
Tharimmune | 10-Q: Q1 2024 Earnings Report

タリムン | 10-Q:Q1 2024 四半期報告書

SEC ·  05/09 08:32
Moomoo AIのまとめ
Tharimmune, a clinical-stage biotechnology company, reported a net loss of $2,256,109 for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, a decrease from the net loss of $2,688,288 for the same period in 2023. The loss per share improved significantly to $(0.19) from $(5.84) year-on-year, reflecting an increase in the weighted average number of common shares outstanding from 460,580 to 11,757,808. Operating expenses for the quarter totaled $2,347,303, down from $2,714,398 in the previous year, with research and development expenses slightly decreasing to $1,025,258 from $1,047,677, and general and administrative expenses reducing to $1,322,045 from $1,666,721. Other income, net of expenses, increased to $91,194 from $26,110, primarily due to a rise in interest income to $95,894 from $32,248. Tharimmune's cash position decreased to $8,427,290 from $10,935,352 at the beginning of the period. The company's business development has been...Show More
Tharimmune, a clinical-stage biotechnology company, reported a net loss of $2,256,109 for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, a decrease from the net loss of $2,688,288 for the same period in 2023. The loss per share improved significantly to $(0.19) from $(5.84) year-on-year, reflecting an increase in the weighted average number of common shares outstanding from 460,580 to 11,757,808. Operating expenses for the quarter totaled $2,347,303, down from $2,714,398 in the previous year, with research and development expenses slightly decreasing to $1,025,258 from $1,047,677, and general and administrative expenses reducing to $1,322,045 from $1,666,721. Other income, net of expenses, increased to $91,194 from $26,110, primarily due to a rise in interest income to $95,894 from $32,248. Tharimmune's cash position decreased to $8,427,290 from $10,935,352 at the beginning of the period. The company's business development has been marked by the FDA's approval of an IND application for TH104, a therapeutic candidate for chronic pruritis in patients with PBC. Tharimmune is also advancing its pipeline with candidates targeting IO targets such as HER2, HER3, and PD-1. The company's future plans include seeking approval for TH104, developing TH103, and progressing TH3215, TH0059, and TH1940 into IND-enabling studies in 2025. Tharimmune has also entered into a patent license agreement with Avior for the development and commercialization of TH104 and TH103.
2024年3月31日終了の四半期において、バイオテクノロジーの臨床段階企業Tharimmuneは、純損失が2,256,109ドルであり、2023年同期の2,688,288ドルから減少しました。株式1株あたりの損失は、目を見開いて11,757,808から460,580の一般株式の加重平均数が増加したため、前年同期の$(5.84)から$(0.19)に大幅に改善されました。四半期の営業費用は、前年の2,714,398ドルから2,347,303ドルに減少し、研究開発費用はわずかに1,025,258ドルから1,047,677ドルに減少し、一般管理費用は1,666,721ドルから1,322,045ドルに縮小されました。その他の収入(費用)は、26,110ドルから91,194ドルに増加し、主に利息収入が32,248ドルから95,894ドルに上昇したためです。Tharimmuneの現金残高は、期間開始時の10,935,352ドルから8,427,290ドルに減少しました。同社のビジネスの発展は、PBC患者の慢性かゆみの治療候補であるTH104のIND申請のFDA承認によって特徴付けられています。また、HER2、HER3、およびPD-1をターゲットとする候補を進めています。同社の将来の計画には、TH104の承認申請、TH103の開発、TH3215、TH0059、およびTH1940を2025年にIND enabling studyに進めることが含まれます。Tharimmuneは、TH104およびTH103の開発および商品化のための特許ライセンス契約にAviorと参加しました。
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