ビジネス、株式、投資に関する意見を投稿するためには、まず登録してください。投資に対する自己責任を持ってください。Many times it happened when e-commerce business became one of the highest revenue earning industries in the world. In the race of best e-commerce businesses, giants like Ali-Baba group holdings, jd.com (京東商城) and Amazon-dot-com (アマゾンドットコム) has made their names. A market of consumer electronics (家電製品) is in bulk volume which creates tremendous business for companies like the mentioned one. This market is collectively termed as e-commerce (eコマース). Goldman Sachs Group (ゴールドマンサックスグループ) believes that the companies we provided above have more potential than others of the same sector (全セクター). With each year, an increment of more than 200% in revenue (売上高) has been noted. Mergers and acquisitions with other might players are also in play to level-up the growth of such businesses. These two businesses placed themselves well in the market and competition with other businesses like futures (先物) trading, Bitcoins, and other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, Aliba-ba has been getting closer to other businesses, and recently became the largest stakeholder in Sun-Art Retail Group Ltd.
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