未來三大世界經濟走向:5G,AI,EV Car 都需要大量的半導體產品.
$台湾セミコンダクター・マニュファクチャリング (TSM.US)$ TSMC's price increase signal "chip shortage alleviation" inflection point is postponed.
The wafer capacity shortage may become more severe in 2022, and the popularity of memory will continue to fluctuate. The news that TSMC plans to raise prices for many years has caused an uproar in the industry, showing that this global core shortage may still be difficult to alleviate in the short term. The third quarter is the peak season for consumer electronics. The memory market, whose prices have increased, may face a new round of prosperity, but this may be structural....
The wafer capacity shortage may become more severe in 2022, and the popularity of memory will continue to fluctuate. The news that TSMC plans to raise prices for many years has caused an uproar in the industry, showing that this global core shortage may still be difficult to alleviate in the short term. The third quarter is the peak season for consumer electronics. The memory market, whose prices have increased, may face a new round of prosperity, but this may be structural....
mooSchool Summer Camp S8で紹介されたテクニカルインディケーターを使うことで、狙っている銘柄の株を買う前により情報豊富な選択ができます。このツールのMMIの良さは、明確で簡潔な表示で、非常に快適なUI/UX体験を提供してくれることです。これらのツールに加えて、初心者トレーダーでも、トレードのアップサイドに立って取引を続けることができ、トレーディング体験をより充実したものにすることができます。mooSchool Summer Campチームからのさらなるヒントや技術的なノウハウを楽しみにしています!皆さんと月に会いましょう!...