105038909 : 本当ですか?
zyanlau スレ主 105038909 : バタシー発電所から4300万ポンドの損失
105038909 zyanlau スレ主 : わらしてえ!!
vaizardboy : Only In Bursa where you have companies reporting good profits and giving good guidance into the next quarter but the stock tanks. The reverse also applies.I'm starting to wonder if it's その他 people being dumb or I'm being dumb
105038909 : 本当ですか?
zyanlau スレ主 105038909 : バタシー発電所から4300万ポンドの損失
105038909 zyanlau スレ主 : わらしてえ!!
vaizardboy : Only In Bursa where you have companies reporting good profits and giving good guidance into the next quarter but the stock tanks. The reverse also applies.
I'm starting to wonder if it's その他 people being dumb or I'm being dumb