まるで一番美しい女の子に声をかけて、デートを申し込んだら『地獄が凍っているうちは』と言われたような感じです。 そして笑顔で言います…だから私にもチャンスがあるってことですね if they would have announced two weeks ago a shortfall the stock would have traded higher now with the market being marked down I think it's a reason that they're going to dump it. everything Elon Musk is doing is trying to move inventory before the 31st offering free supercharging and evidently there's a lot of people that have accelerated orders because of the tax credit that will be going away so there's a slim chance... that they might maybe meet expectations..
it's kind of like walking up to the prettiest girl and asking her for a date and she says yeah when hell freezes over.. and you put a smile on your face and say..so I have a chance then right
TheOracleOfBroMaha : テスラも同じように感じてくれることを願っています。
10baggerbamm スレ主 TheOracleOfBroMaha : 前に投稿した金曜日について心配しています。8分の2しか納品期待を満たしていないと報告しました。
if they would have announced two weeks ago a shortfall the stock would have traded higher now with the market being marked down I think it's a reason that they're going to dump it.
everything Elon Musk is doing is trying to move inventory before the 31st offering free supercharging and evidently there's a lot of people that have accelerated orders because of the tax credit that will be going away so there's a slim chance... that they might maybe meet expectations..
it's kind of like walking up to the prettiest girl and asking her for a date and she says yeah when hell freezes over..
and you put a smile on your face and say..so I have a chance then right