On Monday, former President Donald Trump surpassed Vice President Kamala Harris in polling support for the first time since August. This follows betting markets indicating a higher probability of a Trump victory in the upcoming election. The U.S. stock market is witnessing a revival of the "Trump Trade." Shares in Trump's social media venture,$特朗普媒體科技集團 (DJT.US)$, have soared more than 220% since October, while$Phunware (PHUN.US)$has jumpe...
Millaai : 你這是被套了,到處找接盤俠嗎
Growth Investor27 : 好消息,NEXLIZEt是一種很棒的藥物,我的哥哥正在服用。ESPR股票被低估了,應該在5美元以上。
Growth Investor27 Millaai : 作者在2美元以下購買,因此您的評論不正確。這篇研究文章包含所有盡職調查的內容,除了機構今年一直在大量購買外,Fintel現在顯示已擁有74%。ESPR是一個不錯的投資。
104248191 : 請f o
Detached House Millaai : 你錯了。雖然短期看起來價格在 consilating,但周線圖看起來很有前景!所以在批評他人之前,請看一下圖表是否與基本面相符!