
Press Release: Star Diamond Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2021 Results

Press Release: Star Diamond Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2021 Results

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/10 17:03

Star Diamond Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2021 Results


Canada NewsWire


SASKATOON, SK, Nov. 10, 2021




SASKATOON, SK, Nov. 10, 2021 /CNW/ - Star Diamond Corporation ("Star Diamond" or the "Company") reports that the unaudited results of its operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021 will be filed today on SEDAR and may be viewed at once posted. All currency amounts are in Canadian dollars. A summary of key financial and operating results for the three months ended September 30, 2021 is as follows:




-- Continued pursuit of the legal proceedings commenced by Star Diamond
against Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc. ("Rio Tinto") arising out of
the purported exercise in November 2019 by Rio Tinto of its four options
under the Option to Joint Venture Agreement dated June 22, 2017 (the
"Option Agreement")
-- Working capital of $1.1 million at September 30, 2021
-- Issued and outstanding shares of 452.8 million at September 30, 2021



Star Diamond is a Canadian natural resource company focused on exploring and developing Saskatchewan's diamond resources. In June 2017, the Company announced that it had acquired from Newmont Corporation all of its participating interest in the Fort à la Corne joint venture, resulting in the Company owning 100% of the Fort à la Corne mineral properties, including the Star - Orion South Diamond Project (the "Project"). The Company concurrently announced that it had entered into the Option Agreement with Rio Tinto pursuant to which the Company granted Rio Tinto an option to earn up to a 60% interest in the Company's Fort à la Corne mineral properties (including the Project) on the terms and conditions contained in the Option Agreement (see News Release dated June 23, 2017).

星鑽是一家加拿大自然資源公司,專注於勘探和開發薩斯喀徹温省的鑽石資源。於二零一七年六月,本公司宣佈已從Newmont Corporation收購其於Corne Fortàla Corne合資公司的全部參股權益,使本公司擁有Corne Fortàla礦產的100%權益,包括Star-Orion南鑽石項目(“該項目”)。本公司同時宣佈,已與力拓訂立購股權協議,據此,本公司授予力拓一項購股權,按購股權協議所載條款及條件(見日期為二零一七年六月二十三日的新聞稿),在本公司的康納堡礦產(包括該項目)賺取最多60%權益。

In November 2019, Star Diamond received notice from Rio Tinto advising that Rio Tinto was purporting to exercise all four of its options under the Option Agreement (see News Release dated November 15, 2019). In February 2020, the Company notified Rio Tinto that its purported exercise of its four options under the Option Agreement did not comply with the terms of the Option Agreement (see News Release dated February 18, 2020). In March 2020, the Company announced that it had commenced legal proceedings in the Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan (Judicial Centre of Saskatoon) (the "Court") against Rio Tinto (the "Legal Proceedings") in relation to Rio Tinto's purported exercise of its options under the Option Agreement (see News Release dated March 5, 2020).


Activities relating to the Star - Orion South Diamond Project and Fort à la Corne mineral properties


During 2019, the Company announced that Rio Tinto completed the drilling of ten bulk sample holes (trenches) on the Company's Star Kimberlite. These ten trench cutter holes included a total of 2,351 metres of trench cutter drilling and intersected a total of 1,215.5 metres of kimberlite.


During the second quarter of 2020, the Company announced that Rio Tinto had commenced the processing of these bulk samples (see News Release dated April 23, 2020). The initial results from these ten trench cutter holes have now been reported by Star Diamond.


During February 2021, Rio Tinto provided written notice to Star Diamond that Rio Tinto had successfully completed its ten-trench cutter hole bulk sample program (see News Release dated February 22, 2021). Rio Tinto also confirmed to Star Diamond that this bulk sample program had met Rio Tinto's objective of improving confidence in the diamond grade of the Project. In response, Star Diamond notified Rio Tinto that completion of a comprehensive diamond breakage study and certain other work remained outstanding.

2021年2月,力拓嚮明星鑽石提供了書面通知,稱力拓已成功完成其十溝刀孔批量取樣計劃(見2021年2月22日的新聞稿)。力拓還向Star Diamond證實,這一批量樣品計劃達到了力拓提高對該項目鑽石等級信心的目標。作為迴應,Star Diamond通知力拓,一項全面的鑽石破碎研究已經完成,某些其他工作仍未完成。

The initial results from the ten reported trenches continue to validate the grades outlined in the Company's independent Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") that was based upon Star Diamond's own prior underground bulk sampling and large diameter drilling programs. The recovery of larger diamonds from Rio Tinto's bulk sample program, including larger Type IIa diamonds, also continues to strengthen the expectation for recovery of large, high value diamonds in a future producing diamond mine.

報告的10個溝渠的初步結果繼續驗證公司獨立初步經濟評估(“PEA”)中概述的等級,該評估基於Star Diamond自己先前的地下批量採樣和大直徑鑽探計劃。從力拓的大宗樣品計劃中回收較大的鑽石,包括較大的IIa型鑽石,也繼續增強了人們對未來生產鑽石礦回收大型、高價值鑽石的預期。

During the first quarter of 2021, the Company announced that Rio Tinto commenced an eight-hole geotechnical drilling program on and in proximity to the Orion North Kimberlite (see News Release dated January 19, 2021). The drill rigs utilized were capable of sonic drilling to obtain representative samples of the glacial overburden and core drilling for the underlying kimberlite or host rock sediments. Star Diamond has been advised that the aim of this drilling is to investigate the geotechnical properties of the overburden, kimberlite and host rock sediments, with this information to be used for future open pit design. Parts of the Orion North Kimberlite have shallower overburden than the Star and Orion South Kimberlites.


Activities relating to the Legal Proceedings


Star Diamond continues to vigorously pursue the Legal Proceedings, and is committed to taking all actions necessary to protect the interests of Star Diamond and its shareholders.


Pleadings in the Legal Proceedings have been completed. During March 2021, Rio Tinto and Star Diamond each delivered their respective affidavits of documents to the other. The other principal pre-trial steps that remain to be completed include oral questioning and the exchange of expert reports. Once the pre-trial steps are completed, Star Diamond expects that the Court will schedule a pre-trial conference and set a date for trial.

法律訴訟中的訴狀已經完成。2021年3月,力拓(Rio Tinto)和星鑽(Star Diamond)分別向對方遞交了各自的文件宣誓書。有待完成的其他主要預審步驟包括口頭提問和交換專家報告。一旦預審步驟完成,Star Diamond預計法院將安排一次預審會議,並確定審判日期。

On July 26, 2021, Rio Tinto purported to hold a meeting of the management committee of the joint venture that Rio Tinto claims was previously formed between Star Diamond and Rio Tinto. At that meeting, representatives of Rio Tinto purported to unilaterally approve a proposed joint venture budget for the period from June 2021 to March 2022 of $17.8 million, and to add to that budget an aggregate of $64.4 million allegedly spent by Rio Tinto during 2019, 2020 and the first five months of 2021.


As previously disclosed by Star Diamond, it believes that no joint venture has been formed because Rio Tinto's November 2019 purported exercise of its options under the Option Agreement did not comply with that agreement. Accordingly, Star Diamond believes that the July 26, 2021 purported meeting of the management committee was not valid. Further, Star Diamond believes that, even if a joint venture had been validly formed, which as stated Star Diamond does not believe is the case, the relevant agreements do not allow Rio Tinto to include in the joint venture budget, or otherwise recover from Star Diamond, much of the $64.4 million allegedly spent by Rio Tinto during 2019, 2020 and the first five months of 2021.

正如Star Diamond此前披露的那樣,其認為沒有成立合資公司,因為力拓2019年11月聲稱行使了期權協議項下的期權,並未遵守該協議。因此,星鑽認為2021年7月26日據稱的管理委員會會議是無效的。此外,Star Diamond認為,即使已經合法成立了合資企業(正如Star Diamond所説的那樣,情況並非如此),相關協議也不允許力拓將據稱在2019年、2020年和2021年前五個月花費的6440萬美元中的大部分計入合資企業預算,或以其他方式從Star Diamond收回。

Star Diamond expects that these issues will form part of the Legal Proceedings. To the extent that Star Diamond does not fund its portion of joint venture expenditures in circumstances where it is required to do so, Star Diamond's interest in such joint venture may be diluted.


Quarterly results


For the quarter ended September 30, 2021, the Company recorded a net loss of $2.0 million or $0.00 per share (basic and fully diluted) compared to a net loss of $1.7 million or $0.00 per share for the same period in 2020. The losses during these quarters were due to operating costs and exploration and evaluation expenditures incurred by the Company exceeding interest and other income earned on cash and cash equivalents.


Year to Date Results


For the nine months ended September 30, 2021, the Company recorded a net loss of $5.2 million or $0.01 per share (basic and fully diluted) compared to a net loss of $4.2 million or $0.01 per share for the same period in 2020. The losses during these nine month periods were primarily due to ongoing operating costs and exploration and evaluation expenditures incurred by the Company exceeding interest and other income earned.


Selected financial highlights include:


Condensed Consolidated       As atSeptember 30,2021    As atDecember 31,2020 
Statements of Financial
Current assets $ 2.6 M $ 5.0 M
Exploration and evaluation,
capital and other assets 67.6 M 67.6 M
Current liabilities 1.5 M 1.0 M
Non-current liabilities 1.1 M 1.2 M
Shareholders' equity 67.6 M 70.4 M
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Loss Three Months Three Months Nine MonthsEnded Nine Months
EndedSeptember 30, EndedSeptember 30, September 30, Ended S
2021 2020 2021 September 30,
Interest and other income $ 0.0 M $ 0.0 M $ 0.0 M $ 0.0 M
Expenses 1.9 M 1.8 M 5.2 M 4.4 M
Investment in Wescan Goldfields Inc. (0.1) M 0.1 M 0.0 M 0.2 M
Net loss for the period 2.0 M 1.7 M 5.2 M 4.2 M
Net loss per share for the period (basic
and diluted) 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01
Condensed Quarter EndedSeptember Quarter EndedSeptember
Consolidated 30,2021 30,2020
Statements of Cash
Cash flows from
operating activities $ (4.3) M $ (3.7) M
Cash flows from
截至2021年9月30日的簡明綜合截至2020年12月31日財務報表職位流動資產260萬美元500萬美元勘探和評價,資本和其他資產6760萬6760萬流動負債150萬至1.0百萬非流動負債110萬至120萬股東權益67.6-7040萬簡明合併損失表三個月三個月九個月末九個月完九月三十日(完)九月三十日(完)2021年2020年2021年9月30日                                                                                                                2020 利息和其他收入$0M$0M$0M$0M$000萬支出190萬,180萬,520萬,440萬對Wescan Goldfield Inc.的投資(0.1)M 0.1 M 0.0 M 0.2 M期間淨虧損2.0M1.7M5.2M4.2M當期每股淨虧損(基本稀釋)0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01壓縮季度結束9月季度結束9月2021年30月30日合併2020年30月30日現金報表流動現金流來自經營活動$(4.3)M$(3.7)M現金流來自
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