
180 Life Sciences | 424B3: Prospectus

180ライフ・サイエンス | 424B3:目論見書

SEC ·  2024/02/28 19:42

Moomoo AIのまとめ

180 Life Sciences Corp. has announced a 1-for-19 reverse stock split of its common stock, effective as of 12:01 A.M. Eastern Time on February 28, 2024. The reverse stock split was approved by the company's Board of Directors following authorization from the company's stockholders to amend the Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation. This move aims to comply with the Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement for continued listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market. Prior to the split, the company's common stock was trading below the Nasdaq's minimum $1.00 requirement. The reverse stock split will reduce the number of outstanding shares from approximately 11.3 million to approximately 0.6 million. No fractional shares will be issued; stockholders who would have received a...Show More
180 Life Sciences Corp. has announced a 1-for-19 reverse stock split of its common stock, effective as of 12:01 A.M. Eastern Time on February 28, 2024. The reverse stock split was approved by the company's Board of Directors following authorization from the company's stockholders to amend the Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation. This move aims to comply with the Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement for continued listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market. Prior to the split, the company's common stock was trading below the Nasdaq's minimum $1.00 requirement. The reverse stock split will reduce the number of outstanding shares from approximately 11.3 million to approximately 0.6 million. No fractional shares will be issued; stockholders who would have received a fractional share will receive one whole share instead. The company's common stock will continue to trade on Nasdaq under the symbol 'ATNF'. In related news, the company has also reported the exercise of pre-funded warrants resulting in the issuance of 1,111,878 shares of common stock. Additionally, a judge has granted a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment in favor of 180 Life Sciences in a lawsuit involving the company's insurance carriers, which may lead to the advancement of defense costs related to SEC subpoenas.
180ライフサイエンスは、2024年2月28日午前12時01分(東部時間)から、普通株式の株式分割(1株を19株に統合)を発表しました。株式分割は、当社の株主が第二回修正証明書に変更することを承認した後、当社の取締役会によって承認されました。この措置は、ナスダックの最低買い気配価格要件を満たすためのものです。分割前、同社の普通株式は、ナスダックの最低1.00ドルの要件以下で取引されていました。株式分割により、発行済み株式数は約1130万株から約60万株に減少します。単位未満株は発行されず、単位未満株を受け取る予定だった株主は、代わりに1株を受け取ることになります。当社の普通株式は、引き続きシンボル「ATNF」でナスダックに上場し続けます。関連ニュースとして、同社は、プリファンドウォーラントの行使により、普通株式の1111878株が発行されたことを報告しました。さらに、同社の保険会社に関する訴訟で、判事が180 Life Sciencesの部分的なサマリージャッジメント請求を認め、SECからのサブポーナに関連する防衛費用の支払いを促す可能性があります。
これらの内容は、情報提供及び投資家教育のためのものであり、いかなる個別株や投資方法を推奨するものではありません。 更に詳しい情報