笑莎 Sa 姨 : tak boleh pakaiii..this
Zaclim スレ主 : Which stocks can use ?
熊猫人 : market decide , cannot use is for his own
Zaclim スレ主 熊猫人 : Agree
笑莎 Sa 姨 Zaclim スレ主 : day,day see tmr market decide lo..see wind blow where..hehee
Zaclim スレ主 笑莎 Sa 姨 : Yes, just follow the wind
笑莎 Sa 姨 : tak boleh pakaiii..this
Zaclim スレ主 : Which stocks can use ?
熊猫人 : market decide , cannot use is for his own
Zaclim スレ主 熊猫人 : Agree
笑莎 Sa 姨 Zaclim スレ主 : day,day see tmr market decide lo..see wind blow where..hehee
Zaclim スレ主 笑莎 Sa 姨 : Yes, just follow the wind