maybe research stocks and find tickers you can hold long on for extraordinary gains vs one that will always find new lows. I look on sqqq and see ppl who don't know how to invest. this is inversed to the outperforming nasdaq 100 which you're better off investing in. sqqq has decay rebalancing and a high expense ratio. it is beyond retardation and will chip away at your account.
人弃我取 : 隨時可以賣
Warren Buffed 樓主 人弃我取 : 血虧
JaydenTan : 如果我處於這種情況,會考慮等待股價回升至30-32再賣出,對嗎?但是,週一開盤時市場仍可能進一步下跌。29.3?我很快就會進場
Warren Buffed 樓主 JaydenTan : 最好等待撤銷確認,大約在28.5附近
71236683 : 我就沒見過靠做空美股能賺到錢的