U.S. stocks were down Friday afternoon and heading for a weekly decline, as data showing a fall consumer sentiment overshadowed an earlier report on a sharp rise in retail sales, while corporate earnings reports remained mixed.
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell this week again reassured markets that a rise inflation was likely to be temporary, but higher prices may be behind the fall in consumer sentiment.
A solid start to second-quarter earnings reports and strong June retail sales was being overshadowed on Friday by evidence of flagging sentiment, analysts said.
RainbowMouse : おはようございます
investor Arab : 素晴らしい
Cammyleong : こんにちは
The 3 Step Investor : エントリーできて良かったです
jpch9511 : 分かりました
Srikanth : いいです
bobo_chicken : 私は冬のためにお金を貯めただけです。
102546610 : はい
Sg-Jin : ナスダックが30日SMAを下回った場合、来週はどうなるか興味深いです。
mmlml : うわー