i was listening to the farm report. Sadly, even the farm report has gone the factual way of the dodo. It is now 10% fact and 90% useless. Since it is on my mind, I will start with the weather. This is a year or longer outlook.... It's going to be DRY. It looks like it's going to be a La Nina year. That should correlate to drought in Australia, Africa, South America, and most of the midwest and eastern US. Countered with strong precipitation in Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia, with Eastern Asia having increasing odds of cyclone landfall... When Africa and the Middle East have droughts, wars break out. When people are hungry, social unrest and upheaval begin. On top of this, the current world crop production has been poor, the chicken population was halved, and beef cattle are among the lowest numbers ever. Bird flu killed the chicken population. This has partially caused the astronomical egg prices. The droughts this last year caused beef producers to prematurely send their beef to auction. THIS INCLUDED BREADERS!!!! That is so bad, I can't even begin to explain. The beef production dropped more rapidly than at any other time in history. And you thought meat was already expensive? that was 、 producers dumping their product onto the market. Just imagine what the price is going to be now that the production is drastically reduced??? Raise your own or find someone who does. Join a food co-op, grow a garden, raise animals, just find a way to maintain access to food, and a grocery store does NOt count, do not depend on a market!!!...
warrior-sailormoon : iamiamさんに大きな感謝を
Ping983 : 感謝
Taurus27 : 商品に関する詳細な入力に感謝します!!それを本当に感謝しています!!
icezzz : 共有していただきありがとうございます
LEng LEng : 投稿ありがとうございます@iamiam感謝された
jimmychoos : XOPは現在、突破した毎日の上昇トレンドラインを再テストしています。100点までの修正の余地はありますか?どんな見方ですか?:)
iamiam スレ主 jimmychoos : まだです、xopには少なくとも1日か2日は力があります
Ben 23 : 共有してくれてありがとう。最近市場が不安定なので、短期的な動きに焦点を当てるのは理にかなっています。しかし、どちらかの側に解決策がすぐに出るはずで、おそらく下向きです。