
Strategic Petroleum Reserve: Why is Biden tapping it and will it bring lower gas prices?

Strategic Petroleum Reserve: Why is Biden tapping it and will it bring lower gas prices?

Dow Jones ·  2022/03/31 08:53  · 市場

By Timothy Puko and Katy Stech Ferek


The Biden administration is preparing to release up to 1 million barrels of oil a day from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, according to people familiar with the plans, an effort to curb the surge in energy prices and tamp down soaring inflation. 

拜登政府正準備每天從美國戰略石油儲備中釋放多達 100 萬桶石油,根據熟悉這些計劃的人們,努力遏制能源價格飆升並壓制通貨膨脹的飆升。

Here's what you need to know about the SPR.

以下是您需要瞭解 SPR 的資訊。

What is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?


The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve consists of four underground salt caverns along the Texas and Louisiana coasts that held about 568 million barrels of oil as of March 24, according to the Energy Information Administration . That is enough to satisfy U.S. demand for several weeks.

美國戰略石油儲備由德克薩斯州和路易斯安那州沿岸的四個地下鹽洞組成,截至 3 月 24 日,這些鹽洞持有約 5.68 億桶石油,根據能源信息管理局的數據。這足以滿足美國幾個星期的需求。

The supply is owned by the U.S. government and managed by the Energy Department. Federal law gives U.S. presidents the power to release oil from the reserves to minimize supply disruptions.


A president may release oil if they determine the move to be required by a "severe energy supply interruption," which is defined as a national energy supply shortage that is significant in scope and duration, that is "of an emergency nature" or that could cause "major adverse impact" on the national economy.


Why is the White House thinking about a release now?


Russia's invasion of Ukraine and punishing Western sanctions have crimped global oil supplies and propelled gas and diesel prices higher. Average gas prices in the U.S. hit $4.22 a gallon at the end of March, up $1.35 a gallon from a year earlier, according to the American Automobile Association.

俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭和懲罰西方制裁削弱了全球石油供應,並推動天然氣和柴油價格上漲。根據美國汽車協會的數據,美國的平均天然氣價格在 3 月底達到每加侖 4.22 美元,比去年同期上漲 1.35 美元。

Didn't the U.S. release oil from the reserve recently?


Yes. The administration has twice tapped the SPR in the past several months as part of a coordinated effort with other countries. The U.S. initially released 50 million barrels of oil from the reserve in November, and then a further 30 million barrels in March.

是的作為與其他國家協調努力的一部分,政府在過去幾個月中兩次挖掘了 SPR。美國最初在 11 月份從儲備中發布了 50 萬桶石油,然後在三月份進一步發布了 30 萬桶石油。

Though the releases provided some relief, they didn't dramatically lower prices. After a brief decline following the November release, for example, prices were on the rise again by late January. Gasoline prices jumped further after the invasion and peaked on March 11 at $4.33 a gallon according to AAA.

儘管這些版本提供了一些緩解,但它們並沒有大幅降低價格。例如,在 11 月發布後短暫下跌之後,價格在 1 月下旬再次上漲。根據 AAA,汽油價格在入侵後進一步上漲,並於 3 月 11 日達到高峰,價格為每加侖 4.33 美元。

Will tapping the reserve lower gasoline prices at the pump?


Boosting the supply of petroleum should lower gas prices for motorists, but there is no guarantee. Futures markets are complex and prices move for many reasons. Even if crude prices do drop, there is no guarantee gasoline prices will follow suit, or do so quickly if they do.


Who created the SPR?

SPR 是誰建立的?

Congress authorized the SPR in 1975, in the wake of the Arab oil embargo, as a buffer against supply shocks from oil exporters. Energy markets, however, have changed dramatically in recent years, as has the country's use of the reserve, which has a capacity of 714 million barrels. Resurgent U.S. oil production from fracking into shale has made political leaders of both parties less fearful of shortages.

國會在 1975 年授權 SPR,在阿拉伯石油禁運之後,作為緩衝來自石油出口商的供應衝擊。但是,能源市場近年來發生了巨大變化,該國對儲備的使用情況一樣,該儲備的容量為 7.14 億桶。從壓裂到頁岩的美國石油產量復甦,使雙方的政治領導人不必擔心短缺。

The Trump administration considered selling off some of this oil in 2018 before opting against it. And Congress has started draining the reserve as a way to raise cash to pay for tax cuts and other spending. Under congressional authorization the Energy Department has run seven sales since 2017, unloading more than 60 million barrels, or about 8.6% of what had been in the reserve, according to department figures.

特朗普政府在選擇反對之前考慮在 2018 年拋售一些石油。國會已經開始排除儲備金,以籌集現金來支付減稅和其他支出。根據部門的數據,根據國會授權,能源部自 2017 年以來已經進行了七次銷售,卸貨了 6000 多萬桶,約佔儲備中的 8.6%。

When has oil been released from the reserves in the past?


Since the first barrels were delivered for storage in 1977, oil has been released from the reserves about two dozen times. Many recent sales were those authorized by Congress, and the Energy Department has also run several exchanges after hurricanes and shipping channel closures disrupted domestic supplies.

自從第一桶在 1977 年交付存儲以來,石油已經從儲備中釋放了大約二十次。最近的許多銷售都是國會授權的,在颶風和運輸渠道關閉破壞了國內供應之後,能源部也開展了多個交易所。

The U.S. has also opted to release oil in coordination with other countries that keep their own reserves three times: when Operation Desert Storm began in 1991, after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and at the height of Arab Spring in 2011. The International Energy Agency, a Paris-based energy watchdog, has coordinated those releases among member countries, though state leaders can decide whether to participate.

美國還選擇了與其他保留自己儲備三次的國家協調釋放石油:當沙漠風暴行動開始於 1991 年,在 2005 年卡特里娜颶風之後,在 2011 年阿拉伯春季的高峰期。儘管國家領導人可以決定是否參加,國際能源署是一家總部位於巴黎的能源監督者,已經協調了成員國之間的這些新聞稿。

What happens when oil is released?


Released oil from the U.S. reserves can take as long as two weeks to reach the markets from where it is stored in underground salt domes, which measure as long as 2,000 feet. To get oil out, fresh water is pumped into the bottom of the cylinder, forcing the oil upward, out of the cavern and into pipelines that carry the supply to refineries that convert it into gasoline or other petroleum products.

從美國儲備中釋放的石油可能需要長達兩週的時間才能從儲存在地下鹽穹頂的地方到達市場,其測量長達 2000 英尺。為了將石油排出,淡水被泵入氣缸底部,將油向上,從洞穴中向上推出,然後進入將供應給將其轉化為汽油或其他石油產品的煉油廠的管道中。

Write to Timothy Puko at and Katy Stech Ferek at

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