Foda: More People Will Drill for Gas Than Oil
Foda: More People Will Drill for Gas Than Oil
Brent crude was steady today after lackluster economic data from China raised concerns about demand from the world's biggest oil importer. Sherif Foda, NESR Chairman & CEO spoke to Bloomberg's Horizons Middle East and Africa host Joumanna Bercetche about the outlook for oil as well as what a Trump Presidency will mean for the industry.
今天,布倫特原油價格保持穩定,因爲來自中國的疲軟經濟數據引發了對全球最大石油進口國需求的擔憂。NESR主席兼首席執行官Sherif Foda在Bloomberg的中東和非洲節目主持人Joumanna Bercetche的訪談中談到了石油的前景以及特朗普總統任期對行業板塊的影響。