it was a great boost to decimated portfolios but not enough to break even. we still have a long way to go before retail investors are out of the red zone
Try not to become emotionally involved with a stock. If the stock has lost value you need to reassess why it was originally purchased and if something has changed from your original thesis then cut it loose. If the fundemental story is still intact then it might be a good idea to accumulate a little more. Even though it is difficult to sell at a loss you will feel instant relief once the sale has been made.
非取引日は、取引の領域の考え方から外れた集中力と専門知識を必要とするプロジェクトに費やされます。 取引の高低から離れ、金融リスクに関連する内在的なストレスを軽減する活動に焦点を当てることが重要です。 何かを作る、草地を刈る、キャンプ、実行する、スキー、ブログを書くなど、これらが私の関心事です。 明らかに、誰もが異なるのですが、重要なポイントは絶縁することです!
Being grateful in one's investment journey first and foremost is the ability to makes decisions on your own and taking responsibility for your actions. It is an extremely empowering feeling and changes one's outlook and persective on life. Not only do you learn to manage your finacial risk/reward tolerance but it spills over to many other facets of life.