The way I find stocks is research, keeping my ear to the market ,watch the trends in market.,advice from different platforms, watching successful entrepreneurs and where they invest. but know my risk level & tolerance. I look at investing like gambling at the casino & I love going to casinos. I'm not really into pushing the trade or sell button because I'm looking for LONGEVITY. I want to HODL for atleast 5yrs. but hopefully 10yrs. I'm not to keen on the buy ,selling, or trading on this platform or any platform. I started in crypto currency a couple years ago, I just moved into stocks this year. I'm a (NEWBIE) willing to learn * take advice on learning options trading; (I'M TAKING ADVICE FROM ALL THAT OFFER).
MooMooの最初の印象は、迷いました。私はMooMooプラットフォームが新しく、紹介した人がジョークを言っていると思っていましたが、それを経験したり、人々が素晴らしいことを言っているのを聞いたりしてから学びました。このサイトは、トレーディングのアートを学ぶのに非常に役立ち、情報がたくさんあり、チャットできるコミュニティやチュートリアルの助け、株式市場のほとんどすべての分野に関するステップバイステップのレッスンがあります。私は単独で働いていて、もっと学習する時間が必要です。よくやっているMr. Mormonさん、本当に感謝しています。改めてありがとうございます。
Ok MooMoo, I'm listening to good advice, but I will research myself with a diversified input of information and come to my own conclusion which already been stated. Thanks MooMoo & Community
That's really been a hard decision for me to make because the stocks I buy are to HODL until 59.5 years old. I haven't learned the craft of option trading but want to learn n explore. I look at the stock market the same way I gamble in a casino,bet on football game,play poker, etc.. It's all a risk and on gamble with what u can afford to lose/win. I believe web 3.0 the blockchain,& it's innovation, infrastructure ,etc. is a good investment for the next 3-5 years but do your homework (DEFI)
I'm new looking for any advice on how too trade n HODL on this platform