
Avalo Therapeutics | 8-K: Current report

アヴァロ セラピューティクス | 8-K:臨時報告書

SEC announcement ·  08/14 16:08
Moomoo AIのまとめ
On August 13, 2024, Avalo Therapeutics, Inc. held its annual stockholders meeting where several key proposals were voted upon. The stockholders approved the Fourth Amended and Restated 2016 Equity Incentive Plan, which increases the total number of shares reserved for issuance to 3,548,882, extends the automatic increase in shares through January 1, 2034, and bases the increase on 5% of the outstanding common and Series C Preferred Stock, plus outstanding prefunded warrants as of the end of the previous year. Additionally, the Amended and Restated Employee Stock Purchase Plan was approved, increasing the reserved shares to 234,878 and extending the automatic annual increase with similar terms. The Board had previously approved these plans on June 6, 2024, pending stockholder approval. During the meeting, seven board members were elected to serve until the 2025 Annual Meeting, and the issuance of shares for various purposes including the conversion of Series C Preferred Stock and the exercise of warrants was approved. Stockholders also ratified the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024.
On August 13, 2024, Avalo Therapeutics, Inc. held its annual stockholders meeting where several key proposals were voted upon. The stockholders approved the Fourth Amended and Restated 2016 Equity Incentive Plan, which increases the total number of shares reserved for issuance to 3,548,882, extends the automatic increase in shares through January 1, 2034, and bases the increase on 5% of the outstanding common and Series C Preferred Stock, plus outstanding prefunded warrants as of the end of the previous year. Additionally, the Amended and Restated Employee Stock Purchase Plan was approved, increasing the reserved shares to 234,878 and extending the automatic annual increase with similar terms. The Board had previously approved these plans on June 6, 2024, pending stockholder approval. During the meeting, seven board members were elected to serve until the 2025 Annual Meeting, and the issuance of shares for various purposes including the conversion of Series C Preferred Stock and the exercise of warrants was approved. Stockholders also ratified the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024.
2024年8月13日、Avalo Therapeutics, Inc.は株主総会を開催し、幾つか重要な提案が採決されました。株主は、第四次改正および再編成された2016年株式報酬計画を承認し、発行予定株式総数を3,548,882株まで増やし、株式の自動増加期間を2034年1月1日まで延長し、前年末時点の普通株式およびC種類優先株式の5%に加え、前年末時点の償還準備済ワラントに基づき増加することを決定しました。さらに、改正された従業員株式購入計画も承認され、予約株式数を234,878株に増やし、同様の条件で自動増加するようになりました。取締役会は、株主の承認を待って、これらの計画を2024年6月...すべて展開
2024年8月13日、Avalo Therapeutics, Inc.は株主総会を開催し、幾つか重要な提案が採決されました。株主は、第四次改正および再編成された2016年株式報酬計画を承認し、発行予定株式総数を3,548,882株まで増やし、株式の自動増加期間を2034年1月1日まで延長し、前年末時点の普通株式およびC種類優先株式の5%に加え、前年末時点の償還準備済ワラントに基づき増加することを決定しました。さらに、改正された従業員株式購入計画も承認され、予約株式数を234,878株に増やし、同様の条件で自動増加するようになりました。取締役会は、株主の承認を待って、これらの計画を2024年6月6日に事前承認していました。会議中、7名の取締役が2025年の定時株主総会まで務め、C種類優先株式の換金やワラントの行使に伴う株式発行も承認されました。株主は、2024年12月31日の決算期の独立登録会計士としてErnst & Young LLPの指名を承認しました。
これらの内容は、情報提供及び投資家教育のためのものであり、いかなる個別株や投資方法を推奨するものではありません。 更に詳しい情報