
SPC Nickel Provides Update on Historical Data Compilation on its Highly Prospective Muskox Property: Grab Sample Grades at Surface up to 5.39% Ni, 2.88% Cu and 7.61 g/t PGM

SPC Nickel Provides Update on Historical Data Compilation on its Highly Prospective Muskox Property: Grab Sample Grades at Surface up to 5.39% Ni, 2.88% Cu and 7.61 g/t PGM

SPC鎳公司提供關於其極具前景的麝香特性的最新歷史數據彙編:在表面抓取高達5.39%Ni、2.88%Cu和7.61g/t PGM的樣品等級
Newsfile Corp. ·  2022/02/01 08:40

Sudbury, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 1, 2022) - SPC Nickel Corp. (TSXV: SPC) ("SPC Nickel" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update of activities on the Company's 100% held, 43,000 hectares (430 km2) Muskox Property (the 'Property') located in Nunavut, Canada.

安大略省薩德伯裏-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年2月1日)SPC鎳公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SPC)(“SPC鎳”“公司”)很高興提供公司100%持有的43,000公頃(430公里)活動的最新情況2)位於加拿大努納武特的Muskox財產(“財產”)。

Highlights from database studies preformed by SPC Nickel include:

SPC Nickel執行的數據庫研究的亮點包括:

  • Presence of widespread high-grade nickel-copper-PGM mineralization along the 60 km strike length of the Muskox Feeder dyke.
  • Two broad zones (3 to 4 km in strike length) of high-grade mineralization identified at both the Spider Lake and Marceau Lake areas.
  • Grab sample values up to 5.39% Ni, 2.88% Cu and 7.61 g/t PGM reported from historic sampling at the Spider Lake area.
  • Grab sample values up to 2.18% Ni, 2.13% Cu and 2.22 g/t PGM reported from historic sampling at the Marceau Lake area.
  • Higher-grade zones occur in possible physical traps where the thickness and orientation of the dyke changes; similar to other world class nickel deposits such as in Sudbury and Voisey's Bay.
  • No historic drilling is reported from either the Spider Lake or Marceau Lake areas.
  • 沿馬斯科克斯饋線堤壩60公里走向長度,普遍存在高品位鎳-銅-鉑族元素礦化。
  • 在蜘蛛湖和馬爾索湖地區都發現了兩個寬廣的高品位礦化帶(走向長度為3至4公里)。
  • 從蜘蛛湖地區的歷史採樣中報告的抓取樣本值高達5.39%Ni、2.88%Cu和7.61 g/t PGM。
  • 根據馬索湖地區的歷史採樣報告,抓取樣本值高達2.18%Ni、2.13%Cu和2.22g/t PGM。
  • 與薩德伯裏和沃西灣等其他世界級鎳礦牀相似,高品位帶可能出現在巖脈厚度和方向發生變化的物理圈閉中。
  • 蜘蛛湖和馬爾索湖地區都沒有歷史性鑽探的報道。

Grant Mourre, CEO and President of SPC Nickel Corp. commented, "Since acquiring the Muskox Property and consolidating it with an exclusive database late last year, the team has been aggressively analyzing four decades worth of historic data. We believe the Muskox Property has tremendous potential and our initial review of the historic data has given us a fresh perspective on the exploration potential of the Property. We feel the Property, which has laid dormant for many years, has exciting potential to be a new source of critical metals for electric batteries which are now so important in our new world."

SPC鎳公司首席執行官兼總裁格蘭特·穆爾(Grant Mourre)評論道自去年年底收購Muskox地產並將其與獨家數據庫整合以來,該團隊一直在積極分析40年來的歷史數據。我們相信Muskox地產具有巨大的潛力,我們對歷史數據的初步審查讓我們對該地產的勘探潛力有了一個新的視角。我們認為,這處休眠多年的地產具有令人興奮的潛力,可以成為電池關鍵金屬的新來源,而電池在我們的新世界中現在是如此重要。

In advance of ground-based exploration activities on the Property, SPC Nickel has initiated comprehensive desktop studies of the recently acquired proprietary Muskox database to identify potential areas of opportunity that exist on the Property. These studies include: (a) a detailed review and reinterpretation of historic geophysical data, (b) the extraction and compilation of ground geochemical data including soil and rock samples, and (c) a detailed comparison to other world class nickel deposits hosted in feeder dyke environments. Initial work has focused on the underexplored Muskox Feeder dyke that extends over a strike length of more than 60 km and is between 200 to 600 metres wide. Refer to Figure 1 below.


Exploration data collected by Equinox Resources1 (1987-1988), BHP Minerals Canada Ltd.2 (1993-1994) and by Muskox Minerals Corp.3 (2000-2002) serves as source data used in the studies. Assay locations and results were extracted from historic geological maps and reports contained within the database and incorporated into the new geological model.

Equinox Resources收集的勘探數據1(1987-1988),必和必拓加拿大有限公司2(1993-1994)和Muskox Minerals Corp.3(2000-2002)作為研究中使用的原始數據。從數據庫中包含的歷史地質圖和報告中提取化驗位置和結果,並將其納入新的地質模型。

Spider Lake Area


The Spider Lake area hosts a 3.0 km section of the Feeder dyke extending from Spider Lake in the north to Eider Lake in the south. Historically this area has seen the bulk of the exploration activities due in part to its better-than-average outcrop exposure and visible gossans. Previous work includes three separate mapping and sampling programs as well as an airborne frequency domain electromagnetic (EM) survey completed by Muskox Minerals Corp. in 20024. Assay locations and results were extracted from historic geological maps and reports contained within the database and incorporated into a new comprehensive assay database. Refer to Figures 2 and 3.

蜘蛛湖地區有一段3.0公里長的支線堤壩,北起蜘蛛湖,南至艾德湖。從歷史上看,這一地區的大部分勘探活動都是由於其比平均水平更好的露頭暴露和可見的天鵝絨。之前的工作包括三個獨立的測繪和採樣計劃,以及由Muskox Minerals Corp.於2002年完成的機載頻域電磁(EM)測量4。從數據庫中包含的歷史地質圖和報告中提取化驗位置和結果,並將其合併到新的綜合化驗數據庫中。請參閲圖2和圖3。

Sixty-three of 190 historical grab samples taken from the Spider Lake area returned Ni + Cu values more than 1.0%, while 97 of the samples returned Pt+Pd+Au values more than 1.0 g/t.


Highlights from the Spider Lake compilation work to date include:


  • The clear presence of high-grade Ni-Cu-PGM mineralization, from widely spaced samples collected over a strike length of 3.0 km.
  • Historical surface grab samples returned base and precious metal values of up to 5.39% Ni, 7.34% Cu and 14.7 g/t Pd, with individual samples up to 5.39% Ni, 2.88% Cu and 7.61 g/t PGM.
  • Physical traps: Correlation between mineralization and changes in the shape of the dyke, including changes in the dyke orientation and thickness.
  • No historic drilling has been completed on the Spider Lake area.
  • Previously unpublished data from a 2002 airborne frequency domain electromatic (EM) survey is available for reprocessing.
  • 從3.0公里的走向長度上廣泛採集的樣品中,可以清楚地看到高品位Ni-Cu-PGM礦化的存在。
  • 歷史地表抓取樣品返還了高達5.39%Ni、7.34%Cu和14.7g/tPd的鹼金屬和貴金屬,個別樣品返還了5.39%Ni、2.88%Cu和7.61g/t Pgm。
  • 物理圈閉:成礦作用與巖牆形狀變化之間的關係,包括巖牆方向和厚度的變化。
  • 蜘蛛湖地區還沒有完成歷史性的鑽探。
  • 以前未公佈的2002年航空頻域電磁(EM)調查數據可用於再處理。

Note that grab samples are selective by nature and values reported may not be representative of mineralized zones.


Next Steps:


The next steps in the evaluation of the Spider Lake area will be a complete review of the 2002 airborne frequency domain EM data. This will include: (a) the completion of a 3D inversion of the magnetic data to model the subsurface shape of the dyke, (b) modelling of all EM anomalies to identify conductive targets which may represent subsurface nickel sulphide bodies, and (c) the correlation of EM anomalies to mineralized surface grab samples.


Marceau Lake Area


The Marceau Lake area hosts a 3.5 km section of the Feeder dyke located approximately 11 km southeast of the Spider Lake area. Previous work includes three separate mapping and sampling programs conducted prior to 2002 as well as a ground magnetic and VLF survey completed by BHP Minerals Canada Ltd.2 in 1994. Refer to Figures 4 and 5.


Twelve of 42 historical grab samples taken from the Marceau Lake area returned Ni + Cu values more than 1.0%, while 28 of the samples returned Pt+Pd+Au values more than 1.0 g/t.


Highlights from the Marceau Lake compilation work to date include:

到目前為止,Marceau Lake彙編工作的亮點包括:

  • The clear presence of high-grade Ni-Cu-PGM samples, collected intermittently over a strike length of 3.5 km.
  • Historical surface grab samples returned base and precious metal values of up to 2.18% Ni, 3.78% Cu and 10.3 g/t Pd, with individual samples up to 2.18% Ni, 2.13% Cu and 2.22 g/t PGM.
  • Comparable to the Spider Lake area, there is a correlation between mineralization and changes in the shape of the dyke, including changes in the dyke orientation and thickness.
  • No historic drilling has been completed on the Marceau Lake area.
  • Historic ground magnetic and VLF data available for reprocessing.
  • 明顯存在高品位的Ni-Cu-PGM樣品,間歇性地在3.5公里的走向長度上採集。
  • 歷史地表抓取樣品返還的鹼金屬和貴金屬值分別高達2.18%Ni、3.78%Cu和10.3 g/t Pd,個別樣品高達2.18%Ni、2.13%Cu和2.22 g/t PGM。
  • 與蜘蛛湖地區相比,成礦作用與堤壩形狀的變化(包括堤壩方向和厚度的變化)之間存在相關性。
  • 馬爾索湖地區還沒有完成歷史性的鑽探。
  • 可供再處理的歷史地磁和甚低頻數據。

Note that grab samples are selective by nature and values reported may not be representative of mineralized zones.


Next Steps:


The next steps in the evaluation of the Marceau Lake area are a complete review of the 1994 magnetic and VLF survey. This will include: (a) the extraction of the magnetic and VLF data, (b) 2D inversion of the VLF data, and (c) the correlation of VLF anomalies to mineralized grab samples.




  1. Geological Maps produced by Equinox Resources 1988, 1:50,000 and 1:5,000 scale maps. Contained within SPC Nickel's Muskox database.
  2. Zaremba, C and Peregoodoff, T. 1994. 1994 Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Report on Prospect Permits 1585 and 1586, NWT. BHP Minerals Canada Ltd., DIAND Assessment Report 083404,43 p.
  3. Donnelly, P.M. 2001. Geological, and Geochemical Report in Fulfillment of Assessment Requirements, Ni, Cu and PGE Exploration of the Muskox Intrusion (OX Claims), Nunavut, Muskox Minerals Corp., Assessment Report 084450, 62 p.
  4. Kovacs, A.M. 2002. Logistics and Presentation Report on a Hummingbird Magnetic and Electromagnetic Geophysical Survey for Muskox Minerals Corporation, Muskox Property, Nunavut. Prepared by Meridian Geoscience Ltd.
  1. 由Equinox Resources 1988年製作的地質圖、1:50,000和1:5,000比例尺地圖。包含在SPC鎳公司的麝香數據庫中。
  2. Zaremba,C和Peregoodff,T.1994。1994年地質、地球化學和地球物理勘探許可證報告1585和1586,西北地區。必和必拓加拿大礦業有限公司,DIAND評估報告083404,43頁。
  3. 唐納利,2001年下午。滿足評估要求的地質和地球化學報告,Ni,Cu和PGE對麝香侵入的勘探(OX索賠),努納武特,Muskox Minerals Corp.,評估報告084450,62頁。
  4. 科瓦奇,2002年上午。關於努納武特穆斯科克斯礦產公司的蜂鳥磁性和電磁地球物理調查的後勤和演示報告。由子午線地球科學有限公司準備。

Qualified Person


The technical elements of this news release have been approved by Mr. Grant Mourre, P.Geo. (PGO), CEO and President of SPC Nickel Corp. and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101. The historical information shown in this news release was obtained from historical work reports filed by Equinox Resources Ltd., BHP Minerals Canada Ltd and Muskox Minerals Corp. and have not been independently verified by a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43 101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已得到Grant Mourre先生(P.Geo)的批准。(PGO),SPC鎳公司首席執行官兼總裁,以及National Instrument 43-101的合格人員。本新聞稿中顯示的歷史信息來自Equinox Resources Ltd.、BHP Minerals Canada Ltd.和Muskox Minerals Corp.提交的歷史工作報告,未經NI 43 101定義的合格人員獨立核實。

About SPC Nickel Corp.


SPC Nickel Corp. is a new Canadian public corporation focused on exploring for Ni-Cu-PGMs within the world class Sudbury Mining Camp. The Company is currently exploring its key 100% owned exploration projects Aer-Kidd and Lockerby East both located in the heart of the historic Sudbury Mining Camp and holds an option to acquire 100% interest in the Janes project located approximately 50 km NE of Sudbury. In addition, the Company recently acquired over 43,000 hectares covering a large proportion of the high prospective Muskox Intrusion, located in Nunavut. Although our focus is on Sudbury, we are an opportunistic company always looking for opportunities to use our skills to add shareholder value. Additional information regarding the Company and its projects can be found at .

SPC鎳公司是一家新成立的加拿大上市公司,專注於在世界級的薩德伯裏礦營內勘探Ni-Cu-PGMs。該公司目前正在勘探其100%擁有的主要勘探項目Aer-Kidd和Lockerby East,這兩個項目都位於歷史悠久的薩德伯裏採礦營地的中心,並持有收購位於薩德伯裏東北約50公里處的Janes項目100%權益的選擇權。此外,該公司最近收購了43,000多公頃土地,覆蓋了位於努納武特的高預期麝香入侵的很大一部分土地。雖然我們的重點是薩德伯裏,但我們是一家機會主義的公司,總是在尋找機會,利用我們的技能為股東增加價值。有關該公司及其項目的更多信息,請訪問。

Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Information


Except for statements of historical fact contained herein, the information in this news release constitutes "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities law. Such forward-looking information may be identified by words such as "plans", "proposes", "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include without limitation, statements regarding estimated capital and operating costs, expected production timeline, benefits of updated development plans, foreign exchange assumptions and regulatory approvals. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, competition, risks inherent in the mining industry, and regulatory risks. Most of these factors are outside the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Further information is available at by contacting:


Grant Mourre
Chief Executive Officer
SPC Nickel Corp.
Tel: (705) 669-1777


To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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