Moomoo AIのまとめ
On June 27, 2024, Allarity Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, announced that it has been granted a hearing before a Nasdaq Hearings Panel to present its plan for regaining compliance with Nasdaq's Listing Rule 5550(a)(2), commonly referred to as the Bid-Price Rule. This rule mandates that a company's stock must maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share for at least 30 consecutive business days. The hearing is a result of a notification of non-compliance received by Allarity, which was previously disclosed in a Form 8-K filed on June 21, 2024. Allarity had already indicated its intention to appeal the determination in its preliminary proxy statement and formally requested a hearing on June 25, 2024. The company is currently preparing for the hearing and will provide updates on the process as they become available. Allarity Therapeutics is focused on the development of stenoparib, a novel PARP/Tankyrase inhibitor, for advanced ovarian cancer patients and utilizes its DRP companion diagnostic for patient selection in its ongoing phase 2 clinical trial.
On June 27, 2024, Allarity Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, announced that it has been granted a hearing before a Nasdaq Hearings Panel to present its plan for regaining compliance with Nasdaq's Listing Rule 5550(a)(2), commonly referred to as the Bid-Price Rule. This rule mandates that a company's stock must maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share for at least 30 consecutive business days. The hearing is a result of a notification of non-compliance received by Allarity, which was previously disclosed in a Form 8-K filed on June 21, 2024. Allarity had already indicated its intention to appeal the determination in its preliminary proxy statement and formally requested a hearing on June 25, 2024. The company is currently preparing for the hearing and will provide updates on the process as they become available. Allarity Therapeutics is focused on the development of stenoparib, a novel PARP/Tankyrase inhibitor, for advanced ovarian cancer patients and utilizes its DRP companion diagnostic for patient selection in its ongoing phase 2 clinical trial.
2024年6月27日、臨床段階のバイオ医薬品会社であるAllarity Therapeutics Inc.は、ナスダックの上場規則5550(a)(2)通称買気配価格規則に対する準拠性の回復計画を提示するために、ナスダック聴聞会の審議申請を受けたことを発表しました。この規則は、企業の株式が少なくとも30営業日にわたって最低1.00ドルの買気配価格を維持する必要があることを定めています。Allarityは、以前に2024年6月21日にフォーム8-Kで開示されていた不準拠通知に対応し、その時点で決定に異議を申し立てる意向をすでに示しており、2024年6月25日に正式に聴聞会を要求しました。同社は現在...すべて展開
2024年6月27日、臨床段階のバイオ医薬品会社であるAllarity Therapeutics Inc.は、ナスダックの上場規則5550(a)(2)通称買気配価格規則に対する準拠性の回復計画を提示するために、ナスダック聴聞会の審議申請を受けたことを発表しました。この規則は、企業の株式が少なくとも30営業日にわたって最低1.00ドルの買気配価格を維持する必要があることを定めています。Allarityは、以前に2024年6月21日にフォーム8-Kで開示されていた不準拠通知に対応し、その時点で決定に異議を申し立てる意向をすでに示しており、2024年6月25日に正式に聴聞会を要求しました。同社は現在、聴聞会に向けて準備を進めており、プロセスの更新情報を提供していきます。Allarity Therapeuticsは、advanced ovarian cancer patientsに対する新しいPARP/Tankyrase inhibitorであるstenoparibの開発に注力し、ongoing phase 2 clinical trialで、患者選択にDRP companion diagnosticを使用しています。