


jhhow 男性 ID: 101568917
    jhhow がいいねしました
    The 3rd quarter of 2021 has come to an end. How's your trading? We have experienced the continuous rise of S&P500, the listing of Robinhood, Buffett indicator skyrocketing to 200%, BNPL spike, Apple's event and so much more. Did you succeed in buying low and selling high? Take a look at how the market went in the Q3 of 2021 below. Are you ready to review your performance?
    Why should I review trading performance?
    Many traders are simply investing their time, believing that if they spend enough time in the market, their skills will be improved. But "investing time" does not necessarily increase your profit potential. If you always do the same things and make the same mistakes, investing time will only make these habits more ingrained. That's why you need to take time to monitor, review and evaluate every trade you make. A thorough review will reveal what your common mistakes are, which you can improve through practice; what you are very good at, which you may take advantage of more often. By doing so consistently, you can go from good to great.
    When to review?
    So when and how frequently should you have this kind of review? That depends on your trading style and trading frequency. If you make fewer than five trades per month, a monthly or quarterly review will be enough. If you trade every day, a weekly review may be more appropriate. If you review your trade performance after a long time, you may miss opportunities to make needed adjustments.
    How to review?
    Hey, I have no idea! Why don't you tell me? Well, you can think about these: What stocks have you been trading? What are the profitable and loss-making trades? Which sector have you invested in? What's your overall P/L? How's the market overall doing? What is working and what could be improved? 
    Now comes the practice! Review Your Q3 Performance NOW!
    We want to help every mooer to develop a good reviewing habit. Here comes a Q3 trading review competition, in which you are all welcome to join.
    1. Featured reward: Grade A will get 8,888 points; Grade B will get 2,000 points
    · Grade A (3-5 mooers) - 8,888 points reward for deep review and analysis of trading behaviors and the market, and for high engagement
    · Grade B  (5-15 mooers) - 2,000 points reward for good review with more than 200 words, and for good engagement
    2. Task reward:
    All participants who comment with more than 50 words will get 88 points as an encouragement.
    Duration: Now - Oct. 15, 2021
    (Rewards will be issued on Oct. 18)
    Requirements & Tips
    1. Join hashtag discussion #Reviw Q3 Trading Performance" (click to join)
    2. Original content and no plagiarism. Unless the content is repurposed from the same author.
    3. Content format: Moment, Columns, Notes, and Video. Click to read how to use awesome features!
    4. Don't forget to add tickers / stock codes if any. It will make you more impressive!
    5. It's suggested to review EVERY TRADE that you made.
    The Bottom Line
    Hey, let's do this together! It’s also important to not be too critical on yourself when it comes to trading losses. No strategy or system is right all the time and there will always be losing trades. But hopefully, the amount you make when your trades work out will be larger than the total of losses. Regular reviews of your performance can help your own trading move to this goal.
    Win or Lose? Review Q3 Trading Performance Now
    Win or Lose? Review Q3 Trading Performance Now
    jhhow コメントしました
    $Nanofilm (MZH.SG)$このティッカーについて何が起こっているのですか?
    jhhow コメントしました
    キャシー・ウッドのArk 投資株式 $テスラ (TSLA.US)$投資管理会社が電気自動車メーカーの株式を売却した後、同社は2億7000万ドルを売却しました。
    ウッドの3つの上場投資信託「 $ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK.US)$Amazon $ARK Autonomous Technology & Robotics ETF (ARKQ.US)$。S&P 500企業の収益は、FactSetによると、前年同期比で6.6%減少する見通しであり、2020年第2四半期以来の最大の四半期減少を示します。収益見通しを発表した企業のうち、79社がEPS予想を下回り、27社がプラスの予想を出しています。 $ARK Next Generation Internet ETF (ARKW.US)$」の合計で340,000株以上のテスラ株が火曜日に売却されました。
    ソーシャルキャピタルの創設者兼CEO チャマス・パリハピティヤその他の投資アイデアに投資するために、彼は自身が保有していたテスラのポジションを売却したことを明かした。エロン・マスク率いる電気自動車メーカーにかけた賭けは、過去1年ほどで終了したと語った。高い株価が彼に現金を調達するチャンスを与えたため、彼はその他のアイデアに資金を提供するためにキャッシュを得ることができた。
    jhhow がいいねしました
    The $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$は9月の売りオフを拡大し、テクノロジー株は景気に大きく関連する企業より下回った。 $NASDAQ 100 Index (.NDX.US)$は3月以来最大の下落を記録した。30年債の利回りは10ベーシスポイント以上上昇した。10ベーシスポイント以上ドルが上昇した。