今早一切都在盤前交易上漲,我不確定今天明天是否會出現一些利潤回吐,因爲您可能有一些人不想在月末的最後幾天爲稅收原因而獲利,他們可能會選擇今天做這件事,如果您看到有人在今早開盤時拋售股票以鎖定利潤,這也不足爲奇。 所以我會以第28行使價爲目標,我會以60美分或50美分的價格下訂單,這取決於開盤價在哪裏,並且將訂單保留一整天,只要市場沒有自我毀滅、崩潰或因其他無關原因出現,我會持續重新輸入訂單直到成交。 so the 28 strike is what I would Target and I would put orders in it maybe 60 cents or 50 cents it depends where it opens and leave your order in for the day and as long as the market doesn't self destruct and meltdown and crash for some unrelated reason I would keep reentering the order until you get filled.
你知道這當然是可能的...我不認爲你會因爲看市場而觸發瘋狂買入行爲...今天依然是負面的。我沒有理由認爲會有人下買入訂單買入7萬股,你會工作一個訂單,先買入5,000股,再買入另外5,000股,然後你會把它們錯開些,有的稍高一點,有的稍低一點,讓市場有呼吸的空間,這樣看起來不像有一個超級大的買家在試圖積累,而所有人都在注視着一個水平,開始提高報價,股票開始交易上漲。 所以雖然你說的是有可能的,但我不認爲是概率事件。 so while it's possible what you're saying I don't think it's probable
你知道,你提出了一個很好的問題,這當然是一個可能性,投資的一部分就是每天學到一點點。 如果你是那個做空股票並且賺了5美元(挑了個任意的數字)的人,持有70000股,你是賺錢了,你肯定希望在平倉時最大化利潤,是吧?那麼,最大化利潤的最佳方式是什麼?是一次性全部下買入訂單,還是逐步嘗試平倉以關閉持倉呢? 儘管如此,有人爲70000股點擊了買入按鈕,也許他們本意是買入7000股,現在他們可能嚇壞了,因爲他們買入了比預期多10倍的股票。 you need to think if you were that person that shorted the stock and you were up $5 picking arbitrary number you're at a profit 70,000 shares five points wouldn't you want to maximize your profit when it came time to cover and close out that trade?? so what would be the best way to maximize profits throw a buy order in all at one time or gradually nibble at it to close out your position. all that being said somebody hit the buy button for 70,000 shares maybe they meant 7000 shares and they're shiting a brick right now because they bought 10x more than what they intended to
骨神 : 還遠...我的價格是31
10baggerbamm 樓主 骨神 : 我沒告訴你在31買入,當時我買入的價格是22-23-24,然後發生了一次反彈。我沒捕捉到整個反彈,我在真正上漲到30多時就賣出了,然而現在價格已經下來我上個禮拜一直在強調,這個禮拜今天我們看到了一點點反彈,我覺得還有更多的行情會到來。