
DigiMax Releases Latest CryptoHawk Feature - ALTCOIN RADAR

DigiMax Releases Latest CryptoHawk Feature - ALTCOIN RADAR

Accesswire ·  2021/11/29 11:19



TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / November 29, 2021 / DIGIMAX GLOBAL INC. (the "Company" or "DigiMax") (CSE:DIGI) is excited to announce it is adding ALTCOIN RADAR to its CryptoHawk trading tools. This represents the third feature expansion for CryptoHawk in addition to LONG-SHORT INDICATORS for Bitcoin and Ethereum, and TREND WATCH for select high-value market cap coins.

多倫多,on/ACCESSWIRE/2021年11月29日/DigiMax global Inc.(“公司“或”DigiMax") (CSE:Digi)該公司興奮地宣佈,將在其CryptoHawk交易工具中添加阿爾特幣雷達。這是CryptoHawk的第三個功能擴展,除了比特幣和以太的多空指標,以及精選高價值市值硬幣的趨勢觀察。

The AI-driven ALTCOIN RADAR lists the top 100 Altcoins that meet two essential criteria:


  1. The coin is available on a credible cryptocurrency trading platform; and,
  2. The coin is monitored for attributes that give it some likelihood of a near-term significant price increase.
  1. 硬幣可在可信的加密貨幣交易平台上購買;
  2. 人們會監測硬幣的屬性,看看這些屬性是否會讓硬幣在短期內出現大幅漲價的可能性。

The top monitored coins are listed in order of their Coin Momentum Score. The Altcoin Radar separates the coins into two lists. One list showcases "blipping" coins on the radar, that Altcoin Radar indicates as having the highest likelihood of rising in the market. The other list is continuously being monitored for changes in coin momentum. When applying and testing our new AI feature, we detected the early rise of both Shiba Inu and Dogecoin.


The CryptoHawk AI engine adds a considerable level of additional social media and crypto industry data. By combining these data sources for Altcoin Radar, traders will gain higher confidencein our predictions.

CryptoHawk AI引擎增加了相當多的社交媒體和加密行業數據。通過合併AltCoin雷達的這些數據來源,交易員將對我們的預測獲得更高的信心。

Combining all three of CryptoHawk's predictive tools makes CryptoHawk a very complete and powerful AI system compared to any similar tools available in the market today. It also allows traders to move through three different trading styles depending on their appetite. These include:


  1. Long-Short Indicators - Day Trading
  2. Trend Watch - Swing Trading
  3. Altcoin Radar - Spot Trading
  1. 多空指標-日間交易
  2. 趨勢觀察-擺動交易
  3. AltCoin雷達-現貨交易

Altcoin Radar offers a radical departure from predictive AI models that require historical financial and seasonal Big Data. The CryptoHawk AI engine's ability to analyze real-time momentum and attitude allows more recent cryptocurrencies to be monitored. This breakthrough makes the CryptoHawk AI solution appealing to a broader audience seeking gains from sudden, or even unexpected, runs.

AltCoin雷達從根本上背離了需要歷史、金融和季節性大數據的預測性人工智能模型。CryptoHawk AI引擎能夠分析實時勢頭和態度,從而可以監控更新的加密貨幣。這一突破使得CryptoHawk AI解決方案吸引了更多的觀眾,他們希望從突然的、甚至是意想不到的跑步中獲益。

DigiMax is also a customer of its own AI services. DigiMax has invested Cdn $1 million into the DigiMax Growth Fund and it manages a similar amount in its own trading account. The goal in both of these investments is to use CryptoHawk tools to earn a targeted 10% or more per month while keeping overall volatility of the total investment low. To date, these goals have been sporadically achieved even though every trade is not a winner.

DigiMax也是其自己的人工智能服務的客户。DigiMax已經向DigiMax Growth Fund投資了100萬加元,它在自己的交易賬户中管理着類似的金額。這兩項投資的目標都是使用CryptoHawk工具每月賺取10%或更多的目標,同時將總投資的總體波動性保持在較低水平。到目前為止,儘管不是每筆交易都是贏家,這些目標還是零星地實現了。

Other News


  • The DigiMax Growth Fund had its September 1 launch burdened by slow bank transfers and, as a result, suffered from entering positions in the middle of high volatility in early September. Since this high volatility is not a typical product of CryptoHawk used with modulated trading, the fund was relaunched on November 1 as DigiMax Alpha Fund.There are a number of substantial size investors interested in investing in the Alpha Fund, but they are waiting to see results over 1 to 2 quarters before making those investments.
  • CryptoHawk attracts new subscribers at both the basic and premium levels, but net subscribers have remained below 1,000 across 5 continents. The addition of Altcoin Radar and the growing association with the gaming industry is expected to increase the subscriber base substantially. In response to market feedback and demand, we expect an additional increase in adoption once the CryptoHawk mobile App is released in early January 2022 on both Apple and Android.
  • From September 1 through to November 27, 2021, the second CryptoHawk trading tool, Trend Watch, has returned just over 16% return to investors from who took the same size position each time a trend change was indicated by the tool.
  • The Projected Personally Interpreter (PPI) solution is being tested by, or is in advanced discussions with, significant law enforcement agencies across North America for its implementation through DataNavee services. The Company is also in discussion with companies in several other verticals for the implementation of the technology.
  • DigiMax Growth Fund在9月1日推出時,銀行轉賬速度很慢,因此在9月初波動性很大的情況下建立頭寸而蒙受損失。由於這種高波動性不是CryptoHawk用於調節交易的典型產品,該基金於11月1日重新推出,名為DigiMax Alpha Fund.有許多規模可觀的投資者有興趣投資Alpha Fund,但他們正在等待一到兩個季度的結果,然後再進行這些投資。
  • CryptoHawk在基礎和高級兩個層面都吸引了新的訂户,但5大洲的淨訂户一直保持在1000人以下。AltCoin雷達的加入以及與博彩業日益密切的聯繫預計將大大增加訂户基礎。為了迴應市場反饋和需求,我們預計,一旦CryptoHawk移動應用於2022年1月初在蘋果和Android上發佈,採用率將進一步上升。
  • 從2021年9月1日到11月27日,第二個CryptoHawk交易工具--趨勢觀察--向每次該工具顯示趨勢變化時持有相同規模頭寸的投資者提供了略高於16%的回報。
  • 計劃中的個人口譯員(PPI)解決方案正在由北美各地的重要執法機構測試,或正在與其進行深入討論,以便通過DataNavee服務實施。該公司還在與其他幾個垂直市場的公司就實施這項技術進行談判。

Where Do We Go From Here


  • With the evolved suite of CryptoHawk predictive services, DigiMax can leverage more of its relationships with collaboration partners to broaden the CryptoHawk user base.
  • With CryptoHawk offering a wider selection of trading insight options, crypto trader novices and enthusiasts will be empowered and incentivized to share their success, strategies and build communities that will further and organically grow our user base.
  • The Company plans to introduce a "freemium" version of CryptoHawk when it launches the mobile app to allow users to experience the value of our predictive indicators while incentivizing conversion of freemium users to paid subscription services.
  • The Company will get more involved in large gaming events as a sponsor and participant to increase awareness of its targeted user communities.
  • The Commodity Fund and B2B Commodity App will be available at the beginning of next year.
  • Throughout 2021 the Company has invested in research and growing its AI engineering and software development team to improve and maintain our suite of AI products. With our solutions reaching feature maturity, the Company can leverage its resources and apply them to new opportunities and new vertical markets seeking to augment their business and insight through AI.
  • With a 2021 resource and solution ramp-up, the Company's 2022 roadmap includes an agile data science and AI engineering team dedicated to improving the AI engine performance and solutions of its existing products. Going forward, the Company's distinctive and competitive AI approach is rooted in detecting and harnessing the evolution of emerging market opportunities that can be disrupted through early recognition and prediction of social patterns that point to superior and reliable gains.
  • 有了不斷髮展的CryptoHawk預測服務套件,DigiMax可以利用它與合作伙伴的更多關係來擴大CryptoHawk的用户基礎。
  • 隨着CryptoHawk提供更廣泛的交易洞察力選項,密碼交易員新手和愛好者將獲得授權和激勵,分享他們的成功、策略並建立社區,從而進一步有機地擴大我們的用户基礎。
  • 該公司計劃在推出移動應用程序時推出“免費增值”版本的CryptoHawk,讓用户體驗我們的預測指標的價值,同時鼓勵免費增值用户轉換為付費訂閲服務。
  • 該公司將作為贊助商和參與者更多地參與大型遊戲活動,以提高對其目標用户羣體的認識。
  • 商品基金和B2B商品應用將於明年初上線。
  • 在整個2021年,公司投資於研究和發展其人工智能工程和軟件開發團隊,以改進和維護我們的人工智能產品套件。隨着我們的解決方案達到功能成熟,公司可以利用其資源,並將其應用於尋求通過人工智能擴大業務和洞察力的新機會和新垂直市場。
  • 隨着2021年資源和解決方案的提升,該公司的2022年路線圖包括一個敏捷的數據科學和人工智能工程團隊,致力於提高其現有產品的AI引擎性能和解決方案。展望未來,該公司獨特而有競爭力的人工智能方法植根於發現和利用新興市場機會的演變,這些機會可以通過及早識別和預測指向卓越和可靠收益的社會模式而被破壞。

About DigiMax


DigiMax is an Artificial Intelligence technology Company committed to unlocking the potential of disruptive technologies by providing advanced financial, predictive, and cryptocurrency solutions across various verticals. DigiMax is an official IBM partner, and the Company's engineering team has extensive experience in Machine Learning, Neural Language Processing, AI, Big Data and Cryptocurrency technology.


To learn more, visit our website:




Thierry Hubert
Chief Technology Officer


Chris Carl
President & CEO


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements




This press release contains "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as: anticipate, intend, plan, goal, seek, believe, project, estimate, expect, strategy, future, likely, may, should, will and similar references to future periods. Examples of forward-looking statements in this press release include, among others, statements we make regarding the Company's future plans, expectations and objectives.


Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Our actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the following: the adequacy of our cash flow and earnings, the availability of future financing and/or credit, and other conditions which may affect our ability to expand the platforms and software described herein, the level of demand and financial performance of the cryptocurrency industry, developments and changes in laws and regulations, including increased regulation of the cryptocurrency industry through legislative action and revised rules and standards applied by the Canadian Securities Administrators, Ontario Securities Commission, and/or other similar regulatory bodies in other jurisdictions, disruptions to our technology network including computer systems, software and cloud data, or other disruptions of our operating systems, structures or equipment, as well as those risk factors discussed or referred to in disclosure documents filed by the Company with the securities regulatory authorities in certain provinces of Canada and available at

前瞻性陳述既不是歷史事實,也不是對未來業績的保證。相反,它們僅基於我們目前對業務未來、未來計劃和戰略、預測、預期事件和趨勢、經濟和其他未來狀況的信念、預期和假設。由於前瞻性陳述與未來有關,它們會受到固有的不確定性、風險和環境變化的影響,這些不確定性、風險和環境變化很難預測,其中許多是我們無法控制的。我們的實際結果和財務狀況可能與前瞻性陳述中顯示的大不相同。因此,您不應該依賴這些前瞻性陳述中的任何一種。可能導致我們的實際結果和財務狀況與前瞻性陳述中顯示的情況大不相同的重要因素包括,但不限於以下因素:我們的現金流和收益是否充足,未來融資和/或信貸的可用性,以及其他可能影響我們擴展本文所述平台和軟件的能力的條件,加密貨幣行業的需求水平和財務表現,法律法規的發展和變化,包括通過立法行動加強對加密貨幣行業的監管,以及加拿大證券管理人安大略省證券管理委員會(Ontario Securities Commission)應用的修訂規則和標準。我們的技術網絡中斷,包括計算機系統、軟件和雲數據,或我們的操作系統、結構或設備的其他中斷,以及公司提交給加拿大某些省份證券監管機構的披露文件(可在www.sedar.com上查閲)中討論或提到的風險因素。

Any forward-looking statement made by us in this press release is based only on information currently available to us and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. Except as required by applicable securities laws, we undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.


SOURCE: DigiMax Global Inc.

資料來源:DigiMax Global Inc.

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