
NSAV Announces Completion of Major Upgrades to its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX), Further Expands Presence in $14 Trillion Global CEX Market

NSAV Announces Completion of Major Upgrades to its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX), Further Expands Presence in $14 Trillion Global CEX Market

GlobeNewswire ·  2022/04/12 11:16

$NSAV Announces Completion of Major Upgrades to its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX)

$NSAV 宣佈完成其集中式加密貨幣交易所 (CEX) 的重大升級

NSAV - A trusted and secure crypto exchange

$NSAV Announces Completion of Major Upgrades to its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX)

$NSAV 宣佈完成其集中式加密貨幣交易所 (CEX) 的重大升級

NSAV - A trusted and secure crypto exchange

$NSAV Announces Completion of Major Upgrades to its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX)

$NSAV 宣佈完成其集中式加密貨幣交易所 (CEX) 的重大升級

NSAV - A trusted and secure crypto exchange. Any Where - Any Time

London, England, April 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Net Savings Link, Inc. (OTC Pink: NSAV), a cryptocurrency, blockchain and digital asset technology company, today announced that the Company has completed major upgrades to its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX), the NSAVCEX This move further cements NSAV's position in the $14 trillion global centralized cryptocurrency market.

英國倫敦,2022年4月12日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——加密貨幣、區塊鏈和數字資產技術公司Net Savings Link, Inc.(場外交易代碼:NSAV)今天宣佈,該公司已完成對其集中式加密貨幣交易所(CEX)NSAVCEX的重大升級。此舉進一步鞏固了NSAV在14萬億美元的全球集中式加密貨幣市場中的地位。

Centralized crypto exchanges reported more than $14 trillion in trading volume in 2021, according to The Block Research. That figure is a massive 689% increase compared to 2020 trading volumes, based on data as of December 24, 2021. In 2020, centralized crypto exchanges facilitated just over $1.8 trillion in trading volumes.

根據The Block Research的數據,中心化加密貨幣交易所報告2021年的交易量超過14萬億美元。根據截至2021年12月24日的數據,與2020年的交易量相比,這一數字大幅增長了689%。2020年,集中式加密貨幣交易所的交易量剛剛超過1.8萬億美元。

The management of NSAV believes that the Company can capture a significant share of the massive Asian cryptocurrency market, given the expertise of its management and strategic partners. Presently, the Upbit Cryptocurrency Exchange has a 24 hour trading volume of over $4.3 billion. Huobi Cryptocurrency Exchange   has a 24-hour trading volume of over $2.7 billion. Industry leader, Binance has a 24-hour trading volume of over $23 billion.


The management of NSAV and its partners are pioneers in the Digital Asset and Blockchain industry. NSAV Director, Mr. Yuen Wong, is a Managing Partner at Bitmart Cryptocurrency Exchange BitMart is a premier global digital asset trading platform with over 5.5 million users worldwide and ranked among the top crypto exchanges according to CoinGecko. BitMart currently offers 600+ trading pairs, with one of the lowest trading fees in the market. Bitmart's platform supports over 600 cryptocurrencies and has a 24-hour trading volume of approximately $1.7 billion, according to


Dato' Sri Desmond Lim, Interim CEO and Senior Vice President of Cryptocurrency Operations for NSAV and Silverbear Capital partner stated, "I am thrilled that the NSAV team has been able to achieve another milestone in the NSAV ECOsystem."

NSAV臨時首席執行官兼加密貨幣運營高級副總裁Dato'Sri Desmond Lim表示:“我很高興NSAV團隊能夠在NSAV生態系統中實現另一個里程碑。”

NSAV's vision is the establishment of a fully integrated technology company, which provides turnkey technological solutions to the cryptocurrency, blockchain and digital asset industries. Over time, the Company plans to provide a wide range of services such as software solutions, e-commerce, financial services, advisory services and information technology.


For further information, please contact NSAV at

欲瞭解更多信息,請通過 與 NSAV 聯繫

The NSAV Twitter account can be accessed at   

NSAV 的 Twitter 賬戶可通過以下網址訪問

The NSAV corporate website can be accessed at    

NSAV 公司網站可通過以下網址訪問

The NSAV Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX) website can be accessed at  

NSAV 集中式加密貨幣交易所 (CEX) 網站可通過以下網址訪問

The NSAV CEX Twitter account can be accessed at  

NSAV CEX Twitter 賬戶可通過以下網址訪問

The NSAVDEX 1 Exchange website can be accessed at    

NSAVDEX 1 Exchange 網站可通過以下網址訪問

The NSAVDEX 2 Exchange website can be accessed at  

NSAVDEX 2 Exchange 網站可通過以下網址訪問

The NSAV NFT Marketplace website can be accessed at  

NSAV NFT 市場網站可通過以下網址訪問

The NSAV Premium OTC Crypto Trading Desk website can be accessed at   

NSAV Premium 場外交易加密交易臺網站可通過以下網址訪問

The NSAV Hong Kong OTC Crypto Trading Desk website can be accessed at   

NSAV Hong Kong OTC Crypto Trading Desk 網站可訪問

The NSAVDEX Exchange Telegram account can be accessed at  

NSAVDEX 交易所電報賬戶可通過以下網址訪問

Silverbear Capital Inc. a leading, global investment banking firm, will be advising NSAV on strategic matters related to this transaction.

領先的全球投資銀行公司Silverbear Capital Inc. 將就與本次交易相關的戰略事項向NSAV提供建議。

Silverbear Capital Inc. (SBC) has a dynamic of disciplines on a broad commercial level and practice. SBC has a strong group of Partners in a wide range of disciplines with seasoned experience in finance, management, and professional practice.  

Silverbear Capital Inc.(SBC)在廣泛的商業層面和實踐中擁有動態的學科。中英國際學院擁有一支強大的合夥人隊伍,涉及多個學科,他們在財務、管理和專業實踐方面擁有豐富的經驗。

Disclaimer: Silverbear Capital Inc. does not constitute investment advice, or an offer or solicitation to sell, or a solicitation to buy, or any other investment product (nor shall any such shares or product be offered or sold to any person) in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities law of that jurisdiction.

免責聲明:根據該司法管轄區的證券法,Silverbear Capital Inc.在任何司法管轄區內,要約、招標、購買或出售不構成投資建議、要約或招攬購買或任何其他投資產品(也不得向任何人提供或出售任何此類股票或產品)。

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which are intended to be covered by the safe harbors created thereby. Investors are cautioned that, all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, the ability of Net Savings Link, Inc. to accomplish its stated plan of business. Net Savings Link, Inc. believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements contained herein are reasonable, any of the assumptions could be inaccurate, and therefore, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements included in this press release will prove to be accurate. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking statements included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by Net Savings Link, Inc. or any other person.

本新聞稿包含經修訂的1933年《證券法》第27A條和1934年《證券交易法》第21E條所指的某些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述旨在由此建立的安全港所涵蓋。提醒投資者,所有前瞻性陳述都涉及風險和不確定性,包括但不限於Net Savings Link, Inc.完成其既定業務計劃的能力。Net Savings Link, Inc. 認爲,此處包含的前瞻性陳述所依據的假設是合理的,任何假設都可能不準確,因此,無法保證本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述會被證明是準確的。鑑於此處包含的前瞻性陳述固有的重大不確定性,納入此類信息不應被視爲Net Savings Link, Inc.或任何其他人的陳述。

Net Savings Link, Inc.  

Net Savingings Link



  • $NSAV Announces Completion of Major Upgrades to its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX)
  • $NSAV Announces Completion of Major Upgrades to its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX)
  • $NSAV Announces Completion of Major Upgrades to its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX)
  • $NSAV 宣佈完成其集中式加密貨幣交易所 (CEX) 的重大升級
  • $NSAV 宣佈完成其集中式加密貨幣交易所 (CEX) 的重大升級
  • $NSAV 宣佈完成其集中式加密貨幣交易所 (CEX) 的重大升級

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