


腾讯司马 回答しない ID: 71615480
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    腾讯司马 がいいねしました
    @Kimberly is an expecting mom living in Hong Kong, China. Her investment journey with Futu has generated 150% yield for her and her future baby. Kimberly first knew Futu through her husband and then-boyfriend. She started out by using Futubull to hone her investment skills. However, it turns out that Futubull also serves as the catalyst for her marriage. In the past three years of using Futubull, the couple has discovered more interests and values they share in common, prompting them to tie the knot. What’s more, their investment returns on the app have enabled them to make the down payment for a place in Hong Kong!
    In retrospect, Kimberly concluded, “Love, marriage, money, family, and kids. These major milestones are reached in my life thanks to the financial security I gained through Futubull”.
    150% Yield
    Like many users in Hong Kong, Kimberly started her investment journey on Futubull with the help of local banks. The year when she first learned about Futu is 2018.
    At first, she only knew the brand logo, the orange bull, which left her a deep impression. After becoming a Futubull user, she soon discovered that Futubull could open the door to a community of like-minded people. These people share their investment experience and philosophies on Moo, the Futubull Community. By learning from other users’ experience, Kimberly was emboldened to make her first investment.
    Starting out as a newbie, Kimberly first used the app to buy IPO stocks only. She happened to be lucky enough to buy some top performing stocks, including Pharmaron, Hygeia, and Haidilao, whose stock prices soared several times. Kimberly also took her chances in some short-term investments in tickers like Ming Yuan Cloud, which turned out that the profits were not bad.
    Of course, stock dealing does not always go well. Lessons are learned along the way. For example, in 2018, Kimberly heard about a company engaging in business relating to optoelectronic technology, an industry that she deemed as promising. She bought the company’s stock at 100 HKD per share. However, as market rumors flew around, Kimberly lost her nerve and sold the stock at 80 HKD per share, and the rest is history. The company’s share price skyrocketed to over 200 HKD . She missed the chance to double her investment.
    After that, Kimberly reflected, “Many know Warren Buffett's famous quote, ‘Be greedy when others are fearful’, yet it’s easier said than done. My take is, for companies that you are confident about, ‘Stand firm when others are fearful’.”
    Kimberly also bought some new-energy-vehicle-related stocks when their prices peaked, but the stock prices then fell, and kept falling. She firmly believed that the market for new energy vehicles would be gigantic in the future, and that made her continue to hold the positions. The market rebounded as she wish, rising much higher above the previous peak, and Kimberly closed out her positions six months later after securing a yield of 16%.
    Over time and with a little trial and error, Kimberly decided to invest more in the stock market. Till now, she’s invested in multiple promising sectors, achieving steady and significant returns. In 2020 alone, she achieved a yield of 150%.
    Her investment gains generated on Futubull is enough for the down payment of an apartment in Hong Kong.
    Kimberly knew little about Futu before her husband introduced Futubull to her, but soon she was wowed by the company’s strengths.
    According to her previous investment experience, bank brokers would charge 200-300 HKD annually for a deposit. The relevant apps were not at all user-friendly, and provided no other information except numbers. Futu offers good value for money on most services. It provides free analysis tools and access to MACD, Hong Kong stock LV2, various charts, and information on northbound capital flow.
    Yet, what attracts Kimberly most is Moo, Futu’s unique users’ community.
    “Moo is similar to Facebook, providing a platform where you can update your daily routines, share feelings, and download pictures or videos. For beginners, it can be overwhelming to invest on your own. With Moo, you can express yourself anytime, anywhere. When the market looks gloomy, users would complain about it on Moo; when the market is up, users would complain again and regret that they didn’t buy enough! It’s a lot of fun. I enjoy looking through the posts after work.”
    Futubull is Kimberly’s main investment platform. It not only allows Kimberly to trade but also enables her to learn more about the market, get the latest information, and share her experience with other users. Futubull serves as an essential knowledge base for her to improve investment skills. Over the past three years, her investment gains on Futubull prompted her moves to buy two apartments in Hong Kong. Given the housing situation in Hong Kong, the apartments are quite small, but sufficient for her and her husband to build a home.
    Kimberly is also a shareholder of Futu, the shares of which have made her original investment quadruple. “I am a long-term user of Futubull, and will definitely stay loyal in the future because it offers premium products and services. You can reach their customer service at even 3 or 4 a.m. I plan to hold its shares for a long time. I have confidence in the company,” she said.
    Futu, a witness of the big moments in life
    In addition to her ever-growing investment knowledge, Futubull also nurtures Kimberly’s love life. Futu serves as a strong bond connecting her and her partner. With Futubull in the couple’s life, they share more things in common and often discuss with each other about the market trend. They grow with each other by sharing their investment experience. Every day, they would participate in the interesting events on Futubull to gain task points which can be later exchanged for adorable gifts at the Rewards Club...
    This year, they got married! We are pleased to find that their home is decorated with many Futubull mascots! What’s more, they are expecting a baby whose animal year is the year of the ox!
    In the future, Kimberly’s focus will be put on her family and especially on taking good care of her baby. She’s got a part-time job as a tutor and will continue making investments in the hope that the investment gains can support her child’s education and cover expenses of daily necessities.
    Upon the company’s 9th anniversary, Kimberly says, “I have been using Futubull for three years. It is a witness of the big moments in my life. The app has been there, witnessing me having more money, falling in love, buying apartments, getting married, and having my baby, all thanks to the financial security I gained through Futubull.”
    “I am confident that Futu will become a leading asset management company, and look forward to Futu’s growth as my baby grows. Investing is a critical lesson in life, especially for children. If children understand how to invest at an early age, they will know how to spend money wisely when they grow up.”
    Disclaimer: The above content represents the personal sharing and opinions of the guest, and does not constitute any recommendation, purchase, sale or holding of the above-mentioned stocks or investment strategies by Futu.   All investment involves risk. Prices of investment products may go up as well as down. Please understand the product risks and seek for professional advice before making any investment decisions.
    Hong Kong user Kimberly: Futubull has witnessed all the defining moments of my life
    Hong Kong user Kimberly: Futubull has witnessed all the defining moments of my life
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