アラスカ支払いは約$1000-$2000 per yearto all citizens since 1982. The amount depends on the oil revenues of their state-owned investment fund. However, the population of Alaska is just 730,000 people which makes financing it more manageable.
As for Iran, there is a population of 8400万 people, the universal basic income has been implemented since 2011. The amount equates toUS$40 per person per monthwhich sums up to US$480 per year.
Why the need for a UBI?
In an ideal world, everyone could be doing the things they love and yet not worry about finances with UBI. In this type of utopian environment, there could be an abundance of wealth as wealth should be measured not only by how much you have in your bank.
Evelynne : UBIとUbisoftのブロックチェーンティッカーの違いは何ですか?
TheBigFatWhale スレ主 :
TheBigFatWhale スレ主 : UBIは実際にはユニバーサルベーシックインカムを意味し、株価とは関係ありません。
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