For the uninitiated, ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. Increasingly, a company’s impact on the environment and whether its business model contributes to sustainable development matter to its stakeholders and investors. The ESG criteria include how the company manages its waste, the kind of energy sources it uses, the kind of suppliers it works with, how it handles pollution, its attitude to climate change, transparency in accounting and their choice of board members.
Why Should We Care About ESG?
Recently, my powerbank made by a well-known company in China became faulty. When I returned to the authorised distributor to enquire whether they had a recycling program for their old powerbanks, I was told they did not. This is sad as while many people are aware that recycling is important, they do not practise it as they find it costly or inconvenient. The inconvenience factor can be overcome if companies do their part to provide collection points, especially if it is their own products.
Dadacai スレ主 : こちらがシンガポール証券取引所に上場しているシンガポール株のESG株価格付けへのリンクです:
Dadacai スレ主 : ESG格付けのグローバルプロバイダーとその方法論のリスト:
Dadacai スレ主 : ヤフーファイナンスを利用している人のために、サステイナリティクス(モーニングスター)のデータを使ったサステナビリティのカテゴリがあります。スコアが高いほど、ESGリスクも高くなります。
carririlin : ESGは投資戦略です。私は投資の方向性を変えて、いくつかのプロジェクトが実施されるのを待ちました。
Dadacai スレ主 carririlin :