
Cheetah Net Supply Chain Service | 8-K: Current report

Cheetah Net Supply Chain Service | 8-K:臨時報告書

SEC ·  2024/07/13 05:18

Moomoo AIのまとめ

On July 11, 2024, Cheetah Net Supply Chain Service Inc. received a notice from Nasdaq due to its stock price falling below the $1.00 minimum bid requirement for 30 consecutive business days. The company has been granted a 180-day compliance period until January 7, 2025, to regain compliance by maintaining a closing bid price of at least $1.00 for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days.If Cheetah Net fails to meet the requirement within the initial period, it may be eligible for an additional 180-day extension, provided it meets other Nasdaq Capital Market listing standards. The company intends to monitor its stock price and consider options, including a potential reverse stock split, to regain compliance. Failure to meet the requirements within the allotted time could result in delisting from Nasdaq.The notice does not immediately affect Cheetah Net's listing, and its Class A common stock will continue trading under the symbol "CTNT" on The Nasdaq Capital Market, subject to compliance with other listing requirements.
On July 11, 2024, Cheetah Net Supply Chain Service Inc. received a notice from Nasdaq due to its stock price falling below the $1.00 minimum bid requirement for 30 consecutive business days. The company has been granted a 180-day compliance period until January 7, 2025, to regain compliance by maintaining a closing bid price of at least $1.00 for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days.If Cheetah Net fails to meet the requirement within the initial period, it may be eligible for an additional 180-day extension, provided it meets other Nasdaq Capital Market listing standards. The company intends to monitor its stock price and consider options, including a potential reverse stock split, to regain compliance. Failure to meet the requirements within the allotted time could result in delisting from Nasdaq.The notice does not immediately affect Cheetah Net's listing, and its Class A common stock will continue trading under the symbol "CTNT" on The Nasdaq Capital Market, subject to compliance with other listing requirements.
2024年7月11日、Cheetah Net Supply Chain Service Inc.は、株価が30営業日連続で$1.00の最低買気配要件を下回ったため、ナスダックから通知を受けました。同社は、2025年1月7日までの180日間の遵守期限を与えられ、最低10営業日連続で$1.00以上の終値を維持することで、遵守を回復することが求められています。Cheetah Netが初期期間内に要件を満たさない場合、その他のナスダック資本市場の上場基準を満たせば、さらに180日間の延長を受ける資格が得られる可能性があります。同社は株価を監視し、遵守を回復するために逆株式分割の可能性を含むオプションを...すべて展開
2024年7月11日、Cheetah Net Supply Chain Service Inc.は、株価が30営業日連続で$1.00の最低買気配要件を下回ったため、ナスダックから通知を受けました。同社は、2025年1月7日までの180日間の遵守期限を与えられ、最低10営業日連続で$1.00以上の終値を維持することで、遵守を回復することが求められています。Cheetah Netが初期期間内に要件を満たさない場合、その他のナスダック資本市場の上場基準を満たせば、さらに180日間の延長を受ける資格が得られる可能性があります。同社は株価を監視し、遵守を回復するために逆株式分割の可能性を含むオプションを検討する意向です。与えられた時間内に要件を満たさなければ、ナスダックからの上場廃止のリスクがあります。通知はCheetah Netの上場に直ちに影響を及ぼさず、同社のクラスA普通株式は、他の上場要件の遵守条件に従って、ナスダック資本市場で「CTNT」というシンボルで取引を続けます。
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