Sam Sam1234 : :(見逃した!
May 102377128 スレ主 Sam Sam1234 : It’s ok! The highs will come again..that is what I noticed about this stock..quite volatile with huge swings..
deming111 : わぁ、いい動きですね
May 102377128 スレ主 deming111 : buy again when it drops below 8
Sam Sam1234 : :(見逃した!
May 102377128 スレ主 Sam Sam1234 : It’s ok! The highs will come again..that is what I noticed about this stock..quite volatile with huge swings..
deming111 : わぁ、いい動きですね
May 102377128 スレ主 deming111 : buy again when it drops below 8