This has turned into the perfect Bollinger band squeeze with no end in sight. I describe how Bollinger band squeeze works whenever a good one pops up. Not only are they interesting but can be MAGICAL
$カラ・バイオ (KALA.US)$ because I’ve been too focused on too many positions, I did not even give this chart a strong, strong look. After quickly seeing it is in a perfect Bollinger band squeeze, I’m in...
like I’ve mentioned before, please remember a Bollinger band squeeze has nothing to do with “squeezing” short interest or anything like that… It’s simply a trading strategy in which you bring the lower Bollinger band and Keltner channel lines into a negative value while at same time the current price level is up and above the top, Bollinger band and Keltner channel line.
When the price sits above both of those two lines, it will have absolutely no resistance with this why it moves around flipping in price, like you have been observing. additionally thr top lines are now actually used as a level of support
Until the price level current cost is below any of those, this stock could quite literally go anywhere. The absolute ultimate prize of a Bollinger band squeeze, is getting the price level above those lines on the WEEKLY scale. If you can get the Bollinger band squeeze on weekly scale, magical things can happen like GME Jan 2021, AMC, etc., etc. All of the biggest short squeezes you have ever witnessed were most likely part of a Bollinger band squeeze additionally.
how do you can see in this picture, the real resistance is $43.25, the value of the lower Keltner channel line on the monthly scale .
Because the stock has been on a long downhill trajectory, it has actually been stuck below the lower counter channel line on the monthly scale. When the monthly or weekly candles are below a lower Bollinger band and or calendar channel line, it can act as a strong resistance with him pretty much guide the price right down. This is exactly why a Bollinger band squeeze works on the way up, the price action is literally squeezed into a channel of its own until it can be brought back into the lines. With the week and month changing on the next training day, if this stock can get high enough in the after hours or pre-market on Tuesday morning, there is a good chance it can rise above the weekly and possibly even monthly scale lines. it is at that point you have yourself another chance at a GameStop 2.0
免責事項:このコミュニティは、Moomoo Technologies Inc.が教育目的でのみ提供するものです。
jimmy the trader : よくやった、先日は正しかった
RIPPER スレ主 jimmy the trader : どっちについて?
Chris.Chisolm : あなたの知識を分かち合ってくださってありがとうございます
71206875 : 今、あなたは話しています!41ドルのレジスタンスを超えなければなりません。パワーアワーが近づいています!
Swing Trade Swag : これは純粋に感傷的なプレーでした。テクニカルな演技にそれほど重きを置くかどうかはわかりません。28日の午前、FDA申請の承認に関するPRは良好で、注目を集めていました。その後、午後1時にアナリストが47ドル前後の価格目標を設定し、急上昇し始め、44ドルに達しました。それでも非常に変動しやすいものの、引き下げ始めました。今日は良いスカルプトレードになるかもしれませんが、この価格でロングやスイングをする場合は注意してください。
Swing Trade Swag Swing Trade Swag : *火曜日は今日ではありません