In the Jan-Aug period, BYD sold 2,328,449 NEVs, up 29.92% year-on-year.
The 400万-unit target means BYD will need to sell an average of about 420,000 vehicles per month in the last four months of 2024.
So far this year, BEV sales in China have been weak, while PHEV sales have grown strongly.
China's passenger NEVs sold a record 1,027,000 units at retail in Aug, the first time in history that they have exceeded 100万, data released by the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) showed.
Retail sales ofPHEVin Aug were 444,000 units, thethird consecutive month of record highs7月の96.9%増、前年比12.2%増の96.9%増
bullrider_21 スレ主 : bydの販売台数は300万台から400万台に増加する見込みであり、33%増加する見込みです。対象的に、テスラの納車台数は180万台から減少する見込みです。これは彼らの運命の変化を示しています。