As a part of my daily work as an equity sales, I have the chance to look at thousands of investors portfolio from various walks of life, ranging from 3 figures to 8 figures.
The shocking fact is that majority of them is still losing money despite some having “Years of experience in the market”.
Losing money in the market is extremely normal . But most importantly, what did you learnt?
A lot of new beginners who stepped into world of investing/trading. Their initial thought is always filled with excitement to make a lot of money. Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further away from the truth. In the world of trading/investing to make money you must also be prepared to lose money as well. If you don’t, you are being unrealistic.
Number 4:Investing/Trading most likely won't make you rich
Heavily influence by social media, many individuals think that they could become rich by investing or trading. Many have false belief that they could start with very little capital and turn those to millions.
If you take a look at the rich people you know. Majority of them did not become rich by investing or trading. Most of them earn their wealth through business. It is another thing if you wish to work in professional level but to become wealthy you need some sort of business/job that give you a high level of income.
Investing/trading is another valuable skill to learn to grow your existing wealth.
sociable Dingo_8604 : よく言われました @Brianjh
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Supermandijia : ありがとうございました。
103383658 : 良い読み物です!
scarlight : お金を失うのはいけません。これは恐ろしいアドバイスです。
102747798 : ブラボー。よく言いました。
玄学炒股的美股韭菜 : 金言玉玉![undefined [undefined]](
NeedaCoffee : ありがとうございます!また、私のような初心者にとっては、まだ学ぶべきことがたくさんあり、サーフィンのようなもので、楽しくて爽快なスポーツですが、すべての人に適しているわけではありません。また、波に乗る前にまず基本を学ばなければなりません。
AlaskaCatus : 初心者向けのアドバイスをありがとう!素敵な記事です!
101667935 : ご共有いただきありがとうございます!
104528792 : 良いアドバイスです。