小盖儿 : I have received the same massage.
小盖儿 : These scammers should go to the hell!
不懂投资的小白 スレ主 小盖儿 : I just keep hold, coz I just in around 1k only, so if now left also take back 300+ , no point also, just put and c when he want to pull up the stock again and prepare another change to scam ppl lo
oidstockpiayers : 近期都还在操作哪些票啊
小盖儿 : I have received the same massage.
小盖儿 : These scammers should go to the hell!
不懂投资的小白 スレ主 小盖儿 : I just keep hold, coz I just in around 1k only, so if now left also take back 300+ , no point also, just put and c when he want to pull up the stock again and prepare another change to scam ppl lo
oidstockpiayers : 近期都还在操作哪些票啊