
Big Red Mining Corp. (RED) Announces the Expansion of Its Dobie Lake Copper Property

Big Red Mining Corp. (RED) Announces the Expansion of Its Dobie Lake Copper Property

Newsfile Corp. ·  2022/01/28 09:06

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 28, 2022) - Big Red Mining Inc. (CSE: RED) (FSE: K8J), (the "Company", or "Big Red") is pleased to announce expansion of its Dobie Lake Copper Property to the east and west. Big Red has acquired more ground which will add approximately 2100 Acres to the existing Property.

不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年1月28日)-Big Red Mining Inc.(CSE:RED)(證券交易所股票代碼:K8J),(以下簡稱“Big Red”)高興地宣佈將其Dobie Lake銅礦向東西擴展。大紅公司已經獲得了更多的土地,這將使現有的土地增加大約2100英畝。

Cobalt (Gryba) Claims


The Cobalt claims lie to east of the Dobie Lake Copper claims (the orange claims in Figure 1 above). The area appears be the extension of the North No 1 Zone (Figure 1). Rock sampling from trenches in the North Zone have returned values up to 6.78% copper in veins of massive chalcopyrite. The Cobalt claims adjoins the property of Kobold Metals, a company whose mandate is to identify projects with potential to host Energy Metals, which has a known cobalt occurrence.

鈷礦藏位於多比湖銅礦礦藏的東面(上圖1中的橙色礦藏)。該區域似乎是North No 1 Zone的延伸(圖1)。從北帶海溝採集的巖石樣品在塊狀黃銅礦礦脈中的返回值高達6.78%。鈷的聲明毗鄰科博德金屬公司(Kobold Metals)的財產,該公司的任務是確定有潛力託管Energy Metals的項目,該公司有一個已知的鈷礦藏。

About Kobold Metals

關於Kobold Metals

KoBold Metals is privately held and backed by investors committed to the long-term development of new battery metal resources. The principal investors in Kobold Metals are Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a climate technology fund overseen by Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and other global business leaders; Andreessen Horowitz, the premier Silicon Valley venture capital fund; and Equinor, the Norwegian state oil company.

Kobold Metals是一傢俬人持股公司,由致力於長期開發新的電池金屬資源的投資者支持。Kobold Metals的主要投資者是由比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates)、傑夫·貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)和其他全球商界領袖管理的氣候技術基金Breakthrough Energy Ventures;硅谷首屈一指的風險投資基金安德森·霍洛維茨(Andreessen Horowitz);以及挪威國有石油公司Equinor。

The Skead Holdings Property

Skead Holdings物業

The property acquired from Skead Holdings comprises claims to the east and west of the existing Dobie Lake Copper Property.

從Skead Holdings收購的物業包括對現有Dobie Lake銅礦東面和西面的債權。

The claims to the east of Dobie Lake Copper cover an area known as the "Southeast Trench" which has yielded, in past work, massive chalcopyrite veins with grab samples up to 5% copper. The newly discovered Alpha Vein on Big Red's property is projected to extend to the Southeast Trench area giving a strike length of over 1.5 km to this copper-bearing structure.

多別湖銅礦以東的主張覆蓋了一個被稱為“東南海溝”的地區,在過去的工作中,該地區產出了大量的黃銅礦礦脈,採集的樣品中銅含量高達5%。在Big Red的地產上新發現的Alpha礦脈預計將延伸到東南海溝地區,使這一含銅構造的走向長度超過1.5公里。

The property to the west of the Dobie Lake Copper claims includes the western extension of the Alpha vein and covers the former producing Jentina mine property. Indications of the western extension of the Alpha Vein (No. 2 Zone) were discovered during prospecting on the west side of the Skead claims in 2021. If confirmed, this would add another 1.6 km to the western extent of the No. 2 copper mineralized zone.


Mr. Jag Sandhu, CEO of Big Red, stated, "We are excited to work with local prospectors to expand the property holdings of Big Red in the Algoma area of Ontario. We consider this area to have great potential based on the widespread copper mineralization and past production in the area. Our expanded footprint is important and gives us a large land holding in a highly prospective area."

Big Red首席執行官Jag Sandhu先生表示:“我們很高興能與當地勘探者合作,擴大Big Red在安大略省阿爾戈馬地區的資產持有量。基於該地區廣泛的銅礦化和過去的生產,我們認為該地區具有巨大的潛力。我們擴大的足跡很重要,使我們在一個前景看好的地區擁有大量土地。”

Qualified Person


James Atkinson M.Sc., P. Geo., a Qualified Person ("QP") as such term is defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the geological and technical information reported in this news release. Mr. Atkinson is not independent of the Company as he is a member of the Board of Directors of Big Red.

James Atkinson M.Sc.,P.Geo.是由National Instrument 43-101-礦產項目披露標準定義的合格人員(“QP”),他已審核並批准了本新聞稿中報道的地質和技術信息。阿特金森先生並非獨立於本公司,因為他是Big Red的董事會成員。

About Big Red Mining Corp.

關於大紅礦業公司(Big Red Mining Corp.)

Bid Red is focussed on discovering metals required for the clean energy revolution. Big Red holds an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Dobie Lake Copper Project (the "Property") in Ontario, Canada. The Property is Located approximately 100 km from Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. The Property surrounds and covers Extensions of the Past producing Jentina Mine. The Property comprises 131 claims totaling 6,500 Acres (26 Square kilometers). Big Red's management team possess extensive experience in financing, exploration, development and mining. Big Red's mission is to conduct future drilling campaigns on the Dobie Lake copper property to maximize its minable resource potential.

Bid Red專注於發現清潔能源革命所需的金屬。Big Red擁有收購加拿大安大略省Dobie Lake銅礦項目(“物業”)100%權益的選擇權。酒店距離安大略省蘇聖瑪麗約100公里。該物業圍繞並覆蓋了過去生產Jentina礦的延伸部分。這處房產包括131項索賠,總計6500英畝(26平方公里)。大紅集團的管理團隊在融資、勘探、開發和開採方面擁有豐富的經驗。Big Red的使命是在多比湖銅礦進行未來的鑽探活動,以最大限度地發揮其可開採資源的潛力。



On Behalf of the Board of Directors


Jag Sandhu, CEO and President 778-218-9638

首席執行官兼總裁賈格·桑杜(Jag Sandhu)電話:778-218-9638

The information in this news release includes certain information and statements about management's view of future events, expectations, plans and prospects that constitute forward looking statements. These statements are based upon assumptions that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Because of these risks and uncertainties and as a result of a variety of factors, the actual results, expectations, achievements or performance may differ materially from those anticipated and indicated by these forward looking statements. Although Big Red believes that the expectations reflected in forward looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that the expectations of any forward looking statements will prove to be correct.

本新聞稿中的信息包括有關管理層對未來事件、預期、計劃和前景的看法的某些信息和陳述,這些信息和陳述構成前瞻性陳述。這些陳述是基於受重大風險和不確定因素影響的假設。由於這些風險和不確定因素,以及各種因素的影響,實際結果、預期、成就或業績可能與這些前瞻性陳述中預期和表明的大不相同。儘管Big Red認為前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但它不能保證任何前瞻性陳述的預期將被證明是正確的。

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