Indeed, there are quite a substantial informations to collect and analyse.
Examples: the current and foreseeable local and global market sentiments, upcoming events and activities (for those already made public), volume movement trending (sustainability) and projection of the similar industries (if any), this also includes analyze the swing indicators on the chart to determine the major support levels. It will not be a 'straight line' approach, and always has some knee jerk movement between now and then to reach there, heavily dependent on the market sentiment and volatility.
As per analysis, 2602 // 2588 will be the next possible touch point on Monday (20240909) if it really falls with huge magnitude. It might trend downward further if the market sentiment remains. Let's see.
Deep Sea : おすすめではありません。
Deep Sea : 株価は売られるようです。来週の権利付き最終日後にさらに下がるかもしれません。
103725339 スレ主 Deep Sea : 再び上がる可能性はありませんか?
Deep Sea 103725339 スレ主 : 可能性は低いです。チャンスに賭けないでください。
_MK_Watcher_ : 過去2週間以上、緑のローソク足で上昇傾向にあったことから弱気の初期兆候が見られ、近く収斂段階に入る可能性がある。
103896277 _MK_Watcher_ : お尋ねしてもよろしいでしょうか。お伝えした見積もりの価格をどのように計算したのか教えていただけますか?
_MK_Watcher_ 103896277 : Indeed, there are quite a substantial informations to collect and analyse.
Examples: the current and foreseeable local and global market sentiments, upcoming events and activities (for those already made public), volume movement trending (sustainability) and projection of the similar industries (if any), this also includes analyze the swing indicators on the chart to determine the major support levels.
It will not be a 'straight line' approach, and always has some knee jerk movement between now and then to reach there, heavily dependent on the market sentiment and volatility.
_MK_Watcher_ 103725339 スレ主 : As per analysis, 2602 // 2588 will be the next possible touch point on Monday (20240909) if it really falls with huge magnitude. It might trend downward further if the market sentiment remains. Let's see.