Nickel Turmoil Saga Continues With Another 15% Limit-Up Spike On LME: Bloomberg
Nickel Turmoil Saga Continues With Another 15% Limit-Up Spike On LME: Bloomberg
- Nickel surges by the 15% exchange limit for a second day at The London Metal Exchange, putting fresh pressure on bearish position holders after an unprecedented short squeeze earlier this month, reported Bloomberg.
- Nickel is up 53% during March in LME after wild swings.
- The report added that Nickel prices surged to $37,235 a ton in early trading on LME, leaving the market locked up again after a 15% jump on Wednesday.
- Related: Nickel Rises On LME As Buyers Return After Squeeze
- "Ultimately, the short position is still out there, and they will have to close it out," the report quoted Michael Widmer, head of metals research at Bank of America Corp.
- Nickel also surged to the maximum daily limit on the Shanghai Futures Exchange earlier, following the overnight gain in London.
- Also Read: New Week New Limit Down On LME, Benchmark Nickel Price Down 15%: CNBC
- 鎳價連續第二天飆升15%的漲停限制,倫敦金屬交易所據彭博社報道,在本月早些時候史無前例的空頭擠壓之後,給看跌頭寸的持有者帶來了新的壓力。
- 在經歷了劇烈波動後,倫敦金屬交易所的鎳價格在3月份上漲了53%。
- 報告補充説,在LME早盤交易中,鎳價飆升至每噸37,235美元,使得市場在週三躍升15%後再次鎖定。
- 相關: 倫敦金屬交易所鎳價格上漲,買家在擠壓後返回
- 報告援引美國銀行(Bank of America Corp.)金屬研究主管邁克爾·威德默(Michael Widmer)的話稱:“歸根結底,空頭頭寸仍然存在,他們將不得不結清空頭頭寸。”
- 早些時候,隨着倫敦隔夜的上漲,上海期貨交易所的鎳價也飆升至單日最高漲幅。
- 也讀:LME新一週新漲停,基準鎳價下跌15%:CNBC