
Ivor Exploration Samples 0.70% U3O8 at Apex Uranium Project, Nevada and Completes Acquisition of Apex Property

Ivor Exploration Samples 0.70% U3O8 at Apex Uranium Project, Nevada and Completes Acquisition of Apex Property

newsfile ·  2022/04/11 19:44

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 11, 2022) - Ivor Exploration Inc. (CSE: IVOR) (the "Company" or "Ivor") is pleased to report on geochemical results from grab rock samples recovered during geological fieldwork carried out in late-2021 at its Apex Uranium Project located in the Lander County of Central Nevada, USA.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年4月11日)-依沃爾勘探公司(CSE:IVOR)(“公司“或”艾佛爾“)很高興地報告2021年底在其位於美國內華達州中部蘭德縣的Apex鈾礦項目進行地質實地考察時發現的抓取巖石樣品的地球化學結果。

The Company conducted prospecting and reconnaissance grab rock sampling from outcrops around the historic Apex mine workings. Much of this sampling was located near the underground workings at the Apex Mine, as well as near old drill locations on the property that was the basis for historic resource estimations and mine planning during and after operation of the mine.


Dave Forest, CEO of Ivor, commented: "The historic mining grade at the Apex Mine ran approximately 0.25% U3O8, which compares well to our first-pass sampling geochemical results. We look forward to accessing the Apex Mine underground workings to sample the granodiorite-metasediment contact where the strongest uranium mineralization has been historically found. The geology and uranium mineralization observed at the Apex Mine comprises all the key components necessary to discover a potential uranium deposit of significance. To begin to fully understand the size and scale of this mineralized system we have already begun an additional geochemical sampling program for uranium, as well as other associated metals such as copper, gold and silver that are well documented in historical reports."


The source of uranium is from the Jurassic granodiorites, the uraniferous fluid pathways exist along the Jurassic granodiorite-Cambrian metasediment contact, and the receptive host rocks consist of highly fractured Cambrian graphitic metasediments.




  • Sample AMR013 returned 0.70% U3O8, which was recovered by the historic Emma Adit and near a large shaft accessing the Apex Mine.
  • AMR013樣本返回0.70%U3O8,它是由歷史悠久的Emma Adit發現的,位於通往Apex礦的一個大豎井附近。
  • Sample AMR008 returned 0.34% U3O8 and sample AMR007 returned 0.12% U3O8.
  • AMR008樣本返回0.34%U3O8和樣本AMR007返回0.12%U3O8.
  • Contact metamorphic type uranium mineralized system was observed at and surrounding the historic Apex Mine where uraniferous Jurassic granodiorites and aplite dykes have intruded Cambrian graphitic metasediments.
  • 觀察到接觸變質型鈾礦化系統。在歷史悠久的Apex礦及其周圍,含鈾侏羅紀花崗閃長巖和閃長巖牆侵入寒武紀石墨質變沉積。
  • The historic drill collars were observed to be vertical (as also confirmed by historical reports), which do not properly test the high-grade uranium mineralization associated along the sub-vertical granodiorite-metasediment contact.
  • 歷史上的鑽頭被觀察到是垂直的(歷史報告也證實了這一點),這不能正確地測試近垂直花崗閃長巖-變質接觸帶伴生的高品位鈾礦化.
  • Powerful suite of pathfinder elements (arsenic, cadmium, copper, mercury, molybdenum, antimony, thallium, and tungsten) suggests a strong hydrothermal mineralizing event was associated with the precipitation of uranium at and surrounding the Apex Mine.
  • 功能強大的探路者元素套件(砷、鎘、銅、汞、鉬、銻、鉈和鎢)表示強熱液成礦事件曾經是與鈾的沉澱有關在埃佩克斯礦場及其周圍。

Rock sample locations are shown in Figure 1, and associated rock geochemical results are shown in Table 1.


Sample AMR013 consisted of heavily oxidized metasediment with visual autunite (Ca (UO₂)₂·10-12H₂O). Autunite is a bright yellow uraniferous mineral historically reported at Apex. The sampling area for AMR013 lies closest to the contact between the Jurassic granodiorites and Cambrian graphitic metasediments. This metamorphic contact zone reportedly contained the highest-grade uranium mineralization associated with uraninite and coffinite that was produced historically at the Apex Mine.


Historic Data Compilation


Ivor recently acquired a historical dataset covering the Apex Uranium Project. The Company completed a first-pass digitization of historic data including maps of underground workings. These maps also detail the outlines of historic mineralized zones.


The Company is continuing to digitize additional historic data to use in designing an initial drill program at the Apex Project.


Figure 1 - Apex Mine and Grab Rock Sample Locations


Table 1 - Apex Mine Rock Geochemical Results


Sample Number Sample Type U (ppm) U (%) U3O8 (%) As (ppm) Cd (ppm) Cu (ppm) Hg (ppm) Mo (ppm) Sb (ppm) Tl (ppm) W (ppm)
AMR001 Grab 185.00 0.02 0.02 120.00 0.31 89.70 < 0.01 14.10 15.70 4.50 2.16
AMR002 Grab 29.80 0.00 0.00 37.90 0.36 44.20 0.17 15.00 3.77 1.19 1.01
AMR003 Grab 18.10 0.00 0.00 359.00 0.34 69.20 < 0.01 12.00 11.30 3.15 0.51
AMR004 Grab 17.30 0.00 0.00 159.00 0.97 255.00 < 0.01 2.47 5.77 0.66 0.78
AMR005 Grab 64.40 0.01 0.01 889.00 2.36 335.00 0.06 64.50 13.20 2.08 0.96
AMR006 Grab 906.00 0.09 0.11 693.00 3.10 345.00 1.44 81.40 50.20 4.50 5.32
AMR007 Grab 1040.00 0.10 0.12 1080.00 3.89 540.00 0.94 209.00 28.10 4.02 1.19
AMR008 Grab 2930.00 0.29 0.34 849.00 1.33 186.00 2.89 178.00 146.00 13.40 26.70
AMR009 Grab 68.50 0.01 0.01 913.00 1.93 736.00 0.06 21.90 8.31 1.54 0.76
AMR010 Grab 200.00 0.02 0.02 776.00 4.32 1510.00 0.22 69.80 13.80 0.58 1.52
AMR011 Grab 758.00 0.08 0.09 130.00 3.73 118.00 0.06 17.30 22.80 3.56 2.29
AMR012 Grab 25.80 0.00 0.00 538.00 0.93 59.80 0.17 17.40 9.83 3.87 0.66
AMR013 Grab 5890.00 0.59 0.70 159.00 25.30 20.60 2.00 116.00 217.00 12.40 15.00
AMR014 Grab 39.50 0.00 0.00 18.10 0.23 18.20 < 0.01 2.24 3.17 0.57 0.43
AMR015 Grab 310.00 0.03 0.04 263.00 1.18 177.00 0.06 37.90 17.90 6.87 2.60
樣本數 樣本類型 U(Ppm) U (%) U3O8(%) AS(Ppm) Cd(Ppm) 銅(Ppm) 汞(Ppm) 鉬(Ppm) SB(Ppm) TL(Ppm) W(Ppm)
AMR001 抓鬥 185.00 0.02 0.02 120.00 0.31 89.70 14.10 15.70 4.50 2.16
AMR002 抓鬥 29.80 0.00 0.00 37.90 0.36 44.20 0.17 15.00 3.77 1.19 1.01
AMR003 抓鬥 18.10 0.00 0.00 359.00 0.34 69.20 12.00 11.30 3.15 0.51
AMR004 抓鬥 17.30 0.00 0.00 159.00 0.97 255.00 2.47 5.77 0.66 0.78
AMR005 抓鬥 64.40 0.01 0.01 889.00 2.36 335.00 0.06 64.50 13.20 2.08 0.96
AMR006 抓鬥 906.00 0.09 0.11 693.00 3.10 345.00 1.44 81.40 50.20 4.50 5.32
AMR007 抓鬥 1040.00 0.10 0.12 1080.00 3.89 540.00 0.94 209.00 28.10 4.02 1.19
AMR008 抓鬥 2930.00 0.29 0.34 849.00 1.33 186.00 2.89 178.00 146.00 13.40 26.70
AMR009 抓鬥 68.50 0.01 0.01 913.00 1.93 736.00 0.06 21.90 8.31 1.54 0.76
AMR010 抓鬥 200.00 0.02 0.02 776.00 4.32 1510.00 0.22 69.80 13.80 0.58 1.52
AMR011 抓鬥 758.00 0.08 0.09 130.00 3.73 118.00 0.06 17.30 22.80 3.56 2.29
AMR012 抓鬥 25.80 0.00 0.00 538.00 0.93 59.80 0.17 17.40 9.83 3.87 0.66
AMR013 抓鬥 5890.00 0.59 0.70 159.00 25.30 20.60 2.00 116.00 217.00 12.40 15.00
AMR014 抓鬥 39.50 0.00 0.00 18.10 0.23 18.20 2.24 3.17 0.57 0.43
AMR015 抓鬥 310.00 0.03 0.04 263.00 1.18 177.00 0.06 37.90 17.90 6.87 2.60



  • Grab samples were recovered from outcrop.
  • Grab samples are by definition selective. Grab samples are solely designed to show the presence or absence of mineralization, and are not intended to provide nor should be construed as a representative indication of grade or mineralization at the Project.
  • U ppm is converted to %U by dividing the U ppm value by 10,000.
  • %U is converted to %U3O8 by multiplying the %U value by 1.17924.
  • U (uranium); As (arsenic); Cd (cadmium); Cu (copper); Hg (mercury); Mo (molybdenum); Sb (antimony); Tl (thallium); W (tungsten)
  • 從露頭中採集了抓取的樣品。
  • 根據定義,抓取樣本是有選擇性的。Grab樣品僅用於顯示礦化的存在或不存在,不打算也不應被解釋為項目的品位或礦化的代表性指示。
  • U ppm通過將U ppm值除以10,000來轉換為%U。
  • 通過將%U值乘以1.17924,將%U轉換為%U3O8。
  • 鈾(鈾);砷(砷);鎘(鎘);銅(銅);汞(汞);鉬(鉬);銻(銻);鉈(鉈);鎢(鎢)

Completion of Apex Project Acquisition


Further to the Company's news releases dated February 17, 2022 and February 24, 2022, it has completed the acquisition (the "Acquisition") of a 100% interest in a prospective mineral project located in Lander County, Nevada, United States, being the Apex Property. The acquired claims cover an area of historic underground mine workings and historic drilling. For additional details regarding the Apex Property, see the Company's news release dated February 17, 2022, available under the Company's SEDAR profile at .


The Acquisition was completed pursuant to the terms of a sale and purchase agreement dated January 31, 2022, between 1330038 B.C. Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, and the property vendors (the "Vendors"). In connection with the Acquisition, the Company issued an aggregate of 7,198,855 common shares in the capital of the Company (the "Payment Shares") to the Vendors and paid to the Vendors a US$50,000 cash payment. The Payment Shares are subject to certain voluntary hold periods. The Apex Property remains subject to a 3% net smelter return royalty in favour of the Vendors.

是次收購是根據本公司全資附屬公司1330038 B.C.Ltd.與物業賣方(該等物業賣方)於2022年1月31日訂立的買賣協議條款完成。賣主與是次收購有關,本公司已發行合共7,198,855股本公司股本普通股(“支付份額“)並向供應商支付50,000美元現金。付款份額受若干自願持有期的限制。Apex物業仍須向供應商收取3%的冶煉廠淨收益。

Technical Information


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared by, or approved by Garrett Ainsworth, PGeo, Lead Technical Advisor of the Company. Mr. Ainsworth is a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.


The grab rock samples reported in this news release were recovered from outcrop at the historic Apex Mine. A total of 15 rock samples were recovered and transported from the Apex Uranium Project to Paragon Geochemical (an accredited mineral analysis laboratory) in Sparks, Nevada for preparation and analysis. Samples were analyzed using a multi-element method with ICP-MS analytical package ("50AR-MS"). Any over limit sample values were re-assayed with an aqua regia solution ("OLAR-OES"). Selected samples were chosen for duplicate assay from the coarse reject and pulps of the original sample. No QA/QC issues were noted with the results reported.


Some of the data disclosed in this news release discusses historical results. Ivor has not undertaken any independent investigation of the sampling, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical exploration work in order to verify the results. Ivor considers these historical results relevant


About Ivor Exploration Inc.


Ivor Exploration is focused on identifying and developing new energy resources, including the Ultimate copper-molybdenum project in British Columbia. The company recently acquired an option to purchase a 100-per-cent interest in the Apex project, Nevada, recognized as Nevada's largest past-producing uranium mine.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: David Forest, Chief Executive Officer, at #1080 - 789 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 1H2, phone: 604-417-2960, email:

欲瞭解更多信息,請聯繫:不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華西彭德街#1080-789,不列顛哥倫比亞省,V6C 1H2,電話:604-417-2960,電子郵件。

The CSE does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


The Canadian Securities Exchange has not in any way passed upon the merits of the Acquisition and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.


The securities to be issued in connection with the Acquisition have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"), or under any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, or delivered within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy such securities in the United States.


This press release includes "forward-looking information" that is subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Such statements are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties normally incident to such events. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future events and that actual events or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements represent management's best judgment based on information currently available.




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