


JL1101 女性 ID: 101530738
    JL1101 がいいねしました
    $NIP Group (NIPG.US)$株式に対する冷静な見方。短期投資をするが、長期投資をしないでください。
    JL1101 がいいねしました
    $ウォルト・ディズニー (DIS.US)$
    JL1101 がいいねしました
    $ロク (ROKU.US)$2021年11月3日(水)の株式市場の終了後、第3四半期の2021年の財務結果を発表すると発表しました。ROKUは、広告に関するSNAPのニュースにより大幅に下落しました。私はこれが来週の収益に向けた良い機会を提供すると考えています。したがって、それに対して現金を用意します。私は、株式を既に持っているため、下落し続けると予想していますが、私は株価を312ドルに切り取っています。それ以下になるまでもう買いません。収益後にさらに下落する可能性があるため、現金を残します。ROKUは、ストリーミング動画で広告をする方法が限られており、ROKUが提供するデータ量が多いため、独自のカテゴリーにあり、有線に比べて確実に良いです。
    JL1101 がいいねしました
    $アリババ・グループ (BABA.US)$ Shares of Alibaba have been in for a roller-coaster ride this year. Alibaba was caught in the middle of a major crackdown on multiple sectors of the Chinese economy in 2021. After the CCP decided to strengthen regulatory oversight and force Chinese enterprises to consider China's national security interests as part of their business strategies, valuations for major Chinese growth stocks cratered. The crackdown started off with financial service providers which made cryptocurrencies available to their customers and quickly spread to e-commerce companies, internet firms offering gaming products for children, for-profit businesses and even food delivery startups. The justification for Beijing in all of these instances has been to uphold rules of economic fairness by cracking down on companies that are said to engage in monopolistic behavior. Most large Chinese companies were targeted by China's anti-trust watchdog, the State Administration for Market Regulation, including Alibaba and $テンセント (00700.HK)$.
    Most recently, enforcement regulations have taken a backseat to a new force emerging in the Chinese stock market: Multiple Chinese real estate and development firms are nearing bankruptcy as a downturn in property prices created a liquidity crisis that might get worse. Relying on massive amounts of easy debt, these firms have built development projects on speculation. Now that prices are dropping, the supply-demand mismatch is creating serious liquidity problems for firms like Modern Land, China Properties Group or $EVERG SERVICES (06666.HK)$ .
    Alibaba may be able to escape the selling pressure in the Chinese market if the company tables an impressive earnings card for the last quarter next week and I believe Alibaba will be able to do this! Although there is no official earnings date announcement, the earnings card is expected for November 4, 2021, according to Nasdaq information.
    Alibaba's e-commerce business is soaring, and the segment's growth even accelerated during the global Coronavirus pandemic. Alibaba's e-commerce business, responsible for 88% of revenues and 92% of EBITDA profits, is far and away the most important business driver for Alibaba. An additional breakdown of Alibaba's e-commerce revenues shows that international e-commerce retail and Alibaba's logistics business, branded under the name Cainiao, saw the highest year-over-year growth rates of 54% and 50%. The Cainiao network is expanding rapidly in China but also invests in a smart logistics network to deal with accelerating cross-border transactions.
    Alibaba is also looking forward to generating higher free cash flow in the future, which could drive a revaluation of Alibaba's shares. This is because the company's free cash flow in the last quarter was impacted by China's anti-monopoly fine which lowered the firm's free cash flow by 9.1B Chinese Yuan ($1.4B). The total fine was 18.2B Chinese Yuan ($2.8B) and was levied on Alibaba due to alleged anti-competitive practices. Although Alibaba recognized 50% of the anti-trust fine, the free cash flow was still 20.8B Chinese Yuan ($3.3B). Alibaba's free cash flow margin, after accounting for the anti-trust fine, was 10%. In the year-earlier period, Alibaba's free cash flow margin was 24%. I believe Alibaba could return to a 20% free cash flow margin next year.
    Looking ahead into the future, we can see that Alibaba's revenues are modeled to grow at a rate of 17% annually between FY 2021 and FY 2026. After receiving a big fine this year, Alibaba played nice with the CCP which could reduce the probability of receiving new fines in the future.
    Let's assume that Alibaba will not get any more anti-monopoly fines and grow revenues at a rate of 17% annually, which is implied in revenue forecasts until FY 2026.
    By 2026, Alibaba is expected to have revenues of $263.7B. If Alibaba's free cash flow margin stabilizes around 20% over the next five-year period, which I believe is plausible, then it could become a $52B a year free cash flow business… and the estimates have upside because Alibaba's other two businesses, digital media and cloud computing, will also start to make positive cash contributions to the firm. After all is said and done, I believe Alibaba could generate $52B in annual free cash flow by FY 2026, which is twice the free cash flow the firm generates currently. The firm's free cash flow is cheap compared to last year.
    Revenue estimates are rising and should continue to rise after results for the September quarter have been submitted. Alibaba's P-S ratio is just 2.4, less than half the ratio from last year!
    Why Alibaba is a buy before earnings
    Why Alibaba is a buy before earnings
    Why Alibaba is a buy before earnings
    JL1101 がいいねしました
    SEMI PARABOLIC-$265.26
    およびサポート-$253.06 $コインベース (COIN.US)$
    JL1101 コメントしました
    $AMCエンターテインメント クラスA (AMC.US)$ 売った無料の株とちょっと増やして買うため!3つだけどないよりマシだねw😂
    [取引通知] AMCの株3株が34.280で購入され、この注文が完了しました、2021年7月14日 23:41:03(EST)。[futu SG]
    JL1101 がいいねしました
    $PDD ホールディングス (PDD.US)$今のところ、買いは控えて、少なくとも3-5日間待つべきです。全セクターのサポートを終了する可能性があるため、この時点で買うべきではありません。今後の情報に注目してください。