大程度上是意料之中的,因為誇爾斯的副主席任期已於上月到期,而且他領導的另一個國際監管機構金融穩定委員會(Financial Stability Board)的任期將於下月到期。

Germany Hits Record Covid-19 Tally as Pandemic Rebounds Across Europe


BERLIN-Germany kept Covid-19 infection rates relatively low this past summer-a feat experts say might be driving a record surge in infections in the country that has prompted fears that hospitalizations and deaths could spiral in the colder months ahead.


Infections are rising again in Europe, as colder temperatures and the fading of vaccine-induced immunity drive renewed case loads.


Chinese Junk Bond Yields Top 25% as Property-Market Strains Intensify


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