
Canopy Growth | 8-K: Canopy Growth Reports First Quarter Fiscal Year 2025 Financial Results

キャノピー グロース | 8-K:キャノピー・グロースは、2025会計年度第1四半期の業績を報告します

SEC ·  08/09 07:27
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On August 9, 2024, Canopy Growth Corporation, a leading cannabis company, reported its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, which ended on June 30, 2024. The company announced a 67% increase in gross profit year-over-year, reaching $23 million, despite a 13% decline in consolidated net revenue to $66 million. The improved gross margin, which hit 35%, was attributed to cost reduction actions and a shift towards higher margin medical sales. The operating loss from continuing operations decreased by 47% to $29 million, and the Adjusted EBITDA loss narrowed by 77% to $5 million, reflecting the company's strategic cost management. Canopy Growth also reported a 31% reduction in Cost-of-Goods Sold and a 24% reduction in Selling, General & Administrative expenses compared to the previous year. Cash and short-term...Show More
On August 9, 2024, Canopy Growth Corporation, a leading cannabis company, reported its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, which ended on June 30, 2024. The company announced a 67% increase in gross profit year-over-year, reaching $23 million, despite a 13% decline in consolidated net revenue to $66 million. The improved gross margin, which hit 35%, was attributed to cost reduction actions and a shift towards higher margin medical sales. The operating loss from continuing operations decreased by 47% to $29 million, and the Adjusted EBITDA loss narrowed by 77% to $5 million, reflecting the company's strategic cost management. Canopy Growth also reported a 31% reduction in Cost-of-Goods Sold and a 24% reduction in Selling, General & Administrative expenses compared to the previous year. Cash and short-term investments stood at $195 million as of June 30, 2024. The company highlighted its focus on profitable revenue generation and strategic initiatives leading to improved financial metrics. Canopy Growth's CEO, David Klein, emphasized the strengthening of business fundamentals and the company's positioning for growth in the latter half of fiscal 2025. CFO Judy Hong noted the positive Adjusted EBITDA across all business units and the expectation of consolidated Adjusted EBITDA profitability in the second half of the fiscal year. The company also announced the extension of its senior secured term loan maturity to December 18, 2026, with an option to extend further to September 18, 2027. Canopy Growth's international and product segment performances were mixed, with notable growth in the German medical cannabis market and a decline in Australia following regulatory changes. The company's U.S. entity, Canopy USA, completed acquisitions and expanded product offerings in various states.
2024年8月9日、大麻関連企業のキャノピーグロース社は、2025年度第1四半期(2024年6月30日終了)の財務結果を発表しました。売上高は6600万ドルと前年同期比13%減少しましたが、粗利益は全体で2300万ドルで、前年同期比67%増加しました。粗利率35%の改善は、コスト削減措置と、高いマージンの医療販売へのシフトによるものです。継続する事業からのオペレーティング損失は、前年同期比47%減少し、調整後のEBITDA損失は、77%縮小し、500万ドルとなりました。これは、同社の戦略的なコスト管理によるものです。また、従来比で販売原価を31%削減し、Selling、General&Administrative(SG&A)費用を24%削減しました。2024年6月30日現在、現金及び短期投資は19500万ドルありました。同社は、収益の収益性に焦点を当て、財務指標の改善につながる戦略的イニシアチブを強調しました。キャノピーグロースのCEOであるDavid Kleinは、ビジネスの基礎の強化や後半期の成長に向けた同社のポジショニングを強調しました。CFOであるJudy Hongは、全ビジネスユニットでの良好な調整後EBITDAと、2025年度後半には調整後EBITDAの収益性を期待していることに注目しました。同社はまた、シニアセキュアドローンの繰り延べ償還期限を2026年12月18日まで延長し、2027年9月18日まで延長するオプションを発表しました。キャノピーグロースの国際的および製品セグメントのパフォーマンスはまちまちで、ドイツの医療大麻市場では notableな成長を見せ、オーストラリアでは規制変更に続いて低下しました。同社の米国の子会社であるキャノピーUSAは、各州での買収や製品提供の拡大を完了しました。
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