
Prime Mining Q2 2022 Update on Exploration, Report to Shareholders and AGM Results

Prime Mining Q2 2022 Update on Exploration, Report to Shareholders and AGM Results

Prime Mining 2022年第二季度勘探、向股東報告和年度股東大會結果的最新情況
GlobeNewswire ·  2021/12/09 23:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Prime Mining Corp. ("Prime", or the "Company") (TSX.V: PRYM) (OTCQB: PRMNF) (Frankfurt: O4V3) is pleased to report its operating and financial results for the second quarter of fiscal 2022, ended October 31, 2021. Unless otherwise stated, all amounts are presented in Canadian dollars.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2021年12月9日(環球通訊社)--Prime Mining Corp.(“Prime”,或“The Company”)(TSX.V:Prym) (OTCQB:PRMNF) (法蘭克福:O4V3)很高興報告截至2021年10月31日的2022財年第二季度的運營和財務業績。除非另有説明,否則所有金額均以加元表示。

Prime is focused on the exploration and development of its wholly owned Los Reyes Gold-Silver Project in Sinaloa State, Mexico ("Los Reyes" or the "Project").


Corporate Highlights During the Quarter


On August 30th, the Company reported the exercise of 19,040,256 common share purchase warrants issued in August of 2019 resulting in gross proceeds of $ 9.52 million.


On September 27th, Prime appointed Ms. Edie Hofmeister to the board as an independent director. Ms. Hofmeister brings tremendous strength and wealth of knowledge in ESG matters and governmental affairs. She is an attorney who has counselled large and small multinational resource companies on legal and ESG matters for over 20 years. Most recently, she served as executive vice-president, corporate affairs, and general counsel of Tahoe Resources Inc., where she headed the legal, sustainability and government affairs departments, as it moved from a small junior explorer to a mid-cap producer.

9月27日,Prime任命伊迪·霍夫邁斯特女士為董事會獨立董事。霍夫邁斯特女士在ESG事務和政府事務方面擁有巨大的實力和豐富的知識。她是一名律師,20多年來一直為大大小小的跨國資源公司提供法律和ESG方面的諮詢。最近,她擔任塔霍資源公司(Tahoe Resources Inc.)負責公司事務的執行副總裁和總法律顧問,負責該公司的法律、可持續發展和政府事務部,當時該公司正從一家小型初級勘探公司轉變為一家中型生產商。

In addition, Mr. Scott Smith was appointed as Executive Vice President, Exploration, replacing Kerry Sparkes who remains active with the Company as a Senior Technical Advisor and supports Scott who will now lead exploration in our quest to continue the discovery process. Mr. Smith is a registered professional geologist, a qualified person and has over 25 years of experience in mine production, exploration, mine start-up and advanced projects at world-class operating mines, and brownfield and greenfield situations in Canada, the United States, Peru and Chile. Mr. Smith recently worked as chief geologist for Taseko Gibraltar Mines Ltd., where he was responsible for managing geology, geotechnical, dewatering, grade control, reserve reconciliation and conversion, exploration, performance standards, quality assurance/quality control for both production and exploration. Mr. Smith is a highly experienced manager of Latin American exploration and operating teams; his prior positions include exploration manager for Teck Resources Ltd. for Chile and Argentina based in Santiago; exploration manager for Newmont Mining Corp. at Minera Yanacocha in Peru; and senior mine geologist at Antamina Mine in Peru for Compania Minera Antamina SA. Mr. Smith holds a BSc (geology) from the University of Alberta.

此外,Scott Smith先生被任命為勘探部門執行副總裁,接替Kerry Sparkes擔任高級技術顧問,Kerry Sparkes將繼續擔任公司的高級技術顧問,併為Scott提供支持,Scott現在將領導勘探部門繼續探索新的發現過程。Smith先生是一名註冊專業地質學家,是一名合格的人員,在加拿大、美國、祕魯和智利的世界級運營礦山以及棕地和綠地的礦山生產、勘探、礦山啟動和先進項目方面擁有超過25年的經驗。Smith先生最近在Taseko直布羅陀礦業有限公司擔任首席地質學家,負責管理地質、巖土工程、降水、品位控制、儲量對賬和轉換、勘探、績效標準、生產和勘探的質量保證/質量控制。史密斯先生是拉丁美洲勘探和運營團隊的一名經驗豐富的經理;他之前擔任過的職務包括:智利和阿根廷聖地亞哥Teck Resources Ltd的勘探經理;祕魯Minera Yanacocha紐蒙特礦業公司的勘探經理;以及Compania Minera Antamina SA在祕魯Antamina礦的高級礦山地質學家。史密斯先生擁有阿爾伯塔大學的地質學學士學位。

Exploration Highlights During the Quarter


On August 4th, the Company announced the discovery of gold-silver zones in San Miguel East Pit-Constrained Resource in addition to near surface mineralization at Las Primas.

8月4日,該公司宣佈在San Miguel East礦坑受限資源中發現金銀帶,此外還在拉斯普里馬斯發現了近地表礦化。

On September 8th, the Company reported additional high-grade results expanding the open-pit potential at Guadalupe East.


On October 12th, the Company confirmed strike and depth potential of the Zapote-Tahonitas mineralized structure.


Subsequent Event Highlights


Exploration Update


On November 16th, the Company provided an update on its planned Phase 2 drill program. The Phase 2 program will run from approximately November 2021 to October 2022 and will consist of approximately 250 new drill holes, for a minimum of 50,000 metres ("m"). There are currently seven drill rigs operating on the property.


Other continuing subjects and activities critical to progress and the overall success of the Project include:


Maintaining Health and Safety Protocols


The Company successfully minimized the impact of Covid-19 on operations. To-date Covid-19 has not had a material effect on the Company's activities. Prime remains engaged with local stakeholders and is proactive in monitoring employees and contractors during this uncertain period. The Company continues to closely adhere to the directives of all levels of government and relevant health authorities in Mexico and Canada.


Continuing Community Engagement and Environmental Stewardship


The responsible stewardship of the local environment where we operate is at the heart of our corporate values. We strive to minimize the environmental impact of our activities at all times. Plus, we aim to offset our activities by engaging in outreach initiatives to improve the local environment.


Selected Financial Data


The following selected financial data is summarized from the Company's condensed interim consolidated financial statements and related notes thereto (the "Financial Statements") for the three months ended October 31, 2021. A copy of the Financial Statements and MD&A is available at or on SEDAR at


  Q2 2022 
Q2 2021 
Loss and comprehensive loss $(5,600,423)  $(2,548,756) 
Loss per share - basic and diluted $(0.05)  $(0.03) 
Q2 2022
Q2 2021
損失和綜合損失 $(5,600,423) $(2,548,756)
每股虧損-基本和攤薄 $(0.05) $(0.03)
  October 30, 2021 
April 30,2021 
Cash $29,848,024  $32,026,806 
Total assets $43,961,419  $44,791,540 
Total current liabilities $472,903  $894,128 
Total liabilities $1,396,764  $1,812,746 
Total shareholders' equity $42,564,655  $42,978,794 
現金 $29,848,024 $32,026,806
總資產 $43,961,419 $44,791,540
流動負債總額 $472,903 $894,128
總負債 $1,396,764 $1,812,746
股東權益總額 $42,564,655 $42,978,794

AGM Results


On Thursday December 9, 2021, the Company held its Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders where the shareholders voted in favour of all the items put forward by the Board of Directors and Management.


Shareholders voted in favour of the election of all director nominees: Murray John (Chairman), Daniel Kunz, Andrew Bowering, Paul Larkin, Marc Prefontaine, Paul Sweeney and Edie Hofmeister.


The shareholders also approved the following items:
      1)   Re-appointment of Davidson & Company LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as auditor of the Company for the ensuing year and authorize the Board to fix the remuneration of the auditor;
      2)   Fixing the number of the directors of the Company for the ensuing year at seven (7);
      3)   Election of directors to hold office for the ensuing year;
      4)   Approval of the Company's stock option plan (see Information Circular); and
      5)   Ratification by disinterested shareholders of the long-term incentive plan (see Information Circular).
A total of 60,222,302 Prime common shares were voted representing 53.50% of the total issued and outstanding as at the record date of this meeting.

1)再度委任英國特許專業會計師事務所Davidson&Company LLP為本公司下一年度的核數師,並授權董事會釐定核數師的酬金;

Qualified Person


Scott Smith, P.Geo., Executive Vice President of Exploration, is a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical content in this news release.

勘探部執行副總裁Scott Smith,P.Geo是符合National Instrument 43-101要求的合格人員,並已審核並批准了本新聞稿中的技術內容。

Los Reyes Gold and Silver Project


Los Reyes is a rapidly evolving high-grade, low sulphidation epithermal gold-silver project located in Sinaloa, Mexico, within the prolific Sierra Madre mining region. Historic operating results indicate that an estimated 1 million ounces of gold and 60 million ounces of silver were recovered from five separate operations at Los Reyes between 1770 and 1990. Prior to Prime's acquisition, recent operators of Los Reyes had spent approximately USD 20 million on exploration, engineering, and prefeasibility studies. The Project remains underexplored as only 40% of the known structures have been systematically drilled, leaving 10 kilometres of untested strike length. Los Reyes holds potential for additional discovery and resource expansion.


Prime Mining acquired Los Reyes is 2019, completed initial data compilation, field mapping and trenching in 2020, and in 2021, executed a Phase 1 exploration program that included 25,650 metres of drilling. Results suggest the deposits are much larger than previously reported and potential exists for new discoveries outside of current defined resources. The Company is currently undertaking a 50,000 metre Phase 2 exploration program.

Prime Mining收購了Los Reyes is 2019年,於2020年完成了初步數據彙編、野外測繪和挖溝,並於2021年執行了一期勘探計劃,其中包括25,650米的鑽探。結果表明,這些礦藏比之前報道的要大得多,在目前定義的資源之外存在新發現的潛力。該公司目前正在進行一項50,000米的二期勘探計劃。

About Prime Mining


Prime Mining (member of the TSX Venture 50) is an ideal mix of successful mining executives, strong capital markets personnel, and experienced local operators focused on unlocking the full potential of the high-grade Los Reyes Gold-Silver Project in Mexico. Prime Mining has a well-planned capital structure with significant team and insider ownership.

Prime Mining(多倫多證券交易所創業板50強成員)是成功的礦業高管、強大的資本市場人員和專注於釋放墨西哥高品位洛斯雷耶斯金銀項目全部潛力的經驗豐富的當地運營商的理想組合。Prime Mining擁有計劃周密的資本結構,擁有重要的團隊和內部人所有權。

The TSX Venture 50 is a ranking of the top performers in each of 5 industry sectors on the TSX Venture Exchange over the last year.




Daniel Kunz
Chief Executive Officer


For further information, please contact:


Daniel Kunz
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Prime Mining Corp.
1307 S. Colorado Ave.
Boise, Idaho 83706
Telephone: 1-208-926-6379 office

優質礦業公司(Prime Mining Corp.)

Andrew Bowering
Executive Vice President and Director
Prime Mining Corp.
710 – 1030 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC, V6E 2Y3
Telephone: (604) 428-6128
Facsimile: (604) 428-6430

優質礦業公司(Prime Mining Corp.)
不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華,V6E 2Y3

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Forward Looking Information


Information set forth in this document may include forward-looking statements. While these statements reflect management's current plans, projections, and intents, by their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond the control of the Company. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements. There is no assurance the activities described in this release will be completed as planned, or at all. The Company's actual results, programs, activities, and financial position could differ materially from those expressed in or implied by these forward-looking statements.


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