
11-K: Annual report of employee stock purchase, savings and similar plans (and amendment thereto)


SEC ·  06/24 17:07
Moomoo AIのまとめ
AT&T Inc. has filed its annual report on Form 11-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The report includes financial statements for the AT&T Retirement Savings Plan and the AT&T Puerto Rico Retirement Savings Plan. The independent auditor, Forvis Mazars, LLP, has audited the statements and expressed an unqualified opinion that they present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits and the changes in net assets available for benefits for the year in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The financial statements show that the AT&T Retirement Savings Plan's net assets available for benefits increased from $37,578,871 in 2022 to $40,012,012 in 2023, and the AT&T...Show More
AT&T Inc. has filed its annual report on Form 11-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The report includes financial statements for the AT&T Retirement Savings Plan and the AT&T Puerto Rico Retirement Savings Plan. The independent auditor, Forvis Mazars, LLP, has audited the statements and expressed an unqualified opinion that they present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits and the changes in net assets available for benefits for the year in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The financial statements show that the AT&T Retirement Savings Plan's net assets available for benefits increased from $37,578,871 in 2022 to $40,012,012 in 2023, and the AT&T Puerto Rico Retirement Savings Plan's net assets increased from $92,339 in 2022 to $96,812 in 2023. The report also includes a supplemental schedule of assets held at the end of the year and notes on the plans' investment strategies, contributions, and risks. The audit was conducted in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, and Forvis Mazars, LLP has served as the Plans' auditor since 2018. The report was signed off by Sabrina Sanders, Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer and Controller of AT&T Services, Inc., on June 24, 2024.
セキュリティー取引所に12月31日までの2023会計年度に関するAT&T社の年次報告書を提出しました。この報告書には、AT&T Retirement Savings PlanとAT&T Puerto Rico Retirement Savings Planの財務諸表が含まれています。信頼性監査人であるForvis Mazars LLPは、諸表を監査し、米国一般会計原則に準拠し、損益の変化および変動が一般的に受け入れられる会計原則に準拠していることを確認しました。これらの財務諸表によれば、AT&T Retirement Savings Planの資産は2022年の37,578,871ドルから20...すべて展開
セキュリティー取引所に12月31日までの2023会計年度に関するAT&T社の年次報告書を提出しました。この報告書には、AT&T Retirement Savings PlanとAT&T Puerto Rico Retirement Savings Planの財務諸表が含まれています。信頼性監査人であるForvis Mazars LLPは、諸表を監査し、米国一般会計原則に準拠し、損益の変化および変動が一般的に受け入れられる会計原則に準拠していることを確認しました。これらの財務諸表によれば、AT&T Retirement Savings Planの資産は2022年の37,578,871ドルから2023年の40,012,012ドルに増加し、AT&T Puerto Rico Retirement Savings Planの資産は2022年の92,339ドルから2023年の96,812ドルに増加しています。報告書にはまた、年度末に保有している資産の補足スケジュールや、プランの投資戦略、貢献度、リスクに関する注記も含まれています。この監査は、Public Company Accounting Oversight Boardの基準に従って実施されました。Forvis Mazars LLPは、2018年以来、プランの監査人を務めています。報告書には、AT&T Services社のシニアバイスプレジデント、最高会計責任者、そしてコントローラであるSabrina Sanders氏の署名がされました(2024年6月24日)。
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