
BAPES™ (Business Apes) Brings Star Jets International Private Jet Charter into the Metaverse as Part of the BAPES NFT Project Rollout

BAPES™ (Business Apes) Brings Star Jets International Private Jet Charter into the Metaverse as Part of the BAPES NFT Project Rollout

作為Bapes™項目推出的一部分,Bapes NFT(商務猿)將星空國際私人噴氣式飛機包機帶入Metverse
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/01/27 09:11

BAPES™ (Business Apes) Brings Star Jets International Private Jet Charter into the Metaverse as Part of the BAPES NFT Project Rollout

作為Bapes™項目推出的一部分,Bapes NFT(商務猿)將星空國際私人噴氣式飛機包機帶入Metverse

BAPES, a new viral global NFT project, has taken the world by storm. BAPES will provide Star Jets International (OTCPINK: JETR) ($JETR) with best in breed designers and animators that come from Pixar, 21st Century Fox, and Disney, as well as the ability to build a massive community around these new experiences. Being a rare BAPES NFT holder, which is set to drop this February, you'll have exclusive access to these jets in VR as well as in real life, and even benefit from some exclusive travel related experiences, events, and special pricing as part of being an elite BAPES NFT Holder.
Bapes,一個新的病毒式全球NFT項目,已經席捲了世界。Bapes將為Star Jets International(OTCPINK:JETR)($JETR)提供來自皮克斯、21世紀福克斯和迪士尼的最佳設計師和動畫師,以及圍繞這些新體驗建立大規模社區的能力。作為一個罕見的Bapes NFT持有者,它將於今年2月推出,你將有權在VR和現實生活中獨家使用這些噴氣式飛機,甚至作為精英Bapes NFT持有者的一部分,你還可以從一些與旅行相關的獨家體驗、活動和特價中受益。

NEW YORK, Jan. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Star Jets International, Inc. (OTCPINK: JETR) ($JETR), is once again proud to lead the way on experiences for the private jet charter and private aviation industries by being the conduit linking physical real world luxury travel with metaverse and Web 3.0 private aviation travel experiences. Star Jets International has access to 15,000 private jets worldwide and expects to become the IP digital rights owner and management for some of the wealthiest businesspeople, athletes, entertainers, celebrities, and influencers' jets to further monetize those assets in the digital virtual reality world.

紐約,2022年1月27日(環球網)--Star Jets International,Inc.(OTCPINK:JETR)($JETR)再次自豪地成為私人飛機包機和私人航空業體驗的領頭羊,成為連接現實世界豪華旅行與Metverse和Web3.0私人航空旅行體驗的渠道。Star Jets International在全球擁有1.5萬架私人飛機,預計將成為一些最富有的商人、運動員、藝人、名人和有影響力的飛機的IP數字版權所有者和管理人,以進一步將這些資產在數字虛擬現實世界中貨幣化。

BAPES, a new viral global NFT project, has taken the world by storm. BAPES will provide Star Jets International with best in breed designers and animators that come from Pixar, 21st Century Fox, and Disney, as well as the ability to build a massive community around these new experiences. Being a rare BAPES NFT holder, which is set to drop this February, you'll have exclusive access to these jets in VR as well as in real life, and even benefit from some exclusive travel related experiences, events, and special pricing as part of being an elite BAPES NFT Holder.

Bapes,一種新的虛擬儀器雷爾全球NFT項目,已經席捲了世界。Bapes將為Star Jets International提供來自皮克斯(Pixar)、21世紀福克斯(21st Century Fox)和迪士尼(Disney)的最佳設計師和動畫師,以及圍繞這些新體驗建立大規模社區的能力。作為一個罕見的Bapes NFT持有者,它將於今年2月推出,你將有權在VR和現實生活中獨家使用這些噴氣式飛機,甚至作為精英Bapes NFT持有者的一部分,你還可以從一些與旅行相關的獨家體驗、活動和特價中受益。

"As an originator in the Private Jet Broker industry, we pride ourselves on being a company that understands first to market and being on the cutting edge of technology and innovation. It is with great excitement to be joining this BAPES as a Business Ape Ambassador. The utility and value we can bring BAPES NFT holders as it relates to private aviation, private jet charter, and luxury travel experiences is going to be top notch. Working with BAPES and bringing the Star Jets International brand and IP into the METAVERSE to connect physical real life travel experiences and VR travel experiences on one of our private jets is going to completely disrupt jet charter again. As we were one of the first to accept Bitcoin and Ethereum as payment for flights, once again we are proud to lead the way and be an ambassador along with all these other incredible Business Apes (BAPES)," states, Ricky Sitomer CEO and Founder Star Jets International, Inc.

作為私人飛機經紀行業的發起人,我們為自己是一家最先了解市場、走在技術和創新前沿的公司而感到自豪。很高興能以商業猿類大使的身份加入這個協會。我們可以為Bapes NFT持有者帶來的效用和價值將是一流的,因為它涉及私人航空、私人飛機包機和豪華旅行體驗。與Bapes合作,並將Star Jets International品牌和IP引入Metaverse,在我們的一架私人飛機上將實物、現實生活旅行體驗和VR旅行體驗聯繫起來,將再次徹底擾亂飛機包機。我們是首批接受比特幣和以太支付航班費用的公司之一,我們再次為能帶頭與所有其他令人難以置信的商務類人猿(Bapes)一起成為大使而感到自豪,“Ricky Sitmer首席執行官兼創始人Star Jets International,Inc.表示。

This partnership has the potential to be a true win/win for all parties involved. To the travel consumer it will further enhance their experience and value of being a BAPES NFT holder for all Star Jets related VR and real life travel experiences, to the metaverse community by bringing exceptional IP and new experiences to keep people engaged and add value to those VR worlds, but also to the private jet owner where they can further help monetize their assets, now digitally, to help offset the high cost on maintenance, fixed based operator (FBO) storage fees, gas, and pilot and flight attendant costs.

這種夥伴關係有可能成為各方真正的雙贏。對於旅行消費者來説,這將進一步提升他們作為Bapes NFT持有者獲得所有Star Jets相關VR和現實旅行體驗的體驗和價值;對於虛擬世界來説,它將帶來非凡的IP和新體驗,以保持人們的參與度,併為這些VR世界增加價值;對於私人飛機所有者來説,他們也可以進一步幫助他們的資產貨幣化(現在是數字化),以幫助抵消維護、固定運營商(FBO)存儲費、汽油以及飛行員和空乘人員的高昂成本。

"It is with extreme excitement to bring Star Jets International into the metaverse through this incredible BAPES project. As a founding partner of BAPES as well as working as head of strategy with Ricky at Star Jets International, I know firsthand how exciting this partnership is going to be. Imagine holding a BAPES NFT that allows you exclusive elite access to board your favorite celebrity icon's private plane in VR, and possibly even in real life. Now imagine that icon is also sitting with you during that VR and/or real-life experience. Star Jets International will be one of the only private aviation jet charter companies with a turn-key team and abilities to properly bring the two worlds together. It gives me even more pleasure to offer a unique new mechanism for these jet owners to further monetize those very expensive plane assets, now digitally." noted Star Jets International Head of Strategy and Global Partnerships as well as BAPES Business Ape Founding Partner Brian J. Esposito

他説:“通過這個令人難以置信的Bapes項目將Star Jets International帶入虛擬世界,我感到非常興奮。作為Bapes的創始合夥人,以及在Star Jets International與裏奇一起工作的戰略主管,我直接知道這種合作關係將是多麼令人興奮。想象一下,拿着一臺Bapes NFT,你可以獨家進入精英階層,在VR中登上你最喜歡的名人偶像的私人飛機,甚至可能在現實生活中也是如此。現在想象一下,在虛擬現實和/或現實生活體驗過程中,那個圖標也和你坐在一起。星空國際(Star Jets International)將成為僅有的幾家擁有交鑰匙團隊和能力將這兩個世界恰當地結合在一起的私人航空噴氣式飛機包機公司之一。我更高興能為這些噴氣式飛機所有者提供一種獨特的新機制,進一步將這些非常昂貴的飛機資產數字化貨幣化。“著名的Star Jets國際戰略和全球合作主管以及Bapes Business Ape創始人合夥人Brian J.Esposito

For more information about this press release and Star Jets International, Inc., contact Ricky Sitomer at (917) 331-5152.

欲瞭解本新聞稿和Star Jets International,Inc.的更多信息,請聯繫裏奇·西託默,電話:(917)331-5152。

About Star Jets International:


About Star Jets International, Inc. (OTCPINK: JETR) Star Jets International, Inc. (OTCPINK: JETR) offers its customers all the advantages of owning a corporate jet without the burdens associated with ownership. This includes unprecedented flexibility through access to over 5,000 private jets domestically and 15,000 private jets worldwide. Star Jets executives have nearly 20 years of experience in aviation and marketing, and Watch Star Jets International "YouTube" video - and watch two CNBC Commercials about the Company- Twitter | YouTube | Instagram | Meta | LinkedIn | Website

星空國際公司(OTCPINK:JETR)為其客户提供擁有公司噴氣式飛機的所有優勢,而沒有與擁有權相關的負擔。(OTCPINK:JETR)星空國際公司(OTCPINK:JETR)為其客户提供擁有公司噴氣式飛機的所有優勢,而沒有與擁有權相關的負擔。這包括前所未有的靈活性,可以在國內獲得5000多架私人飛機,在全球範圍內獲得15000架私人飛機。STAR Jets的高管在航空和營銷方面有近20年的經驗,觀看Star Jets International“YouTube”視頻,觀看CNBC關於該公司的兩則廣告-Twitter|YouTube|Instagram|Meta|LinkedIn|網站

About BAPES - Business Apes:

關於Bapes-Business Apes:

EXORDIUM BAPES: is the first metavestor club, that exclusively empowers crypto native companies, forged in the metaverse. BAPES was founded by successful bumans with super-high diversity backgrounds working in a myriad of divergent industries. Every BAPES club member (BAPES NFT HOLDER) is considered a metavestor partner earning continuous metawards from all the metaprojects that the BAPES Clan, as a collective, votes to metavest in, from the BAPES Metafund. Members of the BAPES Clan will enjoy VIP access to the high-end BAPES Club House, built in the metaverse, to mingle and connect with highly successful VIP business owners and founders of unicorn companies, celebrities, artists, content creators, and more. Member of the BAPES Clan will also enjoy never before seen, and non-accessible, IRL perks from our business partners in industries such as aviation, hospitality, real-estate, automotive, and more. In summary, being a BAPES NFT HOLDER means that you will have access to metavestments and a network of people in a meta-constellation never seen. LORE BAPES is a clan of business savvy apes that evolved due to the poor business conditions created by bumans for centuries. Bumans took advantage of their centralized position of power over other bumans and have therefore disintegrated all hopes for unhindered ultra-creative innovation in the universe. BAPES have elevated far beyond the buman race and are rapidly taking over the world of decentralized meta businesses in the ever-expanding alternate reality known as the metaverse. The first species of BAPES are to be created and revealed to the world in February 2022. ARTWORK & HERITAGE: The BAPES character design team are legends in 3D character design and animation, working for companies such as 21st Century Fox, Disney, and Pixar. This golden team of designers will ensure that the BAPES Clan will have the best looking NFT 3D character art on the low polygon chain. Each BAPE, from the initial species, have inherited many main family traits, with each trait having a myriad of variations, ensuring a vast number of unique and high-quality BAPES. Some Bapes will also have ultra-rare and secret traits, that will not be revealed beforehand, but will remain a mystery until they are born. BAPE Clan members that rank up the Metavestor Ladder will unlock new traits and variations that enables them to breed magical BAPES with special powers. BAPES will rank up based on engagement and company voting hit rates - Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | Discord | Website

Exordium Bapes:是第一個在虛擬世界中打造的專門為加密本地公司賦權的元虛擬人俱樂部。Bapes是由擁有超高多元化背景的成功人士創立的,他們在無數不同的行業工作。每個Bapes俱樂部成員(Bapes NFT Holder)都被認為是從Bapes家族作為一個集體投票支持從Bapes Metafund進行Metavest的所有元項目中持續獲得元獎勵的元合作伙伴。Bapes家族的成員將享受VIP訪問建在虛擬世界中的高端Bapes Club House,與非常成功的VIP企業主和獨角獸公司的創始人、名人、藝術家、內容創作者等進行交流和聯繫。Bapes家族的成員還將從航空、酒店、房地產、汽車等行業的業務合作伙伴那裏享受前所未有的、不可獲得的IRL福利。總而言之,成為Bapes NFT持有者意味着你將有機會接觸到一個從未見過的元星座中的元資產和人的網絡。傳説中的巴普斯是一個精通商業的類人猿家族,他們是由於幾個世紀以來由笨蛋造成的糟糕的商業環境而進化出來的。布曼利用了他們對其他人的集中權力地位,因此粉碎了宇宙中不受阻礙的超創造性創新的所有希望。Bapes已經遠遠超越了Buman競賽,並在不斷擴大的另一個現實--虛擬世界--迅速接管了分散的元企業世界。首批Bapes物種將於2022年2月被創造出來,並向世界展示。藝術品和遺產:巴普斯的角色設計團隊是3D角色設計和動畫領域的傳奇人物,為21世紀福克斯、迪士尼和皮克斯等公司工作。這個黃金設計師團隊將確保Bapes家族在低多邊形鏈上擁有最好看的NFT 3D角色藝術。每個BAPE,從最初的物種,繼承了許多主要的家族特徵,每個特徵都有無數的變異,確保了大量獨特和高質量的BAPE。一些Bapes還將擁有極其罕見和祕密的特徵,這些特徵不會事先透露,但在它們出生之前仍將是一個謎。在超能力者階梯上排名靠前的巴普氏族成員將解鎖新的特徵和變異,使他們能夠培育出具有特殊能力的魔法巴普。Bapes將根據參與度和公司投票命中率進行排名-Twitter|LinkedIn|Instagram|Discord|Webs伊特

Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer:


The press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "ongoing," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would," or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at, or by, which such performance or results will be achieved. Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time the statements are made and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainty and other factors that may cause our results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from the information expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements in this press release. This press release should be considered in light of all filings of the Company that are contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at




Ricky Sitomer
Star Jets International Inc.
Tower 57
135 East 57th Street 16th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Mobile: 917-331-5152
Phone: 855-9-FLYJETS
Fax: 212-658-9810

星空國際公司(Star Jets International Inc.)

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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