
Hill Street Reports FY 2022 Q2 & Year-to-Date Results, Expansion of DehydraTECH(TM) Licensing Business into New States, and Ticker Change to Reflect Hill Street's Growth and Evolution

Hill Street Reports FY 2022 Q2 & Year-to-Date Results, Expansion of DehydraTECH(TM) Licensing Business into New States, and Ticker Change to Reflect Hill Street's Growth and Evolution

Hill Street報告2022財年第二季度和今年迄今的業績、DehyTECH(TM)許可業務向新州的擴展,以及反映Hill Street公司增長和演變的Ticker變化
newsfile ·  2022/03/01 21:40



  • Increased gross profit for the six months ended December 31, 2021 by 12% Year over Year with a 9% increase in net revenue Year over Year
  • Grew gross profit margin for the six months ended December 31, 2021 from 42% to 48% Year over Year, reflecting the improved financial impact of the DehydraTECH™ licensing business
  • Expanded rights in Illinois and Massachusetts to existing partner Dehydr8, LLC for licensing of DehydraTECH™ fast-acting cannabinoid delivery system technology to IL and MA contract manufacturers and licensed producers for B2B and B2C THC applications
  • Intends to obtain approval of the TSX Venture Exchange to change the Company's ticker symbol from "BEER" to "HILL", to reflect the Company's growth and evolution
  • 截至2021年12月31日的6個月毛利潤同比增長12%,淨收入同比增長9%
  • 截至2021年12月31日的6個月,毛利率同比增長42%至48%,反映出DehyTECH™許可業務的財務影響有所改善
  • 擴大了在伊利諾伊州和馬薩諸塞州的現有合作伙伴Deah8,LLC的權利,向IL和MA合同製造商以及B2B和B2C THC應用的特許生產商許可DehyTECH™快速作用大麻遞送系統技術
  • 擬獲得多倫多證券交易所創業板批准,將公司股票代碼由“BEAR”改為“HILL”,以反映公司的成長和發展

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - March 1, 2022) - Hill Street Beverage Company Inc. (TSXV: BEER) ("Hill Street" or the "Company") reported its fiscal year 2022 second quarter results for the three-month and six-month periods ended December 31, 2021. A complete set of financial statements and Management's Discussion & Analysis has been filed at . All dollar figures are quoted in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年3月1日)-Hill Street Beverage Company Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BEAR)(“山街“或”公司“)報告了截至2021年12月31日的三個月和六個月期間的2022財年第二季度業績。完整的財務報表和管理層的討論和分析已提交到。除非另有説明,所有美元數字均以加元報價。



Hill Avenue Cannabis Technologies continued its expansion into new geographic markets and with new product formats

Hill Avenue Cannabis Technologies繼續向新的地理市場和新的產品模式擴張

The Company expanded the reach of a number of its DehydraTECH™ licensees as the licensees introduced their popular DehydraTECH™-powered products into new states and launched new products in the quarter. In FY2022 Q2, Nuka Enterprises LLC (1906)'s best-selling signature line of fast-acting swallowable THC pills (known as Drops) hit shelves in Arizona, and Cannadips launched a THC version of their popular original CBD pouches in California.

該公司擴大了一些DehyTECH™被許可人的覆蓋面,因為這些被許可人在本季度向新的州推出了他們廣受歡迎的DehyTECH™驅動的產品,並推出了新產品。在2022財年第二季度,Nuka Enterprise LLC(1906年)最暢銷的THC速效吞嚥藥丸(稱為Drops)系列在亞利桑那州上架,而Cannadips在加利福尼亞州推出了其廣受歡迎的原始CBD藥袋的THC版本。

Added Distribution of Hill Avenue Cannabis Brands' (V)ia Regal beyond Ontario into new provinces British Columbia and Northwest Territories

增加了Hill Avenue Cannabis Brands‘s(V)ia Regal在安大略省以外的新省份不列顛哥倫比亞省和西北地區的分銷

In FY2022 Q2, Hill Street's co-packing partner Molecule Inc. secured orders from the provincial cannabis boards of British Columbia and the Northwest Territories for the original (V)ia Regal Pink Grape Sparkler and the newly-launched (V)ia Regal White Grape Sparkler, both premium cannabis-infused sparklers made from grapes imported from European vineyards.

在2022財年第二季度,Hill Street的聯合包裝合作伙伴Molecal Inc.從不列顛哥倫比亞省和西北地區的省級大麻委員會獲得了原始(V)ia Regal粉色葡萄Sparkler和新推出的(V)ia Regal白葡萄Sparkler的訂單,這兩款優質注入大麻的汽水都是用從歐洲葡萄園進口的葡萄製成的。

Submitted application for a New Health Canada Cannabis Research License and continued progress on securing a Cannabis Processing License for the Ontario Lucknow Facility


The Company submitted an application for a Health Canada research license for its Lucknow cannabis facility in Mississauga, Ontario and also continued preparations for obtaining the Health Canada Standard Processor License for the facility, which will enable the Company to produce DehydraTECH™ fast-acting cannabinoid powder for potential B2B and B2C sales in Canada. The Company has begun construction at the facility, but delays related to municipal permits for the build-out are impacting the timing for submission of that Standard Processor License application to Health Canada.


Permanent CEO named subsequent to the quarter


Subsequent to the end of Q2, on January 6, 2022, the Company announced the appointment of Craig Binkley as CEO. Binkley had been operating in the interim Co-CEO role along with fellow board member Lori Senecal since February 9, 2021. Lori Senecal has transitioned out of the interim Co-CEO role and will continue in her Board of Director role.

在第二季度結束後,即2022年1月6日,該公司宣佈任命克雷格·賓克利(Craig Binkley)為首席執行官。自2021年2月9日以來,賓克利一直與董事會成員洛裏·塞內卡爾(Lori Senecal)一起擔任臨時聯席首席執行官。洛裏·塞內卡爾已經辭去臨時聯席首席執行官一職,將繼續擔任董事董事會的職務。



Financial results for the six months year-to-date show significant improvements that reflect the growing impact of the DehydraTECH™ business on the Company's financial fundamentals.


Net revenue increased 9% for the six-month period ending December 31, 2021 compared to the same period prior year, while gross profit increased 12% and gross profit margin improved six points from 42% to 48%. After adjusting for the impact of discontinued alcohol-free beer operations and inventory valuation adjustments made in the first half of FY 2021, net revenue for the first six months of FY 2022 increased 13%, while gross profit increased a full 30% and gross profit margin improved nine points from 39% to 48% for the six-month period.


"The year-to-date performance continued to exhibit the transformative power of our DehydraTECH™ licensing business on the overall financial measures of Hill Street", commented Craig Binkley, CEO of Hill Street. "The consolidated revenues, gross profit and gross profit margin are all improved by the escalating impact of this critical growth driver".




While the six-month year-to-date financial results show strong positive trends, second quarter comparisons to year ago were negatively impacted by a quarterly shift in alcohol-free beverage revenues in the prior year.


Q2 FY21 was an extraordinary quarter for Hill Street alcohol-free beverage revenues, as sales were shifted from Q1 FY21 and elevated dramatically beyond normal by the impact of retailers and distributors restocking empty shelves and pipeline inventories that were emptied by global pandemic and supply chain issues in Q1 FY21. Comparative revenues year ago also included the alcohol-free beer business that has since been discontinued.

對於Hill Street無酒精飲料收入來説,21財年第二季度是一個非同尋常的季度,因為銷售額從21財年第一季度轉移到了正常水平,原因是零售商和分銷商重新進貨空置貨架和管道庫存的影響,這些庫存在21財年第一季度因全球流行病和供應鏈問題而被清空。一年前的可比收入還包括後來停產的不含酒精啤酒業務。

As a result of the quarterly revenue shift and the discontinuation of alcohol-free beer, consolidated net revenues for Q2 FY22 declined 32% vs. Q2 prior year, moderating the six-month net revenue growth to 9%. After the quarterly shift and recovery in inventories, future net revenues are expected to reflect positive category trends in alcohol free wine and growth for the fiscal year.


The quarterly shift in revenue also resulted in gross profit declining 33%, moderating the six-month gross profit gain to 12%. The increasing importance of the DehydraTECH™ licensing business allowed the Q2 gross profit margin to remain equal to year ago at 44%, although below the 48% margin for the full six-month period ending December 31, 2021.




The following table summarizes certain financial information of the Company for the three months and six months ended December 31, 2021, and the three months and six months ended December 31, 2020.


Consolidated Results for the Period Ended Quarter Ended
 December 31,
Quarter Ended
December 31,
Six Months Ended
December 31,
Six Months Ended
December 31,
Gross Revenue $576,622 $875,529 $1,237,105 $1,259,979
Chargebacks, finance fees, and listing fees -$67,885 -$129,780 -$123,629 -$239,518
Net Revenue $508,737 $745,749 $1,113,476 $1,020,461
Direct Costs -$252,280 -$363,840 -$522,597 -$492,546
Gross profit $256,457 $381,909 $590,879 $527,915
Operating Expenses (excl. One-time & non-Cash) $794,938 $757,466 $1,444,954 $1,208,186
Other One-time Expenses $0 $19,337 $16,146 $23,837
Non-Cash Expenses $187,291 $88,891 $406,592 $255,513
Loss before other Income (Expense) -$725,772 -$483,785 -$1,276,813 -$959,620
Other income (Expenses)        
Foreign exchange gain (loss) $7,872 -$3,497 $9,114 -$1,980
(Loss) gain on Settlement of liability -$2,933 $6,730 -$2,720 $6,730
Loss) gain on fair value of Consideration $20,945 $0 -$14,471 $0
Write-off of inventory -$2,522 -$0 -$20,579 -$1,535
Other Income $2,934 $30 $6,434 $30
Loss and comprehensive loss for the period -$699,476 -$480,522 -$1,299,036 -$956,375
Basic and diluted loss per common share ($0.00) ($0.00) ($0.01) ($0.01)
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding 212,294,452 122,399,917 210,647,548 117,289,721
截至該期間的綜合業績 截至的季度
總收入 $576,622 $875,529 $1,237,105 $1,259,979
按存儲容量使用計費、財務費用和上市費 -$67,885 -$129,780 -$123,629 -$239,518
淨收入 $508,737 $745,749 $1,113,476 $1,020,461
直接成本 -$252,280 -$363,840 -$522,597 -$492,546
毛利 $256,457 $381,909 $590,879 $527,915
運營費用(不包括一次性和非現金) $794,938 $757,466 $1,444,954 $1,208,186
其他一次性費用 $0 $19,337 $16,146 $23,837
非現金費用 $187,291 $88,891 $406,592 $255,513
扣除其他收入(費用)前的虧損 -$725,772 -$483,785 -$1,276,813 -$959,620
匯兑損益 $7,872 -$3,497 $9,114 -$1,980
(損失)清償責任的收益 -$2,933 $6,730 -$2,720 $6,730
損失)公允對價收益 $20,945 $0 -$14,471 $0
存貨核銷 -$2,522 -$0 -$20,579 -$1,535
其他收入 $2,934 $30 $6,434 $30
本期損失和綜合損失 -$699,476 -$480,522 -$1,299,036 -$956,375
每股普通股基本和攤薄虧損 ($0.00) ($0.00) ($0.01) ($0.01)
已發行普通股加權平均數 212,294,452 122,399,917 210,647,548 117,289,721



Signed new DehydraTECH™ Licensing Agreements with existing Michigan partner DeHydr8, LLC ("D8") for expansion of D8's rights into Illinois and Massachusetts for potential B2B and B2C applications


Based on the success of D8's team since acquiring DehydraTECH™ rights in Michigan in signing top-quality Michigan licensed producers to produce THC products powered by DehydraTECH™, the Company is pleased to announce that it has expanded the reach of D8's DehydraTECH™ rights to add the new states of Illinois and Massachusetts.


Granting DehydraTECH™ rights to D8 in Illinois and Massachusetts represent further steps that the Company is taking to rapidly mobilize and monetize the patented DehydraTECH™ technology by deploying a state-by-state US rollout model to continue to accelerate the Company's financial and operational progress. Hill Street and D8 have used their joint experiences gained in Michigan to create a scalable operating model for state-by-state expansion of the DehydraTECH™ licensing business that progresses from start to monetization over an approximately 5-month period.

授予DehyTECH™公司在伊利諾伊州和馬薩諸塞州D8的經營權,代表着該公司正在採取進一步措施,通過在美國各州部署推廣模式,迅速動員DehyTECH™專利技術並將其貨幣化,以繼續加快公司的財務和運營進展。Hill Street和D8利用他們在密歇根州獲得的聯合經驗,創建了一個可擴展的運營模式,用於在大約5個月的時間內,在各州擴展DehyTECH™許可業務,從開始到貨幣化。

Approval Sought from TSX Venture Exchange for Ticker Change from "BEER" to "HILL"


The Company is pleased to announce that it intends to obtain the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange to change the Company's ticker symbol from "BEER" to "HILL". The Company expects that its common shares will begin trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the new symbol "HILL" at market open on March 3, 2022.


This ticker change reflects the Company's growth and evolution beyond the domestic beverage business towards building a global, multi-business company pioneering the space where premium crafted consumer products meet bioscience.


No action is required by existing shareholders with respect to the ticker symbol change and the CUSIP/ISIN numbers assigned to the Company's common shares will not be changed.


Re-Filing of FY 2022 Q1 Financial Statements


The Company also announces today that it has re-filed its unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021 in order to incorporate a notice advising the reader that the statements have not been reviewed by an auditor. The re-filed financial statements replace and supersede the previously filed original financial statements filed on November 29, 2021 and will be available on SEDAR on March 1, 2022.


About Hill Street Beverage Company Inc. (TSXV: BEER)


Hill Street Beverage Company Inc. is a progressive non-alcoholic beverage and cannabis solutions company. We are pioneering the space where craft consumer products meet bioscience by combining our deep CPG expertise and our rights to use Lexaria Bioscience Corp.'s ground-breaking DehydraTECH™ patent portfolio for product development, licensing and B2B sales of cannabis ingredients.

希爾街飲料公司(Hill Street Beverage Company Inc.)是一家進步的非酒精飲料和大麻解決方案公司。通過將我們深厚的CPG專業知識和我們的使用權相結合,我們正在開創工藝消費品與生物科學相結合的領域。利卡里亞生物科學公司(Lexaria Bioscience Corp.)開創性的脱氫技術™大麻成分的產品開發、許可和B2B銷售的專利組合。

Hill Street Beverages brands include Vin(Zero) alcohol-free wines and Hill Street Craft Brewed Lager, and have won numerous medals and accolades around the world. Hill Avenue Cannabis Brands include (V)ia Regal Pink and White Grape Sparklers.

山街飲料品牌包括Vin(零)不含酒精葡萄酒和希爾街手工釀造的啤酒,並在世界各地贏得了無數的獎牌和讚譽。希爾大道大麻品牌包括(V)富豪國際酒店(Ia Regal)粉色和白色葡萄閃閃發光。

For more information on our business activities or to check out Hill Street's award-winning alcohol-free line-up and order product to be delivered straight to your home go to .


For more information:


Craig Binkley, Chief Executive Officer

克雷格·賓克利(Craig Binkley),首席執行官



Statements in this press release may contain forward-looking information. Any statements in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "may", "should", "would", "anticipate", "expects", and similar expressions. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking information may prove to be incorrect. Events or circumstances, such as future availability of capital on favourable terms, may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking information. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by securities law.


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