of course I remember that was "mayor Pete" , the head of transportation who was appointed to position because he's gay not because he had any experience in logistics operation transportation but because he was gay that's how Biden filled his cabinet because he wanted the most diverse administration possible meaning the most incompetent ever in history the United States.
$Maxeon Solar Technologies (MAXN.US)$Maxeon is making bold moves, supported by a strong financial foundation and a visionary restructuring plan, positioning the company for extraordinary growth in the renewable energy market. Maxeon策略的關鍵亮點 1. 阿爾伯克基設施和生產擴張 Maxeon正在通過租賃位於阿爾伯克基的一家以前的霍尼韋爾設施來迅速擴大其在美國的存在。
10baggerbamm : 因爲耶魯大學是一群值得信賴的經濟學家對嗎,他們和那些腐朽的機構一樣排名靠前,他們被付費製造與黨派立場一致的結果,就像所有得諾貝爾獎的產生結果都巧合地與他們獲得的獎金相符,那些資助他們進行研究的政府部門。
MonkeyGee 10baggerbamm : 拜登的通脹率超過了300%。他在停止石油鑽探時開始了通脹,這導致了通脹在全世界蔓延。然後他阻止進口產品進入美國。你還記得所有停在加州外面無法靠岸和卸貨的船隻的消息嗎?
10baggerbamm MonkeyGee : of course I remember that was "mayor Pete" , the head of transportation who was appointed to position because he's gay not because he had any experience in logistics operation transportation but because he was gay that's how Biden filled his cabinet because he wanted the most diverse administration possible meaning the most incompetent ever in history the United States.