
Qualcomm | S-8 POS: S-8 POS

クアルコム | S-8 POS:従業員ストックオプション登録(訂正)

SEC announcement ·  03/11 16:16
Moomoo AIのまとめ
Qualcomm Incorporated, the renowned semiconductor and telecommunications equipment company, has filed a Post-Effective Amendment with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 11, 2024. This amendment pertains to the Registration Statement on Form S-8, originally filed on July 16, 2014, under Registration No. 333-197445. The purpose of the amendment is to deregister the remaining unsold securities and terminate the effectiveness of the original registration statement. The securities in question were related to the Wilocity Ltd. US Key Employee Share Incentive Plan, 2007, the Wilocity Ltd. Israeli Key Employee Share Incentive Plan, 2007, and the Wilocity Ltd. Option Agreements, which have now all terminated with no outstanding awards. The company's action follows its commitment to remove from registration all securities that were registered but remained unsold under the Registration Statement. The amendment was signed by Qualcomm's President and Chief Executive Officer, Cristiano R. Amon, and other officers and directors of the company.
Qualcomm Incorporated, the renowned semiconductor and telecommunications equipment company, has filed a Post-Effective Amendment with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 11, 2024. This amendment pertains to the Registration Statement on Form S-8, originally filed on July 16, 2014, under Registration No. 333-197445. The purpose of the amendment is to deregister the remaining unsold securities and terminate the effectiveness of the original registration statement. The securities in question were related to the Wilocity Ltd. US Key Employee Share Incentive Plan, 2007, the Wilocity Ltd. Israeli Key Employee Share Incentive Plan, 2007, and the Wilocity Ltd. Option Agreements, which have now all terminated with no outstanding awards. The company's action follows its commitment to remove from registration all securities that were registered but remained unsold under the Registration Statement. The amendment was signed by Qualcomm's President and Chief Executive Officer, Cristiano R. Amon, and other officers and directors of the company.
クアルコムは、半導体および通信機器の有名な企業であり、2024年3月11日に米国証券取引委員会(SEC)に投稿有効修正を提出しました。この修正は、元々2014年7月16日に登録番号333-197445で提出されたS-8フォームの登録声明に関連します。修正の目的は、未売却の証券を抹消し、元の登録声明の効力を終了することです。問題の証券は、Wilocity Ltd. US Key Employee Share Incentive Plan, 2007、Wilocity Ltd. Israeli Key Employee Share Incentive Plan, 2007、およびWilocity ...すべて展開
クアルコムは、半導体および通信機器の有名な企業であり、2024年3月11日に米国証券取引委員会(SEC)に投稿有効修正を提出しました。この修正は、元々2014年7月16日に登録番号333-197445で提出されたS-8フォームの登録声明に関連します。修正の目的は、未売却の証券を抹消し、元の登録声明の効力を終了することです。問題の証券は、Wilocity Ltd. US Key Employee Share Incentive Plan, 2007、Wilocity Ltd. Israeli Key Employee Share Incentive Plan, 2007、およびWilocity Ltd. Option Agreementsに関連しており、今ではすべての契約が終了し、未解決の受賞はありません。会社の行動は、登録されたが登録声明の下で未売却となったすべての証券を登録から削除するというコミットメントに従います。修正は、Qualcommの社長兼最高経営責任者であるCristiano R. Amonや会社の取締役などによって署名されました。
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