


71434597 回答しない ID: 71434597
    71434597 コメントしました
    $テスラ(TSLA.US)$ cunning musky stop selling, wait price rise again then continue, sneaky boi
    71434597 コメントしました
    $テスラ(TSLA.US)$ the whole market is red. what happened? some news in US?
    71434597 がいいねしました
    $テスラ(TSLA.US)$ Wait for Elon to finish selling and enter again!
    71434597 コメントしました
    $テスラ(TSLA.US)$ Elon Musk continued to sell his Tesla Inc. shares Tuesday, selling another 934,000 shares for about $1.05 billion.According to filings with the Securities and ExchangeCommission, Musk made the sales after exercising options to buy 2.15 million shares.In all, Musk has sold about 9.2 million shares worth about $9.85 billion since Nov. 8, a day after Musk's Twitter poll decided he should sell 10% of his Tesla stake. Some of the stock sales had been put into motion well before the poll was posted.
    71434597 リアクションしました
    Futu started the week well but ended just slightly higher than last Friday despite the good news.
    I do understand there are many who are trapped in this stock. The same goes me too in other China stocks.
    If you are here trading hoping to make money fast because futu will fly to the moon, you are probably in the wrong stock because futu is in a long term downtrend and it will take a period of consolidation before it can reverse this downtrend. It is not a pullback or correction territory where it can do a V shape recovery. This consolidation that will happen after a long term downtrend can take months and sometimes close to 1 year. So coming in to futu now is definitely not a get rich fast stock like many US stocks which is flying to the moon now like tesla.
    Futu is essentially in a bear market condition where investors confidence is broken and only the real bulls who have researched and have conviction in this stock will keep adding at various support levels. Don't be surprised there are even real futu bulls who are super convicted in this stock that has not added much yet as they are still waiting for the bottom or a clear buy signal before going all in.
    People who do not do enough research or understand the company well enough will be emotionally affected and thinking why the stock just keeps dipping everytime they add positions. While the real bulls are smiling adding to positions because they understand what this stock is worth to them and they are in fact buying at a discount.
    Trading point of view this stock has almost no signal for you to go long now. And you will be better sitting at the side now waiting for it to hit a good support level before buying in rather than randomly buying in at whatever small dips and eventually run out of bullet the time it hits the critical support level.
    I personally will start opening positions on this stock when it hits 36 or 45 range as I am pretty confident a stock like futu will probably not break that critical support and head down towards 26 critical support.
    But as always, trade safe & invest wise!
    71434597 コメントしました
    $テスラ(TSLA.US)$ will it go back to 1190 today?? Looks like it is drifting further and further away from 1190 😭
    71434597 がいいねしました
    $フートゥー・ホールディングス(FUTU.US)$ Those giving negative comments please stay aways. We thank you for your unwelcomed advise.
    Even if you are short selling, please earn with style and don't use these dirty tricks to create fears and panic selling.
    Those who are losing money are already stressful enough, please stop making them more miserable.
    Be kind instead of being a 💩head.
    71434597 リアクションしました
    私たちは株式のピッキングアイデアを確認する前に、取引モデルを理解する必要があると思います。取引モデルが最終的に取引する株式を決定します。 $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$
    例えば、 $フートゥー・ホールディングス(FUTU.US)$
    $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC.US)$
    1. トレンドが確立された後に引き戻しで買う方法。
    2. ロングポジションがショートに戻った後にトラップにはまらないためのフィルタリングメカニズムを確立する方法。
    最新記事をご覧ください @HopeAlways @老Uncle @Mars Mooo @ATS A trade sniper @GratefulPanda
    71434597 がいいねしました